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Simp Chat Berry - 빛베리 [Berry0314 / Lumiere Berry] Discussion

afaik she's not yet gotten a divorce because of the social stigma it carries in korea, right? if so, i don't feel bad for her. because then she's just choosing to stay in a shitty situation because she's worried about what people will think. I'm sure it would be difficult and she'd lose some friends and maybe even family, but that would still be better than being stuck in a pointless marriage. at least then she could truly move on, maybe find someone new
afaik she's not yet gotten a divorce because of the social stigma it carries in korea, right? if so, i don't feel bad for her. because then she's just choosing to stay in a shitty situation because she's worried about what people will think. I'm sure it would be difficult and she'd lose some friends and maybe even family, but that would still be better than being stuck in a pointless marriage. at least then she could truly move on, maybe find someone new
the social stigma thing is way gone people nowadays dont give a fuck the rate of divorces are high in korea. also she came on stream and even told everyone im divorced and i have one kid
I mean if you look like this (pic below) & land a girl like Berry in her prime It makes sense

he looked way better before. there were pics shared long time ago from wedding. he looked like regular k-idol. when he realized that he can live out of berries moneys and do nothing he became like this - looking like a pig.
the social stigma thing is way gone people nowadays dont give a fuck the rate of divorces are high in korea. also she came on stream and even told everyone im divorced and i have one kid
so then she just forgot to change her password or something? how is her xhb getting access? is this some sort of psy-op to generate attention? like every once in a while the crazy ex-husband arc gets brought back again to get more simp donos? or is the just too stupid to know how 2FA + password changes work?
yeah what are the chances that the psycho husband is an hacker. She probably gave him the password for some reason not only to instagram, but twitch, and possibly email. Weird shit going on there, i don't understand why they have to involve the public with it, when the only thing she needs to do for attention is just put on a bikini. And if it wasn't for attention then its just fucking stupid on her part
so then she just forgot to change her password or something? how is her xhb getting access? is this some sort of psy-op to generate attention? like every once in a while the crazy ex-husband arc gets brought back again to get more simp donos? or is the just too stupid to know how 2FA + password changes work?
i know bunch of 20+ year olds that have no clue how to use pc. they dont know what 2FA means and there passwords are something like "password1" many young people are tech stupid and dont even know how to google. i dont think her pc in the studio has a password.
i know bunch of 20+ year olds that have no clue how to use pc. they dont know what 2FA means and there passwords are something like "password1" many young people are tech stupid and dont even know how to google. i dont think her pc in the studio has a password.
he had access to the accounts before getting to her pc. Also the fact that he was able to get into her house means he also had keys to her house, unless he broke in (which i wouldn't exclude at this point)
he looked way better before. there were pics shared long time ago from wedding. he looked like regular k-idol. when he realized that he can live out of berries moneys and do nothing he became like this - looking like a pig.
now im interested to see the before / after lol were these photos posted on her ig?
Yes he had physical access to her streaming setup as evidenced by the PC twitch stream with her OBS layout and the weird photo taken of her clothes on a rack on instagram. A lot of people don't have passwords on their desktop computers or just leave them switched on, and keep in mind that twitch and instagram leave you logged in by default so he wouldn't need to know her password. This happened sometime around her pool DJ set meaning he knew where she would be, how long she would be away and that she would need to leave her phone and keys somewhere because she's wearing a bikini. So basically he most likely stalked her waiting for the right opportunity. Probably triggered by jealousy of her hanging around a bunch of guys lately.

Also here's translated some of the unhinged shit he was posting on her IG. Also some obvious blackmail going on with legal documents.
Yes he had physical access to her streaming setup as evidenced by the PC twitch stream with her OBS layout and the weird photo taken of her clothes on a rack on instagram. A lot of people don't have passwords on their desktop computers or just leave them switched on, and keep in mind that twitch and instagram leave you logged in by default so he wouldn't need to know her password. This happened sometime around her pool DJ set meaning he knew where she would be, how long she would be away and that she would need to leave her phone and keys somewhere because she's wearing a bikini. So basically he most likely stalked her waiting for the right opportunity. Probably triggered by jealousy of her hanging around a bunch of guys lately.

Also here's translated some of the unhinged shit he was posting on her IG. Also some obvious blackmail going on with legal documents.
Surely being married to this deranged autist is way worse of a social stigma than a divorce
He did go to her house but after, the first twitch stream he did had no layout, meaning the didn't do it from her pc. After that he did an instagram stream while driving, and based on the translation in chat, he said he was going to her house and he would stream again later. After a bit he started a twitch stream with her OBS layout, meaning he had access to her pc after. So she probably gave him the passwords + keys to her house.
now im interested to see the before / after lol were these photos posted on her ig?
it was posted in the very very very very first discord. they are gone forever.
he had access to the accounts before getting to her pc. Also the fact that he was able to get into her house means he also had keys to her house, unless he broke in (which i wouldn't exclude at this point)
korean houses dont have keys. they use code locks.

Surely being married to this deranged autist is way worse of a social stigma than a divorce
not an expert but i think in korea and in asia general kid stays with the father after divorce in 99% of the time.
Yes he had physical access to her streaming setup as evidenced by the PC twitch stream with her OBS layout and the weird photo taken of her clothes on a rack on instagram. A lot of people don't have passwords on their desktop computers or just leave them switched on, and keep in mind that twitch and instagram leave you logged in by default so he wouldn't need to know her password. This happened sometime around her pool DJ set meaning he knew where she would be, how long she would be away and that she would need to leave her phone and keys somewhere because she's wearing a bikini. So basically he most likely stalked her waiting for the right opportunity. Probably triggered by jealousy of her hanging around a bunch of guys lately.

Also here's translated some of the unhinged shit he was posting on her IG. Also some obvious blackmail going on with legal documents.
yea that's plausible. + streamers have many phones and use same apps on every phone. get one and you have access to everything.
He did go to her house but after, the first twitch stream he did had no layout, meaning the didn't do it from her pc. After that he did an instagram stream while driving, and based on the translation in chat, he said he was going to her house and he would stream again later. After a bit he started a twitch stream with her OBS layout, meaning he had access to her pc after. So she probably gave him the passwords + keys to her house.
Maybe but if he already stole her keys he can come and go as he pleases especially since if she has any common sense she will stay with friends or family for a while. And if her account is left signed in he can change her password to whatever he wants and login elsewhere. Of course he could be going down the blackmail route as hinted in one of the IG posts.

yea that's plausible. + streamers have many phones and use same apps on every phone. get one and you have access to everything.
Exactly plus she's been doing a lot of IRL streams lately on her phone which would be linked to her twitch and IG.
Maybe but if he already stole her keys he can come and go as he pleases especially since if she has any common sense she will stay with friends or family for a while. And if her account is left signed in he can change her password to whatever he wants and login elsewhere. Of course he could be going down the blackmail route as hinted in one of the IG posts.

Exactly plus she's been doing a lot of IRL streams lately on her phone which would be linked to her twitch and IG.
From the insta stream it looked like a really long distance, like 40 min drive to her house, but you do have a point, he could have gotten in when she was doing the dj show. Still why the fuck would she give him keys to her house, seems stupid to me, cause realistically how would he steal the keys from her without berry noticing.
From the insta stream it looked like a really long distance, like 40 min drive to her house, but you do have a point, he could have gotten in when she was doing the dj show. Still why the fuck would she give him keys to her house, seems stupid to me, cause realistically how would he steal the keys from her without berry noticing.
They mostly use smart locks in Korea, so there's a bunch of ways he could've gotten the passcode, if not from Berry herself then from their kid, someone in her family, etc..
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