Simp Chat Bebahan - Discussion Thread

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Dec 10, 2022
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My last big text about this subject...

I don't want to police anyone, i simply counter what some people say that i know it's not true and/or have more insight than some people (like you, since you just said you don't watch any of the streams and i watch a lot). It's more a feeling that some people want to police me, or "simp police" me, they might think it's cooler that way, but i just pointed out that we are all here either for leaks or discussing, but either you follow the unwritten "rule" of "if you're on here you have to talk shit about someone or then you're labeled of a "simp" and don't dare to have empathy by an "OF girl" specially when it's one that doesn't want to get naked".

I just don't feel ok with reading falacies when i know it's incorrect, i don't give a damn to be called simp, specially because i don't feel i'm one, i'm just a watcher of her streams, i don't waste money in TTS her with love letters like a lot of them do, i don't have delusions of have a "chance" by someone that's in another freaking continent and that most view their viewers as not people they would be interested in anyway.

I just use my free speech when i see that some false statments based supposedly in things she says or do, when she doesn't. And once i called out someone that was saying something like "let's boycott her OF until she gets naked", like...what? Does this even make sense? It's on the verge of bullying. People can brag as much as they want about not having the content they wish, but no one can't force/pressure someone doing what they don't want to do, so there's only two options: if subbed and unsatisfied with the content, stop sub; if not even sub, be happy with some other person get to everone. Surprisingly, the people that brag the most aren't even subbed, for the look of it, and by always bragging about it, they maybe will make the very few people around forums, that are subbed to her content, give up of doing so.

P.S.: Usually the content come from other guy from other place and it seems he just prints the images because you can see the arrows in them (of swiping to the next photo, if her posts come in a pack of pics and not a single pic), and that already makes the quality of the photo worse, just look at the ones from Rizz, with better quality. Still, let me extend the olive branch to the unhappy people: i also think she should make a better less misleading description, seems it's making her more harm than good...and the price, probably she inflated it by being a somewhat known streamer, but who wouldn't try the same in her place? Again, who is not happy with her content, aren't forced to remain subbed.
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Bathwater Drinker
May 6, 2023
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Honest to God man do you like the sound of your own voice ?? Christ!!! U are like the bebahan simp police everytime U get on here.

It's a discussion page we are on and people have their own opinions!!! Jesus christ everytime someone says something bad about Hannah u get on the snowflake defence. If u can't hack people's opinions than simply get off this page!! It's that simple


Dec 10, 2022
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Seems like you didn't pay attention to what i said, i made the clear distinction between, "not minding opinions" and "come fowards when i hear something that is just false". And when was about opinions i also only say mines, just an example: if some say "she should get naked", did i ever went and said: "how you dare! She is in OF, but don't you dare to ask her to do that!" Did i? No. Just my inside info and i use to say: "due to x, y, z, highly unlikely what you are asking for".
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Dec 10, 2022
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When i attacked someone in the level of: "don't tell here that you want to watch her naked on OF! I will fight for the honor of my princess!" Be my guest, really. I only always mentioned (and if i passed the wrong idea, i guess...sorry for that?) that for all the "knowledge" of being around her streams for long and listening this subject dozens of times on her streams by her, i said it's pretty much unlikely she doing that. No more, no less. But coming here to just rant about people asking for nudes, etc.? I couldn't have nothing better to do with my time...unlikely some other people, if i had contact with her, i wouldn't try to "soft" the reality for her, she pretty much knew what type of comments on her page would happen or the "talks" around the internet that would come with it when she went OF...imagine, unlike some of her most "loyal viewers", going after people on the internet just because they say horny comments for someone that has an OF page...pointless.


Mar 12, 2022
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She'll never get naked.
Tomorrow if she goes naked then what'll be the point of countless she will never do this and that?

Then what? "she will never do b/g"?, if she did it then what "she will never do dp" ?
Where does the "she will never do this/that" headed?
Just like people may want more if she start doing nudes then they want bg, etc. You are on the other side of it defending it. That's why we are not on the same boat.

Even if she explicitly put in her description as "no nude only occasional recycled dusty pictures", she is
still subject to questioning/criticism as she is on OF.

Its like you can go watch a movie but don't you dare talk about it afterwards, no ratings, no criticisms.
Nobody forced you to watch the movie so either don't go to watch it, if you do then shut the hell up.
And if you watch pirated version, then you better have no opinion.

Just like nobody is force to sub to her, she is also not forced/bullied by someone saying lets stop paying for
her content. Guess Netflix been bullied this whole time and its the people that are boycotting it are the
problem. Maybe take some time off the internet if you count that as forcing a woman.

Next make this thread "only people that sub to her" can access discussion thread, seems like the ideal solution, doesn't it?
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Dec 10, 2022
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When i said "same boat" is that no one should feel entitled to say "you are simp, and i'm not, because you say she will not get naked and i'm not simp because i'm saying i want to see her naked", because for different reasons, can then we considered everyone here a bit simp? Or only those that wish so much to see her naked are less simp than those who say she will not? It's not me to judge who is a simp or who isn't, be what you want, but starting with "let's boycott her OF to make her go naked", does this feel right?

And it's not the same as bragging to Netflix services, we are talking about a person, which, despite being on OF and i couldn't care less if here or in her OF is full of horny comments demanding nudes (most likely it's the case). I never fought for the "my lady" about comments like that it's one of the consequences she would had to deal with and must likely was aware of it if she went OF.

What i pointed out, is that criticizing her just for not getting naked because she's on OF is one of those fallacies i mentioned: it's not because someone is on OF and still being for the most part a porn website, that everyone needs to get naked and do porn, and it's not like there's a portion of the OF profiles that do pretty much the lewd/non-nude content she does.

I don't care if people are unhappy if she doesn't get naked or dislike the content she does and complain about it, it's their right to express disatisfaction, but people just raised pitchforks towards me specially and since someone said to "let's make a group boycott to her OF to pressure her in going naked", so...pitchforks why? Can't we agree that was a "little bit" too much? Feels like to me that people just assume that for someone being on OF, they have the right to demand someone do certain things they don't want to do, because "they are on OF and so, all have the duty to turn into porn actresses".


Mar 12, 2022
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People are not entitled to say who is a simp or not but you are entitled to say she does not owe them shit and she is entitled to not put a clear description.
Maybe take some time and reread some of your comments then you might understand why they are calling you a simp. And I would say its more of a white knight behavior than simping.

And on one hand you acknowledge "the price, probably she inflated it by being a somewhat known streamer, but who wouldn't try the same in her place" but then cannot understand "let's boycott her OF to make her go naked"?

If you are here to lecture people about morality while she makes bank by selling herself online, I don't know what you are defending.


Dec 10, 2022
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I'm saying that if i was in her place, i might put 12 bucks instead of 5 as well, since i would be somewhat a known person and that is pure capitalism strategy, stuff that are more seek/valuable raises the price, although, tbh, if she was one of top streamers who knows if she would be bold enough to even put a higher price. Other thing is people want to come up with some scheme to pressure someone in doing something they don't want and don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that like she as freedom to put the price she want in her photos, the subs are also free to agree with paying that sum or disagree and unsub, but coming up with some plan to try somehow pressure a person, doesn't sound ethical.

It's just a bit odd...idk if some people that came with that stratospheric idea (which hardly would come to fruition, let's be real), are simply way too into this girl to even want to bully the way out that in their conceptualized idea, would make her go naked, but the truth is, is somewhat of a phenomena, at least the other girls i follow that do similar content, i don't see people thinking this stuff or even getting mad for them not pulling nudes. As an example, i can give you, i follow a girl that is not even on streams, it's quite "unkown" and the price tag for OF is 9.99 (not so different than Bebahan) and even has Fansly for also 9.99, so, she might even do almost the double of what Bebahan does if she can make the same people sub to both platforms, which would make 18 bucks.

Edit: i just remember, as a matter of fact, her Patreon is even more expensive, i would say that maybe she wasn't thinking in going OF before and so it pulled a higher price for Patreon stuff, with 3 different tiers, last time i checked was 7 bucks, 14 bucks, 29 bucks, respectively. So, i guess it's also a bit of unfair judgement that we say that 12 bucks is that much comparatively...which makes one think that she didn't put a fee so higher than in Patreon because she knew she wasn't going to deliver nudes and conscious enough that people wouldn't pay so much for only lewds, also to add in her favor, she rarely do PPV's and it's just 5-6 bucks for the info i got, again the low price and rarity might be because she also doesn't do nudes on ppv's and knew it would be fair to charge way too much for a couple of photos that might show more implied nudity than her wall photos. So, apart from a misleading description, i give her a break the way she prices her OF and the rarity and low price on PPV's.
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Mar 12, 2022
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She has a freedom to put price as high as she wants but people also has freedom to complain it is not worth the price.

And regarding "coming up with some plan to try somehow pressure a person, doesn't sound ethical" but selling yourself online is?
"Lets not buy this product so that they will reduce price or improve quality". This is the fundamental in each and every business but it should not apply on OF?

And the "somehow pressure" is your perspective on it. There is no pressuring. How is it a pressure? Because she is not making money if they don't sub? So she might get railed by 10 guys tomorrow on camera because she was pressured? Or was she the type of person that is willing to get railed by 10 guys for money?

When you used terms like she was pressured/forced into doing this and that, all you are doing is how these same women do not want to take accountability and blame others for their actions.

And you are right her patreon is even expensive and even more garbage, hence not worth the money, hence people complain. Hence people say lets not sub so that the content improves. Some might just want the improvement as nudes, some might be happy with some videos, some might want to see her get railed and that's all ok.


Dec 10, 2022
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That is the difference when i say that i have some "knowledge" compared to those that don't watch her streams like you said you don't. I know she feels pressure because sometimes appears a guy asking for nudes and she said she was not going to do that and sometimes she started to cry about it (let's skip the "but some said no and they ended up doing", fine, i know, but i have to go with premisses i have now, not with "what if's", to conclude with A or B).

I'm not saying that if putting pressure on someone will make the person do something, even less that the person can leap any sort of personal accountability that they should have. No one forced her to go OF, it was her decision. But a lot of girls fall on the "OnlyFans social pressure", it's a matter to how and if said girl will or will not be influenced by that, but to completely deny that everyone of us can't be influenced at some degree to the enviroment that we are in, being shaped by it, it's not true. But if a person let being influenced by those factors, is up to the personality and character of the person, i would say.

Also, if people say "let's not sub so the content can improve" is a way of trying to influence the person to change something...but let's face this case, what some want isn't just little you said, some want nudes...others want videos...which "videos" would make sense for OF? Her touching herself or sucking some dildo? And some would want some b/g video...all these options would basically put her in the field of pornography...

All of that, is not asking for "just some small improvements", there's some that want her to change her stance, point of view, redlines, values, whatever the name you want to give and taking into account that she did set that limit, makes it way more into not respecting her bondaries for the sake of some selfish hedonistic desires, which putting in other words, basically "i'm into this girl...but this pics don't fulfil me anymore, i want more hardcore stuff to beat my salami".

It's not that only because she's on OF, that people can demand "everything goes", because "she is selling her body"...which is also a bit of a stretch...she's not doing porn, (either solo or with someone) so she is not into prostitution, so not exactly "selling her body", but for some only lewds are enough to categorize as that, fine, i will not argue, it's personal opinions, but then, we would have to tell that the Angels from Victoria Secrets are also selling their bodies...Bebahan and other girls in the same situation are just "screwed" by doing what they do, but that being on OnlyFans and all the stigma that comes from it, if they were in some model agency, probably we wouldn't have this discussion.


Mar 12, 2022
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"I know she feels pressure because sometimes appears a guy asking for nudes and she said she was not going to do that and sometimes she started to cry about it."
Just hear yourself.

"all these options would basically put her in the field of pornography"
She already is doing porn. And she is a modern day digital prostitute who sells herself "online" so that men can whack off to her.

And "if people say "let's not sub so the content can improve" is a way of trying to influence"
Yes influence, not force her.

Maybe take a break from watching her, that may clear your mind.


Apr 20, 2022
And she even chose to do it twice as she had the patreon and OF earlier where she got the same questions. This is how she cries

face crying GIF


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
Someone kindly pointed this out to me because I normally just skip this and don't read it. But here's a little longer for this ungrateful runt.

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Respect? You talking about Respect? I took the trouble and went back a few pages. YOU have never liked any post! EVER! And not just here, but in no other place with your other aliases you use. Exactly you, who never has a hint of gratitude and respect for anyone here on this forum, talking about Respect? You, who don't want to give a single like to honor the effort from a Leaker? You talk about respect?

How do you show your respect? Explain it to all of us here, I would love to hear it even if it becomes a whole essay again, I will read it. But I guess you won't go into that because you don't respect or value anyone here. You just sit there, play the simp cop who has to defend his queen, wants to tell everyone what to say or think, gets everything for free and gives absolutely nothing in return, not even a simple like.

"someone is putting the content for us". But not you, you never, ever contributed anything anywhere, except playing the white knight, attacking anyone who even tries to say something negative about your queen and playing the simp police about what people should or should not think and talk about.
You are hypocritical just like Bebahan. Instead of giving her a break, like you always tend to say, you should give yourself a break and stfu on this forum, let people talk whatever they want.

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I have no idea what screenshots you're talking about that I should post. If you don't like the quality because it sucks, then complain to Bebahan for posting shitty quality (and pictures). Also, arrows on the pictures? Where do you see arrows in the pictures? You're not entirely in your right mind, aren't you?

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Interesting that you use these words. That's exactly what her white knights and defender of her honor use on her OnlyFans Comments section, as soon as someone shows even a hint of dissatisfaction: "If you don't like it, then leave"
You have to ask yourself, what are you doing here then? You want to put down people who are dissatisfied with her scam, try to finish everyone off with your wall of text, ruin everyone's mood, get people to stop asking for nude photos on a LEAKING FORUM, get people to stop saying anything bad about her, stop people from subbing, stop people to talk on a discussion threat? WTF IS YOUR GOAL?