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Simp Chat Ashton Birdie - Discussion Thread

20% used to be the most she would take off, then 30, then 50, now 70. Can’t wait until she gets desperate and drops it down to a free trial after that is when the tits will probably come out.

She deserves all the despair she has coming.
Wholesale whoring is bad enough. But with that amount of liquidation her pussy is about to have a going out of Buisness sale.
Am I seeing things well? Is the tops of both her areola visible in the image you posted?

Also, you should be posting that and your other photos her main thread.
Am I seeing things well? Is the tops of both her areola visible in the image you posted?

Also, you should be posting that and your other photos her main thread.
No areolas friend. Also that’s the only pic I have. It was on insta. I posted here to comment on her getting desperate. Also, I didn’t want to shit up the content thread with a 1 image post.
She can’t comment on politics because she’s too busy talking about how much she’s not like other girls. She likes horror movies, cosplay, anime, and video games. She’s bisexual and completely unique :KEKWlaugh:
I can understand not liking the fact that she overcharges for pictures and wanting to see more from her, but it just seems like you come here to trash talk. That’s not going to get her to do more. And honestly, the obsession is a little odd. I’m here for sexy photos not drama.
I can understand not liking the fact that she overcharges for pictures and wanting to see more from her, but it just seems like you come here to trash talk. That’s not going to get her to do more. And honestly, the obsession is a little odd. I’m here for sexy photos not drama.
True I hate this bitch with a passion. Sorry if I’m coming off too hot. But what she did to my friend was bullshit. I posted about it here but he asked me to remove the posts because he was worried about getting doxxed. Maybe one of the other posters who was here at that time can vouch for just how fucked up what she did was.

If some internet whore nearly drove one of your close friends off the deep end you would be pissed too.

Edit: I should point out it’s not just about overcharging for pics. He was one of the guys she used the sweet talk “girlfriend experience” to drain his bank account. Since it happed I’ve learned there’s at least two others she screwed.
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True I hate this bitch with a passion. Sorry if I’m coming off too hot. But what she did to my friend was bullshit. I posted about it here but he asked me to remove the posts because he was worried about getting doxxed. Maybe one of the other posters who was here at that time can vouch for just how fucked up what she did was.

If some internet whore nearly drove one of your close friends of the deep end you would be pissed too.
I read what happened. If he was in a tight spot financially why was he sending money to girls online? I’m not saying what she did was okay but it doesn’t make much sense. Like why would someone do that to himself? She’s an onlyfans thot. It’s a business. If someone spends their last dollar on candy the store isn’t going to not sell them a product.
If someone spends their last dollar on candy the store isn’t going to not sell them a product.
A candy store doesn’t sweet talk you on social media and use shared personal tragedies to feign a personal care for you.

saying if you pay an exorbitant amount so the shop can stop its other candy projects and focus solely on helping you is not something a candy shop would do.

I ‘m going to stop before I say too much.
A candy store doesn’t sweet talk you on social media and use shared personal tragedies to feign a personal care for you.

saying if you pay an exorbitant amount so the shop can stop its other candy projects and focus solely on helping you is not something a candy shop would do.

I ‘m going to stop before I say too much.
I got a message about the girlfriend experience. I think it was one of the mass messages she sent out to everyone. I don’t think it was targeted. I asked her what the difference was between that and a sexting session and I guess it was non sexual version. Some guys like that I guess. Wasn’t my kind of thing so I just didn’t do it.
I got a message about the girlfriend experience. I think it was one of the mass messages she sent out to everyone. I don’t think it was targeted. I asked her what the difference was between that and a sexting session and I guess it was non sexual version. Some guys like that I guess. Wasn’t my kind of thing so I just didn’t do it.
Last thing I’ll say about my friend. His experience, like the others I found out about, started through social media and not through onlyfans.
Last thing I’ll say about my friend. His experience, like the others I found out about, started through social media and not through onlyfans.

What I'll say isn't specific to your friend, but men and women in general. Women are evolutionarily perfected at having the wiles to get a man to give them his resources. A man is given very little natural ability to resist it, but resist he must.
What I'll say isn't specific to your friend, but men and women in general. Women are evolutionarily perfected at having the wiles to get a man to give them his resources. A man is given very little natural ability to resist it, but resist he must.
Nah it’s specific to him. He’s a great guy but a pretty face turns him into a moron. It doesn’t help that he’s socially awkward and desperate for female attention.

I like to study sexual dynamics and you’re right. Men’s survival is based on violence and a woman’s is based on deceit, to put it bluntly.
What I'll say isn't specific to your friend, but men and women in general. Women are evolutionarily perfected at having the wiles to get a man to give them his resources. A man is given very little natural ability to resist it, but resist he must.
Exactly, if you’re in a tight spot financially why are you giving money to people online?
Exactly, if you’re in a tight spot financially why are you giving money to people online?
It was stupid, he knows it was stupid I made sure to yell that at him while I wrote a check.

The drunk driver is at fault but so would be a person who knowingly gave the drunk car keys and sent him in his way.

My friend was a fucking dumbass, but Ashton was a predator. She should not be absolved.
It was stupid, he knows it was stupid I made sure to yell that at him while I wrote a check.

The drunk driver is at fault but so would be a person who knowingly gave the drunk car keys and sent him in his way.

My friend was a fucking dumbass, but Ashton was a predator. She should not be absolved.
Help your friend get laid please. He needs it.
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