Simp Chat Emiru Schizoposting/Simp Chat

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Tier 3 Sub
Oct 26, 2022
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never understood the hate for him either. yea his jealousy seems toxic but other than that they seem supportive of each other and he's a funny guy imo. but maybe i'm just not deep enough in the lore.

but on another note. didn't dantes get the message on not talking about the relationship or is there any beef going on?:


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 18, 2021
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Don't care who Emi is fucking. She seems happy with Miz.

But as someone watching these girls on Twitch, Miz is just a herpes that attaches itself to cute asians on Twitch and won't stop appearing every time a new one pops up. He's in the pool of extremely annoying big names with QxC, Mitch Jones, Train, Aiden, Hasan who just never shut the fuck up and need to be involved in everything, difference is, I don't put on a Stream with Emi or Maya or Emily and ever have to see most of those people usually. Miz is the only one.

But one day he will leak Emi nudes by accident and all will be forgiven. :peepoBless:


Apr 14, 2022
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His jokes are also so repetitive. It was obvious from the moment he walked into the kitchen yesterday that he would steal at least one of the girls burgers and walk away because that's what he always does. He takes random stuff and food from people and pretends to walk away with it which was funny for the first 2 times but now it's just so shitty. His humor is also mean spirited which is fine when it's against his friends but he's just mean to Knut's daughter and has said multiple times that she's weird and just follows Emi around, which is horrible because she's just 12 and looks up to her.

He's also a huge dick to any girl that simply talks to Emi and acts like every last one of them is going to take her away from him, which is ironic because he got far more popular by having random girls on his stream... I'm sure if Emi was more outgoing he'd make her stay home a lot or want to know where she is at all times.


Tier 2 Sub
Jul 30, 2022
Months ago I went touch grass and I see that those 2 are still together... I hope they break up soon so that their coomer simps are happy and stop being so insufferable with miz and their relationship..hope that Emiru's next boyfriend is a niga 😈 so that simps become more disturbed than they currently are :Pog:

fking coomer simps and his queen


Tier 1 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
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I agree, at first you think he's funny but he keeps saying the same shit and autopilots the same phrases. Watch any conversation with new person and you've seen all.
He puts zero effort into his streams and is embarrassingly unprepared. He couldn't even pronounce half of the questions in Schooled that other people prepare for him. He just wakes up 5 minutes before the stream and does what his people prepared for him.
Also the layer where you think he's just rude to be funny is getting annoying quick. And if you've seen a rumble stream you know that layer is not even real and he is rude as fuck and money hungry.

Nothing of this has to do with Emi and I wouldn't care if she was Simplys or even Russels GF, miz is just a bitch


Mar 13, 2022
have valid reasons to dislike Miz, like him being objectively rude and annoying = ur a triggered schizo who is getting his gf simulation ruined :LULW: ... like no mfs he is just a dislikable and annoying piece of shit, I don't want to see him on stream when I watch Emi's stream if I wanted to watch him I would watch his stream, what's so hard to understand about that? It's so dumb how Alykitty_ and the mizkids pretty much want to force you to like that cringe fuck, like the previous poster said, it has nothing to do with Emi or if he's with her or not, he's just an annoying piece of shit, if he wasn't most people wouldn't give a fuck if he showed up. Sure maybe a small amount of people dislike him because he's with Emi but it's pretty obvious that most people who dislike him, dislike him because of valid reasons like his piece of shit "act" that isn't even an act. How are mizkids so braindead to not understand that. bUt TrUsT Me ItS jUsT aN aCt hEs AcTuAlLy A gOoD pErSoN.


Jan 30, 2024
Has anyone watched a single episode from the steak and eggs patreon? And can someone tell us if it's interesting
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