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Simp Chat FrivolousFox ASMR - Discussion Thread


Tier 2 Sub
Apr 14, 2023
I know from the conversation that I just read that there are a bunch of people that have never uttered the phrase "that's enough internet for me today".

You're overthinking it to the point of letting your obsession be dangerous to your wellbeing - the phenomenon of being attached to someone is nothing new, it happens all the time with film stars and playboy models in the past; that's the essence of para social feelings, but it's important to be able to determine and separate reality from fantasy.


Diamond Tier
Oct 31, 2022
Y'all remember that guy that became infatuated with Jodie Foster and tried to kill the president to prove his love for her...thats how these things can end up.
To be honest I'm not even sure if all this wasn't one guy trolling the other. If it is all genuine then there is at least 2 of you who have a lot of work to do


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 15, 2022


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
Geez man every stream has been wet dog shit for like the past 2 years, I'm honestly kind of irritated. I'm sick of these boring ass games she plays and the lame ass Asmr streams that her TikTok bots watch or the sob streams where she wants people to feel bad for her. Bring back the JustDance and Wii streams! even some IRL streams would be a nice change, like the skating one she did a while back or cook streams, hell even if the food looks ass.

Then maybe she'd have an actual audience of people watching because her shit has been formulaic garbage for so long I'm not sure how even her OG die hards have stuck through this mess for so long! I'd rather watch paint dry then watch a Frivvifox Stream at this point.

Shits so depressing how downhill she went mentally, she used to actually have charisma and energy to get people interested and having fun hanging out in chat, now she is so fucking glum, morose and sulky I cant even stand to hear her speak. She's done so little eventful things even this forum has run dry of her content and this thread is basically dying.

Man I wish I had a time machine and could go back to the golden era :PepeWhy:


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
You know I just scrubbed past the last part of the latest stream and usually I would be mad to see Tyler in the video because I could care less to be cock blocked and I used to hate his fucking guts. But now I actually gained some respect for this cat, he came back even after she flamed his ass on the internet in front of millions but still he's keeping her together as best as he can because she'd be a mental wreck! If he bounced for good in the breakup.

Its nice seeing her having someone to smile with and eat meals with, I don't want to see her be miserable and alone. But at the same time I kind of feel bad for the dude because watching over Lauren must be no easy task with the mental issues she suffers. I'd recon it must be like watching over a child who has mental fits every so often, also looks like he cooks for them both and probably does a bunch of other task shes too lazy to do, so for that respect to you soldier.

Hopefully the sex makes up for being trapped in the relationship :KEKWlaugh:
Last edited:
Mar 4, 2024
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Haha nice to see you again, Sage. I’ve been feeling more at peace these last few weeks, let me tell ya.

If I had to guess what exactly happened to Frivvi, I'm sure there's parts of the story we'll never get to fully know. There started to be a noticeable decline after maybe 2019? I think she might have been in Southern California until she moved to Colorado in 2021; all of those meet-and-greets, livestreams, collabs with other popular asmrtists, quickly disappeared, either because she felt the need to distance herself from where she grew up, or maybe all of those people become disillusioned with her personality, and while they still maintain professional friendliness, nobody really wants to interact with Frivvi anymore. I'm sure Frivvi does not actively pursue collabs or high-quality activities for streams, either. I'm sure she made most of her money already and is just cozying up with a man who's willing to put up with her.

Mentally, I also think she's drained. The past ten years have not been kind to her. If I had to guess, she was probably very close with her family before she started to platform herself publicly as a coping mechanism for the accident. There's a lot of Facebook history prior to the accident that shows she had a far more social and active relation with the family - but if you look at her sister's wedding photos from a few years ago Lauren is nowhere to be seen. I think she comes from a lot of conservative folks, so she probably carries resentment there and feels the need to be farther away. Physically, she also mentions having hormonal issues, losing hair and who knows what else. And approaching 30 with no foreseeable trajectory beyond this ASMR channel, despite being generally well off, probably scares her to just being a bore and lounging around the house all day. I don't even think she does soccer anymore because all of that drama she talked about.

Look at how Gibi and Glow are doing too. Gibi seems okay, I mean she's so corporate it's hard to really know what's going on, but we know she's "trying" for a baby. And Glow's neuroticism with her writing career that she probably knows won't go anywhere, and that awful kids channel. I mean, we should just be happy Frivvi is still willing to cater to her audience, even though the spirit from her early 20s is mostly gone. I tend to believe women hit a "wall" in the 30s that resembles a man's "midlife crisis" in the 50s. That's why depression rates for women are the highest in modern history - because child making has become too costly and difficult.

To be completely honest, I don't think it's as dramatic of a decline as you make it out to be. I think she's always been a sad girl, who has to face the cruel reality of once being that glowing sunshine of youth that she was growing up, being torn away from her as her lesbian experiment came to a tragic end. Even on early streams, she had so much energy and "frivolous" nature, because she knew looking inside of herself would be painful. And all of those early watchers and fans, enabled her to carry these delusional behaviors. And now, as a woman almost thirty who has even called herself "washed up" in a video, she'd much prefer to just be a cat lady with a codependent husband. Tyler doesn't seem like a super interesting or dynamic guy either, I'm sure that's for a reason. He lets Frivvi mess with him and he probably secretly enjoys it, too.

At the end of the day, Frivvi's sad life is her fault. All of the fans and enablers allowed it to persist, but as she continues to get older and older, and her fanbase shrinks and shrinks...she'll slowly fade away from the digital world for one reason or another. And we will all move on to the next softcore phenom.

It was a good run. Young Frivvi was a beautiful sight to behold. What a shame.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
I feel like a lot of these ASMR girls have codependent husbands with cats and become cat ladies as well. And I feel that a lot of their success is mostly based on their physical appearance and how they present themselves to the asmr audience/community. And I believe you're right that as these young ASMR girls are at their peak/prime in their 20s, sometime in their 30s they are going to hit a wall and as they get older and older and their fanbase loses interest and shrinks and shrinks. They'll become irrelevant over time and slowly and quietly fade away from the online world and perhaps that will be when they mature and have kids of their own. Just my take peeps don't throw stones at me okay lol
Mar 4, 2024
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It's all about "adapt or die", my friend. Some asmrtist women getting up there in age do it better than others, LMAO. I guess that Northwestern education really did help Gibi after all. Frivvi and Glow on the other hand are really struggling with learning how to take "no" for an answer, they are obsessed about being looked upon favorably by the public, even if they try to deny it during some of their "episodes", for lack of a better word.

I always think about some of these popular Male Asmrtists (JoJo ASMR comes to mind) whose production value is extremely good. He probably puts a lot of effort into his videos because he knows he actually has to try to build a respectable audience. On the other hand, Frivvi's most popular videos often have amateur video quality and are the ones where she portrays herself as a sweet schoolgirl.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole asmr circle is toxic: full of happy-go-lucky cheerleaders ( a lot of socially rejected women and feminine men, tbh) who get off on being loyal followers of this niche genre, going against people like us who unabatedly coom and simp and can actually recognize these women as being of far less substance than they make themselves to be. I mean, Glow is obsessed over Brandon Sanderson, for God's sake. One of the blandest fantasy writers out there meant for people who want to think they actually enjoy reading "fantasy" books.

Anyway, I'm off my rocker again. But the point I'm trying to make is, Frivvi was never built to last, like an industrial Gibi who probably takes time to make a good product and has good connections with editors. What's sad about it is...there's probably never going to be another wave of cute asmrtists from the mid 2010s ever again. I want to reiterate that Frivvi at her prime was a really pretty and invigorating experience. She was like the girl we all fantasized about introducing to our mother, and going out with on chic dinner dates and afternoon walks at the park.

But it's over now. We still have good coom material, thank God, but this thread is going to die soon, unless there's crazy people like me to post comments on it. LOL


Oct 14, 2023
To turn this thread away from its parasocial crazy path, how would you rate Frivi as an actual ASMRist? Cause to be honest, I never really found her that great. Maybe cause I like tapping, but I never really found her relaxing and she has never been one of my go to ASMR people. I feel like she is way better with the more sexual stuff. Like if I wanted to pick a girl I want to stare at while she sucks a candy cane like a dick, I am picking Frivi. But if I want tingles and relaxation, I am avoiding her.


Bathwater Drinker
Feb 5, 2023
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I generally quite like her stuff; it's certainly not all for me, and isn't something I'm into all the time, but she's 1 of 4 or so people who I actually enjoy in non-sexual contexts.

I utterly despise tapping, role plays, etc. though, so she fits in quite well.