Simp Chat FrivolousFox ASMR - Discussion Thread


Nov 13, 2022
I'll go beyond and say that it doesn't matter if it was a guy or a girl who said it. She makes fun of herself, her nose and her lower crooked tooth because she wants to pass as the cool girl who can take a joke, and she does that because she has a safety net that will always tell her that it's ok, that she's beautiful the way she is, etc. Personally, I find her gorgeous and her nose unique. But if she turns apeshit if some troll criticizes her, that tells me that she doesn't truly accept herself the way she is, and that her persona of taking a joke is fake. Maybe someday she will understand this: there are people who already find her pretty, and some who doesn't. Should she choose to have a rhinoplasty, there will be AGAIN people who will find her pretty, and people who won't. She will never please everyone, but the only thing that matters should be pleasing herself. If she understands that, maybe she won't need her safety net anymore. Anyway, I'm talking too much about someone who doesn't even know I exist. But then again, i'm having a brute diarrhea here.
Mar 4, 2024
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Yeah, I’m a sucker for her broken nose and snaggletooth, too. But she does look so much better in frontal view - not the side. There’s a throwback, “girl next door” vibe she impresses upon me that makes her feel less like an auto-generated white girl. Maybe it’s the mixed blood, I don’t know. But I admit she was better a few years ago, she settled in too much with a millennial “love yourself” shtick that’s kind of cringe now. And though I can’t tell completely, she seems to be using more makeup now and her cheeks used to be fuller then. Her mental problems aside, I can’t help but feel a little sad about it. I’m sure there’s still a poor girl inside of there.

I honestly think the behavior is performative, deep down she knows most people think she’s pretty. I think it’s just common for these girls to react more than necessary when a guy says something, because it gives them a sense of control. Frivvi has more than enough control in her life than most people by having an acquiescing boyfriend and a simp army. Her ego is just so unstable and neurotic, maybe because she had a hard time feeling included growing up. She was the youngest child so maybe she was spoiled, but as she got older and went into that whole phase with Tori, maybe she got more pushback from her family than expected and didn’t know how to emotionally handle it. This probably led to struggles of self-affirmation down the road, along with all of her public emotional episodes now.

A great example of this behavior that someone called out on her Twitch Chat was when she said she was procrastinating on therapy homework, which was writing a letter to her old self. The guy said something like, “It’s easier to start writing than overthink and never do it” and Frivvi just kind of shrugged it off. A part of her likes where she is mentally, and I’m sure this performative self-guilt she keeps is to justify this “woe is me” persona that she knows people will fall for and shower empathy with.


Tier 3 Sub
Apr 14, 2023
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I call it moth syndrome. I have learned through trial and error the truth and meaning of the phrase "never stick your dick in crazy" - and let's face it, with women crazy is a literal fucking minefield. But then you have the ones that burn brighter than a thousand suns, that are nuttier than a PBand J sandwich, as unstable as a sack full of cats and that primeval part of us as men just want to reach out and touch knowing that if you ever did, the scars would be deep, long lasting and completely your own fault for not listening to your god damned brain as it warned you while you walked closer to that 5 foot 4 bundle of confusion and chaos.


excuse me. I have to go call my ex wife for a hate fuck now.
Mar 4, 2024
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Yeah, I guess “pain is close to pleasure”. Men see too much of themselves in women and have a “I can fix her” mentality, without realizing the developmental gap. We want to capture this romantic spontaneity that doesn’t really exist, even if the eventual failure hurts later on.

And we wonder why there’s so much fatherlessness nowadays : radical feminism makes it easy for entitled women to shirk responsibility because men are scared to say anything about it. So men “leave” and take their losses. By rejecting innate differences, we only conflate similarities. If only men had more personal restraint from “sticking dick in crazy” to cancel it out. But as you say, we’re too instinctually “primeval” for that with our short-term thinking in the situation. And they wonder why birth rates are falling in the Western World: beyond socioeconomic reasons, maybe it’s the lack of quality women and the men who enable them.

Tyler’s free to engage in this “moth syndrome” masochism if he wants. If your ex-wife joke is real, then I guess it’s really just a Catch-22 between getting laid or not. Though I’m surprised you’d be on this forum if you were a jaded divorcee, still willing to talk about this girl.

There’s always an exceptional woman to the general rule, or maybe at least one you can adapt to (“happy wife happy life”). I don’t think long-term relationships are natural to human behavior either, so we just have to weigh pros and cons - and raise the best children that we can, if the opportunity arises.


Diamond Tier
Mar 11, 2022
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Yea it's boring, most of the stuff up until last year is on kemono I think. I subbed for that livestream and 4 hours after it was deleted... I can only imagine its because something happened that she didn't want out there, like when she accidentally kept streaming earlier this year, thought she pressed end. But Tyler phoned her before anything happened
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El Diabllo

Bathwater Drinker
Aug 6, 2022
Just turned her on for a bit and apparently her Twitch streams are now 4-hour therapy sessions for herself. If you want to deal with Frivi and her ever-changing mental health, her ever-changing religious views, her ever-changing sexuality, and various trauma dumps, then she is the streamer for you.

I remember xqc once saying if you want to be successful as a streamer never turn your streams into therapy sessions. But I guess it doesn't matter for Frivi. She is not ever going to really go beyond 600 viewers and doesn't seem interested in providing content beyond when she streams ASMR. She still makes money and gets free therapy from people who she will never know in real life.