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Simp Chat Amouranth - Discussion Thread/Nick's Fan Club


Shamanic Cachanilla
Mar 12, 2022
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We live in a society where if a popular celebrity that has a lot of people either in her corner or sympathetic for her is going to have that happen to them, there's going to be too much public pressure for Nick to step aside or only assert a claim to so much of that money if he doesn't want to be seen in a worse light than he is already.

The Britney Spears conservatorship drama is a huge example of this where someone asserts a huge amount of power and authority over someone close to them, in this case, her father being in charge of the conservatorship and subsequently, her. Yet, Britney was able to walk away a free woman largely because of public pressure to get her out of the conservatorship with it being a years-long effort that paid off.

The same could happen in Amouranth's case could be said where if her abusive husband is entitled to any large sum of money just by law and he's going to stake his claim over most if not all of it, there'll be too much public pressure on the judge presiding over the divorce to grant Amouranth her financial independence over Nick while keeping most of her money. Had the Ike and Tina Turner divorce taken place now instead of in the 70s, I'm sure Tina would have fared much better given how keyboard warriors can make legislators and judges' lives miserable even if they're simply following the law despite it oppressing someone.

The Filigree

Mar 11, 2022
She will not divorce. The moment she said when he heard the recording of himsrlf he knew what an asshole he sounded like and that hes now seeking help .. shes already laying down ground work for her to give him one more chance..

The cost of divorce and complex issues in cutting up her "empire" being used as excuse to keep OF going ironically will also become part of reasoning to not divorce.

In the end her sole reason was to get rid of the "does she have a hubby"shit and keep her simps on her side.

She has done that part. All thTs left is how to explain why no divorce.. im thinking she will just drop it and if pressed just say iys ecpendive and taking a long time i need more monry to fight... genius way to twist what was a huge building neg into a money maker lolol..

Also she can use real dudes in her work now and not risk anger her simps.. she used to say on her of lives that a large part of her fans would leave if she were ever with a guy
.. lol thats fixed now too

Amazing job.


Tier 1 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
Not going to lie. At first I thought the abuse video was real.

Then I realized there are only a few ways this scammer could have pivoted to more SFW content without pissing off her core fanbase. Maybe this was just a very lucky coincidence and it wasn't an act, and if that's the case I apolize. All dosmistic abuse is terrible. But capturing the likely preplanned abuse from her "husband" on stream gave her a legit way out of being forever known as a tiddy streamer.

By hook or by crook, she did it.
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Shamanic Cachanilla
Mar 12, 2022
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Once someone famous and commits to the idea of doing something, they usually have to follow through or they won't be given any peace until said action is taken. Amouranth has already announced her intention of leaving her husband - she'll have an army of simps standing at the ready to avenge her or a bevy of defenders that'll be nosy enough to keep reminding her that she's with a known abuser and manipulator that promised to change and get help times before and it didn't save her then.

It's also a weird catch-22 where she is going to tank her subs count because it's known that she's married over the past several years where she lied and said she was single and if she acknowledges still being married or there's a lack of public divorce paperwork filed, she's going to invite a public backlash for staying with someone who already is public enemy #1 to her fanbase.

I'm curious to see how she could potentially manipulate this narrative to reduce the financial damage she's going to take with the shitstorm she's brought upon herself.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
That live stream, 3 mentions of divorce and 3 times mention more BG stuff, laying it on thick to keep those subscribers. I would love to know how many she lost during the husband revel.


Shamanic Cachanilla
Mar 12, 2022
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Unless it somehow leaked, I don't think she'd acknowledge something like that in a stream. She'd probably save it for a sob story interview she does with someone on Youtube or a journalistic outlet and provide a range. That would be a great opportunity to recoup some of that loss if anyone who hasn't subbed before does after seeing that hypothetical interview (or guilt tripping impressionable simps who subbed after the v.o.d. reveal into coming back).


Bianca Sotelo Simp
Mar 21, 2022
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Wonder if Asmongold, Ludwig, MoistCr1TiKaL, and all the other content creators who defended her so strongly could watch her Onlyfans stream. Cause it was night and day compared to her crying Twitch streams. People were like, "she really didn't want to dress like a thot on Twitch and suck dildos on Onlyfans. Her husband was making her do all those things! She just wants to play with horses and play Pokemon and Overwatch on stream! She didn't want to pretend she was single! It was all her husband! She wanted to stream with him and be a normal couple!"

Meanwhile, she is on Onlyfans telling everyone she is going to do boy/girl and fuck other guys now, do actual porn, and keeps mentioning "divorce" 50 times. Night and day compared to her innocent victim stuff on Twitch since this broke.


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 9, 2022
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We are going to get two different Amouranths. The Twitch one will just do IRL, animal/horse streams, and play video games. She will be the victim and people will feel sorry for her. The Onlyfans one will tell us how she dumped her evil husband and how badly she wants to fuck everyone now. She will tell us how her husband kept her from doing real porn, how he wouldn't let her get fully naked, and now she is free to do it.


Shamanic Cachanilla
Mar 12, 2022
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The latter I question. She might be forced into a gag order by her soon-to-be-ex-husband which means she can't refer to him even in disparaging terms because it could be harder for him to live a peaceful life by her reinforcing the notion that he's an evil abuser and everyone knows who he is/his name. That, or he could sue her for defamation if so moved.
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The Filigree

Mar 11, 2022
Well when you look at it.. so she wants to come clean with hubby truth. How can she do it witj least loss. Just admit it and let the loss happen or admit it make him the reason and a monster abuser (no one else knew about by the way) so that simpd would blame him and defend her honor.. activates white knights. All she need do it take that vacation to disney she planned for rest of october then come back nov and carry on.. never has to prove divorce just say its taking forever and she will asl for more help $ lol its a win win


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 16, 2022
another thing that does not add up to her story is that she said on her OF live, that was 2days after the cry stream, that she already has planned collabs for her "actual b/g content".
like come on, who can still believe that all what happend on stream was legit when the first thing she does is schedule a meeting for a "porn" right after.


Mar 13, 2022
:peepoArrive:idgaf about Scamouranth or any other celeb but I care about parasocial shit.

You all are acting like that mental abuse will ruin your entire life and break you in 1000 pieces
Everyone reacts to and deals with mental abuse differently and there is no schema A or B.
Yes, it's understandable to doubt her after all these years of scamming (fuck I got tricked multiple times by her back when I used to give thots money) but it's a valid reaction to just move on and try to stick to something that works for you and gives you much needed stability to continue with your life.
There is a reason why so many escorts are former pimped-out prostitutes and it's not only because of easy money or mental health related stuff.

We don't know what's going on behind the scenes we probably don't even know 5% of it.
Did you know that Epstein diddled kids long before the whole shitshow started? I hope not.
Have you heard or even knew that your parents had sex when you were younger? Probably not if they kept it semi-silent.
Now tell me, how tf you guys can come to parasocial conclusions about a person's mental health and ways they deal with certain things if you've never had contact with that person outside of the small bubble of SM which said person seems to be pretty good in to keep private stuff far away from?
It's a dangerous game to play and can derail things in pretty fucked up ways real fast. Think thrice before you post something and how you would feel to read all that bullshit spreading about you.

IMHO the thread should get either locked or any speculations around her relationship and especially her mental health be against the thread rules. :peepoLeave:


Shamanic Cachanilla
Mar 12, 2022
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I would make the case that since recent events are going to have an impact on the content that she's going to be making in the future, as long as we're respectful of the rules and use our words carefully around here, most of what we're talking about should be fair game.

I also find it difficult to say that everyone else's posts somehow qualify as parasocial when we're talking about an e-celebrity who people either buy from or leak their content here. This is a discussion thread and we're talking about an active content creator in the appropriate place to do so. In a weird way, if we're going to label most comments on recent aspects of her personal life that she willingly shared in the last few days as parasocial, then everybody who has had something nice or something mean to say about her on the Internet across various web sites has engaged in activity that would qualify as a parasocial relationship with someone who is admittedly a stranger to us all. Unless someone is going out of their way to simp/defend her or get super mad about recent events, we're just chatting/discussing it all because these are shared human experiences on some level and we might know something about those experiences or have something to say about it without getting too attached to her. Parasocial is being thrown around pretty heavily on Twitter and Reddit right now and I'd happily use that term against someone who wants to point the finger at me for simply making observations on a public figure.

She isn't a member on this site (that we know of), so what difference does it make if we talk about her here? Plenty of other people are doing it on Reddit, Twitter and elsewhere - why don't you try making your case on those platforms? Why attempt to share your morals here on a porn forum?
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cola drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Well one thing is sure,she turned like 95% of neutral and negative fanbase in her favor with that shitshow making everyone basically agree that she was forced to scam because otherwise she would never..huge win for her as the easy money will keep on flowing,now in even larger amounts


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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💯, the amount of wild conspiratorial guesswork, and frankly dangerous assumptions that people are making about a person that non of us know or probably have never met is really batshit crazy. We don't know even a fraction of what is actually going on behind the scenes, and in my experience it's always worse than what we see. The things being written here about a real human being is disgusting. She's just a girl trying to entertain people,whether she's succeeding is subjective. But some people just take this too far and are acting like Amouranth has personally somehow hurt them in their lives. Also some of the comments are comically misogynistic, and so many people here are suddenly world leading psychiatrists and neuroscientists able to discern everything about a person they masturbate to on a screen. I think the mods should temporarily lock this thread because it has turned into something else.

Chaos men

Mar 11, 2022
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Is it not too soon for that though? I was surprised the music was way toned down and sound was actually coming through in the latest video, which imo makes the video much better than with the music blasting in the background. I'd say we will have to wait a month or so before we see real cock content, if she is truly going that route