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Simp Chat Amouranth - Discussion Thread/Nick's Fan Club


Mar 13, 2022
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No, apparently her husband was abusive, forcing her to do onlyfans videos etc, while also ordering her to not talk about the fact that shes married, probably to draw in hopeful simps, also threatening to hurt her dogs, if i read that correctly somwhere. Obviously idk if its true or not, but if it is, i guess its good shes getting a divorce, and if she wants to continue onlyfans on her own, it will probably be better. Probably feels better to do that kinda stuff without being forced to, so her content could become better, but it could also become even more trash then it already is.


Diamond Tier
Mar 12, 2022
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She seemed high and relaxed for once. And you know what? Good for her. I've said on here before that she always seemed kinda lifeless and dead. Guess we now know why. This short stream she just seemed chill. I thought it was cute, personally. Maybe it's just me. Here's hoping for some content she actually wants to do and enjoy, like she mentioned. Guess time will tell.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
I mean ngl, if someone is saying their being abused, and there's some video of it, whether it's fake or not, I'm more inclined to believe they're a victim. If that's the case, she needs help now. The problem is how this has been playing out.
I mean according to some people that watched her streams and stuff, she said she needs money and stuff, which would make sense for a victim of domestic abuse. However, she's literally made tens to maybe hundreds of millions from streaming, OF and her other business ventures. How can she possibly not have enough money to get the proper filed proceedings to divorce her husband and gain full control of all her accounts (socials, bank, etc)?
Along with that, I saw some clips posted online, and the way it played out was weird. Like she shows texts of her husband threatening to use up all the money and leave her with nothing, but it's all texts. Like I'm not sure if there has been any, but I haven't seen any evidence that large amounts of money were suddenly gone.
A lot of this doesn't make sense, and it doesn't help that she does often scam people for a lot of money. What she's done in the past doesn't help her reputation, and looking at this whole situation with some skepticism, despite the potential seriousness of it all, is fine. Until more evidence pours through, it's ok to be a bit skeptical about whether this is real or not.
These things aside however, there is a point that is important to understand when it comes to abuse victims: Leaving is never that easy. I've seen people say 'Just leave', but in abusive situations, it's really not as simple as that. Especially for someone with the popularity and wealth that she has, it's a lot harder because finances can be controlled and used against the victim.
Again, I'm all in support helping someone that's being abused because that shit is serious and shouldn't be taken lightly. But if this somehow ended up being some kind of quick scam to get a bunch of donations and subs, that'd be incredibly shitty, to a drastic degree.

Bad Wolf

Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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Agreed if she is a victim of course she needs to get help. Not online simp begging for subs help in her underwear help. But shut down get divorced and restart help. The texts threats are fishy also why put stuff like that in a easy to use case against yourself. And the phone call on stream didn't seem right why would someone put that out there and stay on cam. I could see walking off and leaving the cam on accidentally. But sitting there in front of the camera I have doubts. And like you said shes made millions and can't afford her own divorce? That last of stream ending with her saying how she needs money for her divorce and it's expensive it just adds to the doubt about it all. I don't know seems scammy tbh hope it's not but she has done some scammy stuff when her subs start to drop before.
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Shamanic Cachanilla
Mar 12, 2022
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Per some posts above, she made an offhand comment somewhere earlier in the week (after the argument Twitch stream occurred) that Onlyfans will pay the bills inclusive of her divorce and fund her animal causes.

In fairness to her, she might be trying to compartmentalize and separate her worlds so she can reduce the e-thot reputation. Fewer "titty streams" as she calls them, no more hot tub streams, more conservative dress means she can take the heat off of her from Twitch since she's been banned a few times. Onlyfans/Fansly can remain her primary sexy-time hustle and that's its own world that she can use to channel those energies instead of sexualizing everything she does. At the end of the day, regardless of our feelings towards her "scamming" or how authentic her ongoing problems are with her husband, she is a human being and she might be tiring of the sexualization being a 24/7 hustle (a time and a place for everything mentality).


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
Why are people here saying stuff about her making sextapes with donators? Where did she say she would do that? Honest question. Sounds unlikely.


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
All she had to do was hint at a new scam and you guys are running with it. Yeah expect b/g vids and gangbangs with simps because she'd never lie about that. Unless you took the time to view EVERY click bait pic she's ever put out, which is all of them. Last one I think was something about "real dick this time, no dildos" which was another lie. Her lies aren't even trying, just flat out testing how stupid people are and by some of these comments asking if she'll do full nude when she won't even show her nips and face at the same time, are just dumb. So her husband was forcing her? So now he's getting help and she's saying she can do it on her own terms but he's not going anywhere. Divorce talk, right. If she says they got divorced and he moved away, you'd believe it. Why? Because she hid her husband from you all this time and you believed she was single, even though their are pics of them together on the web.

She's throwing every scam she can out there to milk whatever retirement money she can and by the time everyone has had enough of the scamming, she'll just vanish because she never cared about any of you in the first place. Wake up, this is getting old and the hopeful comments of Scamouranth porn is just keeping her going. I'm done. Now continue speculating if she will enjoy a football team of real dicks soon and send her some "divorce" money so she can lay it on top of the millions she's scammed to date.


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
Just watched the latest OF vid and the message is she plans to do b/g stuff and "go more porny" (in other words, stay tuned for her biggest scam ever). Also she stated all through out the video that SHE IS IN CONTROL OF HER ACCOUNTS. Why? Because people were unsubbing because they didn't want an "abuser" to get the money. Sure she hadn't thought about that and when she realized she was losing money she had to put out a video making sure people knew that it was okay to keep sending her money. Money, that's what this is all about. She did say divorce and attorneys was so expensive. (Start counting the days for her to get caught not being divorced 6 months from now.) Also she needs that money for the animals because her lie about starting some animal sanctuary is still in play. All of this said with sheer bra on so nobody pays attention to her mouth the whole time.