• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations and are restricted.
    Please be patient while the issue is resolved and DONT ask for re-ups.

Discussion Worst Experience with a pornstar/model?

I do think it will hurt these kind of models in the Long run. Bad reputation is a thing. Although sure there will always be gullible simps
I also believe this and thats why I wanted to make sure people were aware she was running scams. I was completely honest that I didn't have much experience with these "agency accounts" and people can laugh at me all they want that still doesn't give someone the right to be scamming people. If a creator is just starting out and trying to grow on OF it doesnt matter if they have an agency backing them if they don't provide the promised content. If enough people are upset at the way these creators act and dont support them then they wont be able to continue this behaviour.
PT-1 Figure I might as well share my Reese Robbins story. She's a bipolar nutjob.

Short version- I am a fucking moron that cared too much and did way too much for someone that I never would have met to begin with if she had been honest. NEVER BOOK DIRECTLY!!!

First of all, going in I was a 31 year old kissless (technically had a peck on the lips during truth or dare at a high school party, hardly a "kiss"), virgin with terrible social anxiety and zero experience with girls. To be fair never even tried because I've always had zero confidence in myself. I told her this. She said before I booked the session "includes everything but anal". Session happens no kissing, no oral on her. I still had fun because obviously it was all completely new to me and I enjoyed talking to her. I book her again for the next day. Same thing, enjoyable again but not as advertised. She gives me her reasons as to why and I accept them (bad breakup/ph balance). Both sessions were 90 minutes for 2k.

We continue texting for the next week or so. What I would think is typical client/provider fun/flirty texting which I'm really enjoying because I've never gotten any positive attention from girls. Even though it was all fake it still felt good. I manage to delude myself into thinking I didn't get all the services because I was ugly/overweight (5'7 250 at this point). So I decide to book her for a November overnight and just starve myself until then and also by then maybe she'll be over her breakup. She gives me a "discount" $5600 with filming. I Zelle a $1400 deposit and buy her flight.

Nothing changes until 7/9. This is when things go off track. She calls me at like 10PM (first time we talked on the phone) crying histerically, threatening to kill herself. She can't live like this anymore, everyone treats her like shit, her landlords are mean, she's going to be homeless, etc. Mind you at this point we have known each other just over a week. This is where a normal, non-insecure, not lonely person (AKA not me) would have cut all contact. I talk to her and calm her down. I offer her my spare room free of charge (I don't have any debt or a mortgage) and I'll come up and help her get out of the situation she is in. She seems receptive to the offer. I send her $200 unprovoked and tell her to get a hotel and call me in the morning. I'm up all night worried about her. She calls in the morning and is very short with me and basically refuses all my help. Hangs up on me abruptly and then we start texting. She says she wants her own place and isn't comfortable staying rent free. Problem is she doesn't have the credit/proof of income/rental history to get her own place. She's trying to rent a place with just cash up front. I spend days emailing hundreds of landlords looking for someone that will work with her. Maybe 10 say possibly. I forward them to her and nothing comes of it. I find a local realtor who specializes in this sort of thing. She never contacts the realtor. I offer a hotel for a week she gets mad at me. I offer another booking she gets mad at me after saying she needs work. She has an overnight cancel on her. I offer to fill in for that booking. She says no.

7/16 So at this point she's rejecting all my offers for help so I decide the best way to stop caring about her is to book someone else and get the full experience I'm looking for. My mistake here is telling her about this with the hopes of seeing if she knows any of the girls I'm thinking about booking and what they are like. Very stupid on my part. She flips out on me, cusses me out in every way (text/phone call/voice memo) and I spend all day apologizing. She demands I pay for for the overnight or she'll never talk to me again. Being the loser I am I Zelle $3000 to her (max amount Zelle would allow). So now I've already paid $4400 of the overnight booking. Then I take it a step further and book her for 2 hours in August. Send a $700 deposit through Venmo and book a flight for 8/10-8/13. Also book us a cooking class for 8/12.

7/18 She asks if she can rent my room if her friend's parole officer won't let her rent his. I say yes, but at this point I'm like PAROLE OFFICER? What kind of people does she hang with? So I start snooping on her socials friend lists. More on this later. So now the current plan is for her to fly in on 8/10 spend the weekend with me and getting the movers done then fly back and drive back down with the cat. 7/20 she says she wants to stop doing privates and doesn't want me as a client after August, just a friend. Said I was disappointed but that would save me money in the long run.

She goes on her NY trip. We don't text until the day she's supposed to come back. She gets stranded on standby for potentially 2 days in the airport. I buy her a $500 flight to make sure she can get home. Then on her Twitter she starts posting about a guy she's with in Kansas (pictures/talking of them fucking). So then I start thinking like why not just live there with him? Is everything with me just because I'm such a simp? Have all her homeless stories and being broke just been a lie? Me being the person I am I choose to continue believing her because I can't verifiably confirm anything.

7/30 she asks me for $300 to fix her car and offers me 4 free sessions. I send her $500 just in case she needs it. I tell her that's not necessary, I don't want her to feel forced to do that. I know this is just going to muddy the boundaries even more but I allow it to happen. She's tweeting about how she misses the dude she was with in Kansas. Figured out who just by looking at her Insta. On her Miami trip she asks for $200 for testing. I give it to her. I start buying more gifts because I don't want the sessions to be "free". I get like $300 worth of stuff off her Amazon. Then I buy her a $700 camera to film with. Before the free sessions were offered I had spent like $400 on gifts. Since the free sessions it has been well over $1000 because I didn't like the idea of "free" if we're just supposed to be friends.

8/3 Out of the blue she asks if she can move in the next day when I wasn't expecting her until 8/10. I say yes because that's all I ever said to her. She shows up in the evening 8/4. We talk for like an hour and then she leaves the kitten with me to go over to her friend's house to get her car fixed. Mind you I've never had a kitten before so I was not prepared for the energy and biting/clawing. I text her updates/pics on the cat that night and through the next day. She would later get mad at me for this calling it "weird". Late night 8/5 she comes back and I give her the remaining $1800 in cash for the 2 hour booking and the remaining $1200 for the overnight. She just asked for $200 a few days ago so she must not have money. *Red flag considering I had already given her $9000* We do a RocketLawyer type 6 month lease agreement, no notarization with zero stipulations on anything, $300 rent. She comes back in my room wearing nothing but a tank top. I say "we don't need to do this tonight" she says "what do you expect when you give me money". By this point it's already like 11PM, we're both tired. It doesn't go great for me and she understandably taps out after like 45-50 minutes.

Over the next 5 or 6 days she's basically never home. Just me and the cat. Always over at her friend's house. If she is home she is outside smoking weed. One night she comes home grabs something out of the fridge and immediately turns around to go right back. So I say "did I do something wrong to make you not want to be here?" In person she says "No you're perfect". But she gets back over there and proceeds to once again get mad at me through text. I offer to go to my sister's for a few days. That just pisses her off more. Says it was because her stuff wasn't here but I mean her cat was? Just like every other time she berates me I just brush it off. Finally her stuff gets there 8/10.

8/11 she asks if I want a session after our cooking class 8/12. 8/11 she's at her friend's again and some random car ends up parked in my driveway. It was definitely weird and late at night so I called the cops to sort it out. She understandably stays the night at the friend's. Problem is our cooking class that she knew about was at 11 AM the next morning. She's the one that suggested it and I paid $80 for it. She couldn't be bothered to just set an alarm to be ready to go to it. 8/12 She gets upset with me for not having read receipts on. She gets home and we spend 4 or 5 hours watching TV together which was like the second actual friend activity we had done since she got here. We went grocery shopping the the week before. I then ask if she is down for the session she suggested. This one is fun even though it only lasted 5 minutes. I could have kept going but she immediately got dressed and was done. That's fine because there was never clarification as to what the free sessions entailed. This is now 2 90min paid sessions and 2 "free" sessions though without what was originally advertised.

At this point she starts walking around the house in her bra and underwear for a couple days. On the one hand it is hot outside but on the otherhand when you just want a friend/roommate thing it's a little uncomfortable for me. I don't say anything because of how scared I am of saying the wrong thing anymore and having her snap. She gets fired from the job she just got after 1 day because supposedly someone ratted her out for her porn. Things are ok for a few days even though we spend basically no time hanging out.
Pt 2-

8/15 I have a handyman coming to put a shower door on. I put the cat in her room like she has previously told me to do and the cat pees on her bed. I feel bad so I order her new sheets and a couple other things. She leaves all day for the friend's again while I have to basically hold the cat all day because the handyman has to keep going in and out the door and I can't risk the cat running out. She comes home late again. I can't sleep so I text her you want to watch the show we were watching. She says "Maybe in a min". She comes in from outside I'm sitting on the couch with the show on. She says "just let me put my sheets on". I sit there for over an hour waiting before finally giving up. Once again I'm texting/saying "Did I do something to make you mad?". This is becoming a recurring theme of me feeling disrespected on a friend level and asking if I did something wrong.

I've now lost 25 pounds in less than 2 months by starving myself. I'm feeling like shit as a client, as a friend, mentally, physically. She has texted me stuff like "never knew genuine love until you", "you're all I have" "you're the only bright spot in my life", "I appreciate you more than life itself". I lay in bed all night crying, thinking to myself what more could I possibly do to get what I paid for or even just some honesty? Just be like "I can't provide what I promised and what you expected so here's your money back" I've spent 15k on her, done everything I could possibly do, and I'm supposedly so important to her. Something in this scenario is a lie. 8/16 She walks in on me crying the next day in my room so I finally just say how hurt I am by the fact that she wasn't willing to provide what was advertised and how I had convinced myself it was because of how I look. She says how sorry she is but manages to make it into me making HER feel bad. And she says FOR THE FIRST TIME "Oh those are extras, EVERYONE is like that. Haven't you seen Pretty Woman?" If this were remotely true she would have mentioned it before or during the very first meeting to try and make more money. And I would have paid it because I want to experience the things I never have. She packs a bag and goes to the friend's house. Around this time she also tweets a booking ad for "GFE". So yet again advertising something she does not actually provide. Now I know I flat out can't trust her and start seriously questioning EVERYTHING.

8/17 is basically the final straw. Late afternoon we are both sitting on the couch. I ask if I should put the show on. She says yes. 2 minutes in she gets up and walks outside and says "I need to work or I'm going to be homeless". After I have given her more than 12k in cash and a place to live for dirt cheap. At that point I know she's full of shit so I pull up my Ring camera and confirm my suspicions. She's sitting there talking to the BF from Kansas. Once again all she had to do was be honest and not drop in the the remark about being homeless. So she spends the entire night sitting outside talking to him about marriage, what kind of ring she would want, etc. and I spend the night writing her the text about how sick I was of the way I was being treated. When she comes in I say "Did I do something to make you mad and walk out on me earlier?" I 100% had an attitude and walked in my room and slammed the door. Still didn't send the long text I wrote though and decided to sleep on it.

8/18 We don't speak all day. I just layed in bed and she was in and out. I decide I'm going to send the text but I'm going to my sister's house. I know how Reese is and there is no way I'm going to be there in person for all the screaming and crying. 6PM she is walking in the door as I am leaving. I say "I'm going to my sisters". She says "Oh OK sorry". This is the last time we saw each other in person. For some reason I decide to sleep on it AGAIN. 8/19 I wake up in the morning to see her tweet "Wish paying rent made landlords nicer 2 u." I wanted to reply "Wish paying tens of thousands got the client what was advertised" or "Wish being someone's friend meant you get treated with honesty and respect". Instead I just finally sent the text I had written a couple of days prior. Time for yet another Reese flip out. Screaming phone calls included. My sister was sitting right next to me listening the entire time and she knows EVERY last detail of everything that has happened because of how many nights I've sat on the phone crying about how shitty Reese has made me feel. After a few minutes of Reese doing nothing but screaming and crying, never allowing me to get a word in, I finally raise my voice at her for the first time ever. I yell "You're a cheap whore!" and hang up. Meant to say lying whore. I was just DONE being screamed at by her. Too many times now.

So I've been at my sisters since then. She's been in and out of my house since. And on her usual roller coaster of uncontrollable emotions. One minute she says she's going to pay me back. The next minute she threatens false rape and murder allegations. One minute she's asking if she can stay, the next she's once again degrading me and threatening cops. All I ever threatened her with is the truth. All the while I still try to be decent enough to allow her to stay until she can figure something else out (with me staying at my sisters). Every single thing from 8/18 onward is verifiable through text because that is the only communication we have had, outside of the screaming phone calls from her which I have a witness for. My house cameras prove we have not been there at the same time since I left for my sister's 8/18 6PM.

In retrospect, I am the biggest fucking idiot on the planet. There were so many red flags that I just outright ignored. Whether that was due to inexperience with women, me being tremendously lonely or a combination of those and other things. I did and do still care for her well being and obviously was attracted to her, but I'm not sure how exactly I would define it. I do want to be abundantly clear, I NEVER threatened her physical safety. I never even raised my voice one time with her in person. I never asked more than once for anything in a session. Never did anything without asking first.

I do feel bad because I know her mental health isn’t great but that can’t be used to justify all of it. I also feel terrible because I made a lot of promises I never should have made to someone I barely knew, “I’ll never abandon you”, “You’ll never be homeless again”, “I’ll do anything to make you happy”.

8/27 We hadn't communicated since 8/21 at all and she calls me at 9AM crying saying she just got "mugged". Proceeds to spend the rest of the day screaming at me on the phone yet again and telling me how she's living in her car and going to die because of the heat and when she does it will be my fault. Just another lie because she was posting pics on OF in a motel the previous week including a sex tape with her coke head boyfriend. 8/28 she goes full on fucking delusional and starts saying all kinds of foul shit about me (last text was "You need a tumor") and that's the last we texted. I still have a room full of her shit and she still owes me $8100. And she's back in Missouri with her coke head bf.

https://imgur was here once, but it's now gone/a/STGIMW3

https://imgur was here once, but it's now gone/a/oZLGkUt
I do feel bad because I know her mental health isn’t great but that can’t be used to justify all of it. I also feel terrible because I made a lot of promises I never should have made to someone I barely knew, “I’ll never abandon you”, “You’ll never be homeless again”, “I’ll do anything to make you happy”.

I've been in a similar situation, lucky I'm younger and poorer then you so it didn't get nearly as bad as it could have gotten. If I had to put a name to what you feel for her it would be responsibility. You made all these promises and clearly cared about her so you feel responsible for not being there. But honestly for your own mental and physical health you didn't have another choice. Besides she's clearly shitty person so you shouldn't feel that bad. You didn't something very stupid but I get being in that state of mind.

Also you should just repost those pics here since they aren't available.
I've been in a similar situation, lucky I'm younger and poorer then you so it didn't get nearly as bad as it could have gotten. If I had to put a name to what you feel for her it would be responsibility. You made all these promises and clearly cared about her so you feel responsible for not being there. But honestly for your own mental and physical health you didn't have another choice. Besides she's clearly shitty person so you shouldn't feel that bad. You didn't something very stupid but I get being in that state of mind.

Also you should just repost those pics here since they aren't available.

I'll tell you this, I've had two girls I "successfully" helped get off the white dragon. It's in quotes because recovery is largely a combination of 70% will 20% genetics and 10% luck so if you don't want to recover you will die. Both girls are functioning adults now. Married with kids and everything. It is gratifying to do this.

Flip side, I know of 6 that are dead. Addiction is one fucking demon to deal with. From all the shit that's been stolen from me, I am never mad, I know their lives are insanely difficult.
Pt 2-

8/15 I have a handyman coming to put a shower door on. I put the cat in her room like she has previously told me to do and the cat pees on her bed. I feel bad so I order her new sheets and a couple other things. She leaves all day for the friend's again while I have to basically hold the cat all day because the handyman has to keep going in and out the door and I can't risk the cat running out. She comes home late again. I can't sleep so I text her you want to watch the show we were watching. She says "Maybe in a min". She comes in from outside I'm sitting on the couch with the show on. She says "just let me put my sheets on". I sit there for over an hour waiting before finally giving up. Once again I'm texting/saying "Did I do something to make you mad?". This is becoming a recurring theme of me feeling disrespected on a friend level and asking if I did something wrong.

I've now lost 25 pounds in less than 2 months by starving myself. I'm feeling like shit as a client, as a friend, mentally, physically. She has texted me stuff like "never knew genuine love until you", "you're all I have" "you're the only bright spot in my life", "I appreciate you more than life itself". I lay in bed all night crying, thinking to myself what more could I possibly do to get what I paid for or even just some honesty? Just be like "I can't provide what I promised and what you expected so here's your money back" I've spent 15k on her, done everything I could possibly do, and I'm supposedly so important to her. Something in this scenario is a lie. 8/16 She walks in on me crying the next day in my room so I finally just say how hurt I am by the fact that she wasn't willing to provide what was advertised and how I had convinced myself it was because of how I look. She says how sorry she is but manages to make it into me making HER feel bad. And she says FOR THE FIRST TIME "Oh those are extras, EVERYONE is like that. Haven't you seen Pretty Woman?" If this were remotely true she would have mentioned it before or during the very first meeting to try and make more money. And I would have paid it because I want to experience the things I never have. She packs a bag and goes to the friend's house. Around this time she also tweets a booking ad for "GFE". So yet again advertising something she does not actually provide. Now I know I flat out can't trust her and start seriously questioning EVERYTHING.

8/17 is basically the final straw. Late afternoon we are both sitting on the couch. I ask if I should put the show on. She says yes. 2 minutes in she gets up and walks outside and says "I need to work or I'm going to be homeless". After I have given her more than 12k in cash and a place to live for dirt cheap. At that point I know she's full of shit so I pull up my Ring camera and confirm my suspicions. She's sitting there talking to the BF from Kansas. Once again all she had to do was be honest and not drop in the the remark about being homeless. So she spends the entire night sitting outside talking to him about marriage, what kind of ring she would want, etc. and I spend the night writing her the text about how sick I was of the way I was being treated. When she comes in I say "Did I do something to make you mad and walk out on me earlier?" I 100% had an attitude and walked in my room and slammed the door. Still didn't send the long text I wrote though and decided to sleep on it.

8/18 We don't speak all day. I just layed in bed and she was in and out. I decide I'm going to send the text but I'm going to my sister's house. I know how Reese is and there is no way I'm going to be there in person for all the screaming and crying. 6PM she is walking in the door as I am leaving. I say "I'm going to my sisters". She says "Oh OK sorry". This is the last time we saw each other in person. For some reason I decide to sleep on it AGAIN. 8/19 I wake up in the morning to see her tweet "Wish paying rent made landlords nicer 2 u." I wanted to reply "Wish paying tens of thousands got the client what was advertised" or "Wish being someone's friend meant you get treated with honesty and respect". Instead I just finally sent the text I had written a couple of days prior. Time for yet another Reese flip out. Screaming phone calls included. My sister was sitting right next to me listening the entire time and she knows EVERY last detail of everything that has happened because of how many nights I've sat on the phone crying about how shitty Reese has made me feel. After a few minutes of Reese doing nothing but screaming and crying, never allowing me to get a word in, I finally raise my voice at her for the first time ever. I yell "You're a cheap whore!" and hang up. Meant to say lying whore. I was just DONE being screamed at by her. Too many times now.

So I've been at my sisters since then. She's been in and out of my house since. And on her usual roller coaster of uncontrollable emotions. One minute she says she's going to pay me back. The next minute she threatens false rape and murder allegations. One minute she's asking if she can stay, the next she's once again degrading me and threatening cops. All I ever threatened her with is the truth. All the while I still try to be decent enough to allow her to stay until she can figure something else out (with me staying at my sisters). Every single thing from 8/18 onward is verifiable through text because that is the only communication we have had, outside of the screaming phone calls from her which I have a witness for. My house cameras prove we have not been there at the same time since I left for my sister's 8/18 6PM.

In retrospect, I am the biggest fucking idiot on the planet. There were so many red flags that I just outright ignored. Whether that was due to inexperience with women, me being tremendously lonely or a combination of those and other things. I did and do still care for her well being and obviously was attracted to her, but I'm not sure how exactly I would define it. I do want to be abundantly clear, I NEVER threatened her physical safety. I never even raised my voice one time with her in person. I never asked more than once for anything in a session. Never did anything without asking first.

I do feel bad because I know her mental health isn’t great but that can’t be used to justify all of it. I also feel terrible because I made a lot of promises I never should have made to someone I barely knew, “I’ll never abandon you”, “You’ll never be homeless again”, “I’ll do anything to make you happy”.

8/27 We hadn't communicated since 8/21 at all and she calls me at 9AM crying saying she just got "mugged". Proceeds to spend the rest of the day screaming at me on the phone yet again and telling me how she's living in her car and going to die because of the heat and when she does it will be my fault. Just another lie because she was posting pics on OF in a motel the previous week including a sex tape with her coke head boyfriend. 8/28 she goes full on fucking delusional and starts saying all kinds of foul shit about me (last text was "You need a tumor") and that's the last we texted. I still have a room full of her shit and she still owes me $8100. And she's back in Missouri with her coke head bf.

Now that's a story! Man I hope she wasn't recording wacky shit in your home.
I've been in a similar situation, lucky I'm younger and poorer then you so it didn't get nearly as bad as it could have gotten. If I had to put a name to what you feel for her it would be responsibility. You made all these promises and clearly cared about her so you feel responsible for not being there. But honestly for your own mental and physical health you didn't have another choice. Besides she's clearly shitty person so you shouldn't feel that bad. You didn't something very stupid but I get being in that state of mind.

Also you should just repost those pics here since they aren't available.

Will do tomorrow. It's just a bunch of texts as well as the initial booking email with the "anything but anal" lie.

Edit: Guess I'm not allowed to post text screenshots on here?

That's a lot of money to not get laid.

We fucked 4 times. I just didn't get my last 2 bookings. Nor did I ever get to kiss or eat her out.
Last edited:
Pt 2-

8/15 I have a handyman coming to put a shower door on. I put the cat in her room like she has previously told me to do and the cat pees on her bed. I feel bad so I order her new sheets and a couple other things. She leaves all day for the friend's again while I have to basically hold the cat all day because the handyman has to keep going in and out the door and I can't risk the cat running out. She comes home late again. I can't sleep so I text her you want to watch the show we were watching. She says "Maybe in a min". She comes in from outside I'm sitting on the couch with the show on. She says "just let me put my sheets on". I sit there for over an hour waiting before finally giving up. Once again I'm texting/saying "Did I do something to make you mad?". This is becoming a recurring theme of me feeling disrespected on a friend level and asking if I did something wrong.

I've now lost 25 pounds in less than 2 months by starving myself. I'm feeling like shit as a client, as a friend, mentally, physically. She has texted me stuff like "never knew genuine love until you", "you're all I have" "you're the only bright spot in my life", "I appreciate you more than life itself". I lay in bed all night crying, thinking to myself what more could I possibly do to get what I paid for or even just some honesty? Just be like "I can't provide what I promised and what you expected so here's your money back" I've spent 15k on her, done everything I could possibly do, and I'm supposedly so important to her. Something in this scenario is a lie. 8/16 She walks in on me crying the next day in my room so I finally just say how hurt I am by the fact that she wasn't willing to provide what was advertised and how I had convinced myself it was because of how I look. She says how sorry she is but manages to make it into me making HER feel bad. And she says FOR THE FIRST TIME "Oh those are extras, EVERYONE is like that. Haven't you seen Pretty Woman?" If this were remotely true she would have mentioned it before or during the very first meeting to try and make more money. And I would have paid it because I want to experience the things I never have. She packs a bag and goes to the friend's house. Around this time she also tweets a booking ad for "GFE". So yet again advertising something she does not actually provide. Now I know I flat out can't trust her and start seriously questioning EVERYTHING.

8/17 is basically the final straw. Late afternoon we are both sitting on the couch. I ask if I should put the show on. She says yes. 2 minutes in she gets up and walks outside and says "I need to work or I'm going to be homeless". After I have given her more than 12k in cash and a place to live for dirt cheap. At that point I know she's full of shit so I pull up my Ring camera and confirm my suspicions. She's sitting there talking to the BF from Kansas. Once again all she had to do was be honest and not drop in the the remark about being homeless. So she spends the entire night sitting outside talking to him about marriage, what kind of ring she would want, etc. and I spend the night writing her the text about how sick I was of the way I was being treated. When she comes in I say "Did I do something to make you mad and walk out on me earlier?" I 100% had an attitude and walked in my room and slammed the door. Still didn't send the long text I wrote though and decided to sleep on it.

8/18 We don't speak all day. I just layed in bed and she was in and out. I decide I'm going to send the text but I'm going to my sister's house. I know how Reese is and there is no way I'm going to be there in person for all the screaming and crying. 6PM she is walking in the door as I am leaving. I say "I'm going to my sisters". She says "Oh OK sorry". This is the last time we saw each other in person. For some reason I decide to sleep on it AGAIN. 8/19 I wake up in the morning to see her tweet "Wish paying rent made landlords nicer 2 u." I wanted to reply "Wish paying tens of thousands got the client what was advertised" or "Wish being someone's friend meant you get treated with honesty and respect". Instead I just finally sent the text I had written a couple of days prior. Time for yet another Reese flip out. Screaming phone calls included. My sister was sitting right next to me listening the entire time and she knows EVERY last detail of everything that has happened because of how many nights I've sat on the phone crying about how shitty Reese has made me feel. After a few minutes of Reese doing nothing but screaming and crying, never allowing me to get a word in, I finally raise my voice at her for the first time ever. I yell "You're a cheap whore!" and hang up. Meant to say lying whore. I was just DONE being screamed at by her. Too many times now.

So I've been at my sisters since then. She's been in and out of my house since. And on her usual roller coaster of uncontrollable emotions. One minute she says she's going to pay me back. The next minute she threatens false rape and murder allegations. One minute she's asking if she can stay, the next she's once again degrading me and threatening cops. All I ever threatened her with is the truth. All the while I still try to be decent enough to allow her to stay until she can figure something else out (with me staying at my sisters). Every single thing from 8/18 onward is verifiable through text because that is the only communication we have had, outside of the screaming phone calls from her which I have a witness for. My house cameras prove we have not been there at the same time since I left for my sister's 8/18 6PM.

In retrospect, I am the biggest fucking idiot on the planet. There were so many red flags that I just outright ignored. Whether that was due to inexperience with women, me being tremendously lonely or a combination of those and other things. I did and do still care for her well being and obviously was attracted to her, but I'm not sure how exactly I would define it. I do want to be abundantly clear, I NEVER threatened her physical safety. I never even raised my voice one time with her in person. I never asked more than once for anything in a session. Never did anything without asking first.

I do feel bad because I know her mental health isn’t great but that can’t be used to justify all of it. I also feel terrible because I made a lot of promises I never should have made to someone I barely knew, “I’ll never abandon you”, “You’ll never be homeless again”, “I’ll do anything to make you happy”.

8/27 We hadn't communicated since 8/21 at all and she calls me at 9AM crying saying she just got "mugged". Proceeds to spend the rest of the day screaming at me on the phone yet again and telling me how she's living in her car and going to die because of the heat and when she does it will be my fault. Just another lie because she was posting pics on OF in a motel the previous week including a sex tape with her coke head boyfriend. 8/28 she goes full on fucking delusional and starts saying all kinds of foul shit about me (last text was "You need a tumor") and that's the last we texted. I still have a room full of her shit and she still owes me $8100. And she's back in Missouri with her coke head bf.

Jesus Christ bro I thought my stories were wild.

Unlucky my dude, we've all had thirsty times in our lives when we do cringe shit and end up making anti-ourselves decisions guided by the compass of the poonmind. Although yours is some next level shit.

Just chalk it off as being blinded by whatever it was, and make sure you keep your wits about you, and that you don't do it again.

I googled this bitch and she's scatty as hell. You can do better than 5/10s if you've got cash and personality bro.
Jesus Christ bro I thought my stories were wild.

Unlucky my dude, we've all had thirsty times in our lives when we do cringe shit and end up making anti-ourselves decisions guided by the compass of the poonmind. Although yours is some next level shit.

Just chalk it off as being blinded by whatever it was, and make sure you keep your wits about you, and that you don't do it again.

I googled this bitch and she's scatty as hell. You can do better than 5/10s if you've got cash and personality bro.

The sad thing is I wasn't even doing it for the pussy. All I had to do for that was pay her. Yeah I may have had feelings but I knew from late July she had her coke head boyfriend back home. I genuinely cared about her as a person due to all of her sob stories and suicide threats. I was fine just being friends because I wanted to help her get her life turned around.
The sad thing is I wasn't even doing it for the pussy. All I had to do for that was pay her. Yeah I may have had feelings but I knew from late July she had her coke head boyfriend back home. I genuinely cared about her as a person due to all of her sob stories and suicide threats. I was fine just being friends because I wanted to help her get her life turned around.
You were blinded by the poonmind my guy.

If a random homeless woman you met outside Wendy's started harping on about how she's going to end herself unless you dump loads of money into her and let her live with you for cheap rent (rent that YOU paid), you wouldn't have behaved the same way. Same if the story happened but it was a random Chinese guy.

It may have manifested as some sort of hope for potential love and friendship, but it was literally the lust for pussy that set your mind in this mode.

You've already made mistakes, but please, you need to see the light my guy. Don't convince yourself it was anything else. Don't lie to yourself.

Just recognise it for what it is, so you can make sure you don't fall into a similar trap again.
Almost forgot the cherry on top of the shit sundae. Her neglected cat had fleas. When I finally came home from my sisters my legs and feet got feasted on for a week.
Dakon said it well.
Deeply unstable people, whether from addiction, mental illness, chaotic childhood, whatever - they're done when they decide to be. When it's someone you have a real connection with, like an old friend, there's a certain amount of support that makes sense. But in the end, a lot of people really do need to hit rock bottom, whether that's the money running out and going hungry, moving into a shelter or a drughouse, jail or an involuntary mental hospital stay. This chick is extremely manipulative and she has her things together enough to have her little bf and stay busy on socials. No offense but it's obvious you had SUCKER written on your forehead from jump and she's very equipped to exploit people like you. As Dakon said, this is because she's a woman you wanted to fuck and if you had other female acquaintances and partners you would know how crazy all this shit is. for the love of god get out in the world.

I still have a room full of her shit and she still owes me $8100. And she's back in Missouri with her coke head bf.

Since this situation is ongoing, let me help you out real quick. You have an iffy lease no one witnessed and she is not about to take you to court.

1. Change the locks
2. Tell her to come get her shit by (pick a day in the next week) or it's going in a dumpster. Alternatively, she can send you a few thousand dollars to buy herself another week.
3. Live in your own goddamn home. You've ceded it to her.
4. Get a therapist. Seriously. You could have worked through so much with a fraction of this $. Taken the rest and traveled the world. C'mon son.

I would tell you to go smash a variety of local escorts to get some experience (both sexually and actually getting what you pay for and negotiating) but you need to seriously learn how to stand up for yourself and establish boundaries. Hustlers will take as much as you give. Learn not to give.
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Dakon said it well.
Deeply unstable people, whether from addiction, mental illness, chaotic childhood, whatever - they're done when they decide to be. When it's someone you have a real connection with, like an old friend, there's a certain amount of support that makes sense. But in the end, a lot of people really do need to hit rock bottom, whether that's the money running out and going hungry, moving into a shelter or a drughouse, jail or an involuntary mental hospital stay. This chick is extremely manipulative and she has her things together enough to have her little bf and stay busy on socials. No offense but it's obvious you had SUCKER written on your forehead from jump and she's very equipped to exploit people like you. As Dakon said, this is because she's a woman you wanted to fuck and if you had other female acquaintances and partners you would know how crazy all this shit is. for the love of god get out in the world.

Since this situation is ongoing, let me help you out real quick. You have an iffy lease no one witnessed and she is not about to take you to court.

1. Change the locks
2. Tell her to come get her shit by (pick a day in the next week) or it's going in a dumpster. Alternatively, she can send you a few thousand dollars to buy herself another week.
3. Live in your own goddamn home. You've ceded it to her.
4. Get a therapist. Seriously. You could have worked through so much with a fraction of this $. Taken the rest and traveled the world. C'mon son.

I would tell you to go smash a variety of local escorts to get some experience (both sexually and actually getting what you pay for and negotiating) but you need to seriously learn how to stand up for yourself and establish boundaries. Hustlers will take as much as you give. Learn not to give.

2. I'm not communicating with her at all. She has me blocked on social media and I have her number blocked. I have my house up for sale so if she doesn't get it by the time it sells she's out of luck.
3. This was a copy paste. I've been at home since the last set of texts on 8/28 when she accused me of being a pervert landlord, taking advantage of her, told me I need a tumor, etc.
4. 100% need therapy. Once my move is done that will be at the top of my to do list.

The initial lie.
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Pt 2-

8/15 I have a handyman coming to put a shower door on. I put the cat in her room like she has previously told me to do and the cat pees on her bed. I feel bad so I order her new sheets and a couple other things. She leaves all day for the friend's again while I have to basically hold the cat all day because the handyman has to keep going in and out the door and I can't risk the cat running out. She comes home late again. I can't sleep so I text her you want to watch the show we were watching. She says "Maybe in a min". She comes in from outside I'm sitting on the couch with the show on. She says "just let me put my sheets on". I sit there for over an hour waiting before finally giving up. Once again I'm texting/saying "Did I do something to make you mad?". This is becoming a recurring theme of me feeling disrespected on a friend level and asking if I did something wrong.

I've now lost 25 pounds in less than 2 months by starving myself. I'm feeling like shit as a client, as a friend, mentally, physically. She has texted me stuff like "never knew genuine love until you", "you're all I have" "you're the only bright spot in my life", "I appreciate you more than life itself". I lay in bed all night crying, thinking to myself what more could I possibly do to get what I paid for or even just some honesty? Just be like "I can't provide what I promised and what you expected so here's your money back" I've spent 15k on her, done everything I could possibly do, and I'm supposedly so important to her. Something in this scenario is a lie. 8/16 She walks in on me crying the next day in my room so I finally just say how hurt I am by the fact that she wasn't willing to provide what was advertised and how I had convinced myself it was because of how I look. She says how sorry she is but manages to make it into me making HER feel bad. And she says FOR THE FIRST TIME "Oh those are extras, EVERYONE is like that. Haven't you seen Pretty Woman?" If this were remotely true she would have mentioned it before or during the very first meeting to try and make more money. And I would have paid it because I want to experience the things I never have. She packs a bag and goes to the friend's house. Around this time she also tweets a booking ad for "GFE". So yet again advertising something she does not actually provide. Now I know I flat out can't trust her and start seriously questioning EVERYTHING.

8/17 is basically the final straw. Late afternoon we are both sitting on the couch. I ask if I should put the show on. She says yes. 2 minutes in she gets up and walks outside and says "I need to work or I'm going to be homeless". After I have given her more than 12k in cash and a place to live for dirt cheap. At that point I know she's full of shit so I pull up my Ring camera and confirm my suspicions. She's sitting there talking to the BF from Kansas. Once again all she had to do was be honest and not drop in the the remark about being homeless. So she spends the entire night sitting outside talking to him about marriage, what kind of ring she would want, etc. and I spend the night writing her the text about how sick I was of the way I was being treated. When she comes in I say "Did I do something to make you mad and walk out on me earlier?" I 100% had an attitude and walked in my room and slammed the door. Still didn't send the long text I wrote though and decided to sleep on it.

8/18 We don't speak all day. I just layed in bed and she was in and out. I decide I'm going to send the text but I'm going to my sister's house. I know how Reese is and there is no way I'm going to be there in person for all the screaming and crying. 6PM she is walking in the door as I am leaving. I say "I'm going to my sisters". She says "Oh OK sorry". This is the last time we saw each other in person. For some reason I decide to sleep on it AGAIN. 8/19 I wake up in the morning to see her tweet "Wish paying rent made landlords nicer 2 u." I wanted to reply "Wish paying tens of thousands got the client what was advertised" or "Wish being someone's friend meant you get treated with honesty and respect". Instead I just finally sent the text I had written a couple of days prior. Time for yet another Reese flip out. Screaming phone calls included. My sister was sitting right next to me listening the entire time and she knows EVERY last detail of everything that has happened because of how many nights I've sat on the phone crying about how shitty Reese has made me feel. After a few minutes of Reese doing nothing but screaming and crying, never allowing me to get a word in, I finally raise my voice at her for the first time ever. I yell "You're a cheap whore!" and hang up. Meant to say lying whore. I was just DONE being screamed at by her. Too many times now.

So I've been at my sisters since then. She's been in and out of my house since. And on her usual roller coaster of uncontrollable emotions. One minute she says she's going to pay me back. The next minute she threatens false rape and murder allegations. One minute she's asking if she can stay, the next she's once again degrading me and threatening cops. All I ever threatened her with is the truth. All the while I still try to be decent enough to allow her to stay until she can figure something else out (with me staying at my sisters). Every single thing from 8/18 onward is verifiable through text because that is the only communication we have had, outside of the screaming phone calls from her which I have a witness for. My house cameras prove we have not been there at the same time since I left for my sister's 8/18 6PM.

In retrospect, I am the biggest fucking idiot on the planet. There were so many red flags that I just outright ignored. Whether that was due to inexperience with women, me being tremendously lonely or a combination of those and other things. I did and do still care for her well being and obviously was attracted to her, but I'm not sure how exactly I would define it. I do want to be abundantly clear, I NEVER threatened her physical safety. I never even raised my voice one time with her in person. I never asked more than once for anything in a session. Never did anything without asking first.

I do feel bad because I know her mental health isn’t great but that can’t be used to justify all of it. I also feel terrible because I made a lot of promises I never should have made to someone I barely knew, “I’ll never abandon you”, “You’ll never be homeless again”, “I’ll do anything to make you happy”.

8/27 We hadn't communicated since 8/21 at all and she calls me at 9AM crying saying she just got "mugged". Proceeds to spend the rest of the day screaming at me on the phone yet again and telling me how she's living in her car and going to die because of the heat and when she does it will be my fault. Just another lie because she was posting pics on OF in a motel the previous week including a sex tape with her coke head boyfriend. 8/28 she goes full on fucking delusional and starts saying all kinds of foul shit about me (last text was "You need a tumor") and that's the last we texted. I still have a room full of her shit and she still owes me $8100. And she's back in Missouri with her coke head bf.

this is absolutely insane bruh
the worst part is how you left your own house for her, i know loneliness makes us do crazy things, but this is genuinely sad, you could have used those 8k to buy sex from other pornstars, dont get attached to an escort

learn to love yourself, once you begin to love yourself, you will begin to have self respect and stand up for yourself instinctively
"standing up for yourself" cant be learned, it has to come from within you and it will only come to you once you begin to love and respect yourself
you have great qualities, youre a great human being, you gotta surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself, until you can find a gf just buy sex from pornstars and dont get attached to anyone, you dont need anyone when you have yourself and you love yourself, you got attached to an escort because you are looking for love from outside when it should be coming from within

a therapist is just like that pornstar, theyre going to use you and milk the living shit out of you. ill sum it up for you, and save you the money, you can work yourself, you can begin loving yourself by feeling a sense of accomplishment in your daily life, the sense of accomplishment will lead to you feeling proud of yourself and having self worth. working out is great for mental health, if you have social anxiety try solo traveling and going to places alone, try to talk have small talk with people, dont look for their validation, doesnt matter if they look bored or want out of the convo just talk so you can learn and practice
this is absolutely insane bruh
the worst part is how you left your own house for her, i know loneliness makes us do crazy things, but this is genuinely sad, you could have used those 8k to buy sex from other pornstars, dont get attached to an escort

learn to love yourself, once you begin to love yourself, you will begin to have self respect and stand up for yourself instinctively
"standing up for yourself" cant be learned, it has to come from within you and it will only come to you once you begin to love and respect yourself
you have great qualities, youre a great human being, you gotta surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself, until you can find a gf just buy sex from pornstars and dont get attached to anyone, you dont need anyone when you have yourself and you love yourself, you got attached to an escort because you are looking for love from outside when it should be coming from within

a therapist is just like that pornstar, theyre going to use you and milk the living shit out of you. ill sum it up for you, and save you the money, you can work yourself, you can begin loving yourself by feeling a sense of accomplishment in your daily life, the sense of accomplishment will lead to you feeling proud of yourself and having self worth. working out is great for mental health, if you have social anxiety try solo traveling and going to places alone, try to talk have small talk with people, dont look for their validation, doesnt matter if they look bored or want out of the convo just talk so you can learn and practice

That's what I was going to do mid July but then she guilt tripped me into giving her more money (after telling me I was a disgusting piece of shit and she's just going to kill herself/she never is someone's first choice blah blah blah).

I'm not loaded to the point where I could afford to be spending this kind of cash with any regularity. If she were to ever pay me back (snowballs chance in hell I know) I would definitely book through an agency and never let the girl have my number or address.

The one good thing out of this is that I have lost 30 pounds, albeit in a very unhealthy manner. And learned the hard way not to be such a trusting person.
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