Feedback - We need to be able to edit our posts again | SimpCity Forums

Feedback We need to be able to edit our posts again

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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
Dead links are common on this type of site, but I've noticed a lot more of them recently. I try to go through old posts and update my links every few months, and I've just realized I'm no longer able to do that because the edit/delete functions have been disabled for them. I saw the other thread suggesting to report posts with new links, but I'm not going to do that, and I know most others won't either.

I understand that problem users have gone through and nuked content out of spite or whatever, but can you not just un-delete, or revert their edits? Is that really outweighing legitimate users who need to be able to edit their posts, or delete certain things for legitimate reasons? If we're the ones posting it, should we really not be able to do that at our own discretion, so long as it's not causing problems?
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There isn't more dead links than before. If you see any dead links, please report them.
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This shouldn't be necessary at all. The approved hosts list have several options that are DMCA resilient. Gofile is not an approved host and should be avoided.
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Most people don't reup in general. Reporting it with the new link takes the same amount of time on your end.

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Apr 6, 2023
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There isn't more dead links than before. If you see any dead links, please report them.
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This shouldn't be necessary at all. The approved hosts list have several options that are DMCA resilient. Gofile is not an approved host and should be avoided.
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Most people don't reup in general. Reporting it with the new link takes the same amount of time on your end.

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It was causing problems and was why it was changed. You're still able to edit recent posts and 'Simp Council' members are able to edit/delete their posts.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
I've seen more dead links in the past month than I have my entire time here. Maybe that's just me, I don't know. Reporting them just gets the post deleted, and the content forgotten, so I usually don't do that.

The DMCA resilient hosts are slow and unreliable. I use them as a backup, but Gofile is used and requested often because it simply works, and I should be able to refresh those links myself. I'm not going to bother the mods every time I want to do something this simple.
I honestly don't know how widespread and significant the post deletion issues have been for the mod team, but I just don't think locking everyone out of their own posts and taking away that control is a good solution regardless.

I know I'm not changing anyone's mind here, so I'm not going to argue futher, but I felt like it needed to be said because it's definitely been a little frustrating. Thank you for the response though.


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
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If you're happy to upload the content whenever it dies then why not just upload it twice to begin with and post both a gofile link and a bunkr link. That way the short term people get the convenience of gofile and the long term gets bunkr. You'll see some of the top guys doing this, their posts never fully die so they never have to think about them again, never have to edit them again, they dont lose score from a gofile post being deleted and the content is always available.
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