Support Uploading Flickr Content?

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Jun 23, 2023
Hi there, new member here.

I was going to post something on SimpCity earlier today, but it came to my attention that it may be against the rules. So, before I actually do anything I wanted to consult with you guys. After all, as they say - it's better safe than sorry.

What I wanted to share was a certain Flickr account with adult content, pretty straightforward material with little or no kinks. Plus additional (previously saved, now removed) photos of which some had been previously downloaded from the same source, but also from other random places & websites.

All featuring the same model ... or rather the same person since these are not modeling shots, nor they were meant to be porn (I believe they are classified as art, despite being explicit & most definitely NSFW). Also, assuming the answer is yes (as in "okay to post these"), can you point me to where exactly can I post Flickr content? Because I can't seem to find Flickr sub-forum ... or anything remotely similar anywhere.
