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Tier 2 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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I guess it's like that Anime thing where they cross their eyes and stick their tongue out (called Adegho or something?). What about that dumb face she makes where she cocks her head to the side, squints her eyes, and makes an exaggerated, toothy smile? "Look at how silly and 'adorkable' I am! Aren't I cute?!" No, and honestly, you just have nice tits... and the blurred/censored video gimmick is starting to get old.


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
I only just saw that she has a new "members only" video as of Feb 11th, but she doesn't even have a proper trailer for it, just a 4 second gif?


Oct 18, 2023
Yea she has a few members only videos and one where you had to buy her shortcake 7 to be eligible to buy a new one like I said I'm still looking for the holiday hotel hookup and the newest Sabian one


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
90% of what she puts out is censored or blurred anyway. The trailers are massive clickbait. I joined twice (one month each) and both times, I felt like a fool for the lame crap I got. That teasing gimmick has run its course with me, and now I won't give her my money just on principle. If I can't find it for free on the Net, I'll just never see it.


Tier 3 Sub
Sep 24, 2022
when will you guys understand that she's the 'queen of tease'? as she herself has said for well over 10 years now. and rightfully so, because just how many other adult stars can you say have kept to their shtick for as long as she has, and been able to stay in the business? it clearly has always worked for her.
she's never going to do hardcore. her content will always be acted and obscured.
granted, she may not be anywhere up-to-date with the current trends or tech, but she's still getting paid well enough to never do anything spicier.
of course she steps things up a notch little by little, but it's still on her own scale!

it would do well for everyone to give up any hopes of anything beyond tease and softcore.
when people complain about her slow progression and lack of full frontal nudity or hardcore content, it just makes me shake my head. because it has taken close to 25 years to reach this point now.
if that doesn't tell you that she'll never do what you think she should, then I don't know what will.
get a grip.

she was doing this when most of e-girls of today were not even conceived! one could easily argue she was the first of her kind. she's not going to change despite all the complaints. I remember when she was on Freeones forums and she made this very clear.

(I know I'm going to get "ok boomer" comments now, but that's just a comment from stupid kids who have nothing else to say, but still want to snark. because the fact is they were too young to have been there to have any understanding of what they're now complaining about.
so when you say "ok boomer" I honestly only feel sorry for you and your parents, because they failed with you.)


Tier 3 Sub
Sep 24, 2022
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well if you think about it, that dick is of course not a part of her body. she's not giving away her own goods.
because that's what this is all about. if she'd show her tits, pussy, and butthole completely without any cover, everything from that point on would be a hard sell. because we've already seen it so we want something that is a step up. and where'd she go from there? she'd just be another e-thot among thousands and she's already 'old'.

point is, she'd be cutting her career shorter. because ultimately she doesn't stand out all that much by her body. it's the teasing that keeps people hooked and coming back for more. and she loves to tease, so I don't see her suddenly coming out of her comfort zone, if ever, just to make a bit more money. especially not if the risk is devaluing her goods and making less money than before.

there's a reason why thots like Jessica Nigri have never showed their nipples or pussy or anus, but have had fake diks squirt fake cum all over them etc. (not neccessarily Nigri, but you get my point).

PC just did that with a real dick. so she stood out with that.
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Mar 11, 2022
Surely this has already been asked:
why does she always blur her boobs? banner