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Support reposting content


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
When I see a good post for a model I post links, from *Blacklisted site* (or others) which i have not uploaded myself

This is bc I lack means to buy high quality, but I am not sure. Not doing it to farm points or anything, if I would post links from forum member contents I would be very regretful... Is this is ok?

edit: oh and thank you for bringing my favorite board back lowkey!!
Check the thread first, if it's not there, go for it.
You should download whatever you're posting to a bunkr album and post that (for DMCA protection). :pokiJAM:
(or jpg.church for photos)
oh yes that is a very good idea so I can be useful

Do you know a tool that does this? and what do you think about video quality change when i download and reupload?
if i remember good the videos will get worse but if this is not a problem that would be settled!
It depends where you're getting them from, if you're on PC then this Enable Right Click extension can be useful.
There shouldn't be a quality change, but on some sites (er*me:peepoWtf:) its bad to begin with.
Don't worry too much if thats all you have, since if someone uploads it in better quality, yours will be removed.
I did a mistake for name confusion about Rose Kelly and Keely Rose. First I posted at Rose Kelly thread and I realised she isn't the person of the video then I posted on right name again. For these types of mistake ....will there be a problem for reposting in the future?
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