Support Question about reporting dead links

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I am Djour Djilios.
Mar 14, 2022
I run a script given to me by the internet for moderating that sees dead links and live links, but it doesn't run it for many of the hosts SimpCity uses. This begs a question:
If a user reports a dead link in a thread, does the moderating staff have a way to auto-detect all the dead links on that page saving us from reporting multiple times on the same page, if needed?
Or is the M.O. for a staff member, once opening a reported page, to peruse the page checking for dead links?
You should only make one report per thread. Just mention in the report that the thread has a lot of dead links in it. You can list the post numbers specifically as well if it's just a few.


Mother of Nine
Mar 11, 2022
You should only make one report per thread. Just mention in the report that the thread has a lot of dead links in it. You can list the post numbers specifically as well if it's just a few.
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