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Tier 3 Sub
Feb 12, 2023
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She has lost her amateur freshness. Her videos are now overacted performances like most porn actresses. They are fine but not realistic. But I guess that's what people ask for and what makes money. And she's in the business for the money. I don't like professional porn, sorry.

At least before, (when you couldn't see her face even with a mask), the fucks with her husband were "realistic",.. among other things because they were a real couple, and that shows. Now it's all acting and performance. So many years dedicated exclusively to this takes its toll.
I think it started to change when they decided to start introducing pros. Even the videos with Tony were more "realistic" because that guy wasn't a pro and you could tell he really lived it.
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Mar 18, 2022
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Spot on, man! Once it's getting too pro, especially when there are pro actors involved, I am out! Happened with too many girls that did the same. I would love more focus on her body, she has a great one! I miss the times when she did not wear that mask! And she's gotten a little too skinny for my taste. I also miss the dirty talk. Believe it or not, but her "older" boobs looked more natural on her. The new ones look too fake for her body.


Tier 3 Sub
Feb 12, 2023
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For some reason, she's shifted towards rough, dirty & overacted porn.
I guess that's where the market is. Or maybe she genuinely enjoys being treated roughly.

I just can't stand all those overacted guys. Johnny Love is pathetic with those stupid faces he makes to simulate who knows what. Pros make all porn look the same. Doesn't feel real. Real sex isn't like that... fortunately. You don't fuck a chick to try to bust her pussy and cum in her eyes. With her partner fucks were more "normal" and that made them more real.

I would say that making elegant porn and exploiting her body would have fit her style more. She looked classy. Slutty but classy with all that lingerie. But it turns out she doesn't. She always likes to go straight to the point, no foreplay and feel vexed and blown mercilessly. Only Jack's videos are saved from this. At least he treats her gently, not like a whore.


Tier 3 Sub
Feb 12, 2023
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People seem to get a kick out of watching MissLexa lick a guy's butthole for 5 minutes, and watch her stick her tongue deep inside that hole. I'm sorry, but that doesn't turn me on. I don't watch porn to see guys' buttholes. If it were the other way around, I could still stand it... but oddly enough, she's never made a video where a guy licks her butthole in close-up. In fact there are almost no videos where someone licks her pussy in close-up either, only general shots of very short duration. It just seems weird to me. o_O

And in case anyone is wondering,... yes, the butthole tastes like shit. No matter how much you clean it before. Especially if they stick their tongue deep inside, they might even catch a straggly piece of it. I've always thought it was a dirty thing to do. But hey,... I'm squeamish. hahaha. 🤮


Tier 1 Sub
Jan 27, 2023
Tbh I don't know why people are complaining bout her mask again & again. Probably I'm following her more than 3 years. She caught my eyes cuz of this mask. There are 100 of traditional pornstar those are without mask & all of them are seems same to me. Thats why we can differentiate her with that mask.
But its true that she lost her amature freshness. Her PH scenes was the best. She is now in big league. Least she can do is sign for bigger brands.
Still I like her curve & lingerie slutty things. Though its boring now days. She should do new things like gangbang or more lesbian scenes etc.
Btw it will be a great help if u suggest some other masked amature like her.


Tier 3 Sub
Feb 12, 2023
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Maybe because some people are curious. And others not so curious.
To me, the truth is that I was intrigued. Now I'm not anymore because I found out what I had to find out. She plays with that because she knows it benefits her business and generates hype. In fact she supposedly held a raffle where the winner received a maskless video as a prize, so it's a fact that her fans are so curious about her face... even more so for those who do not know how to google.. :WeSmart:


Tier 3 Sub
Feb 12, 2023
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She is not retiring.
She is just moving.

Now, since she is a "100% pro", I guess she will try to work less and earn more with each video. Or at least that's the goal.
In the end people get bored of everything, and she can go out of fashion little by little if she doesn't innovate, and it's a fact that she doesn't innovate in her latest videos because she has already made a lot of them and she has fucked a lot of guys. Crazy. She is not publishing softporn on Youtube for a while now.

In her OF she continues to publish things. But now she doesn't have the freshness of before. She is no longer that sweet "horny teacher who fucks with her husband and shows us her fucks". Now she's just another porn actress, but instead of acting with her face uncovered, she does it with a mask.

I think she should start acting without a mask. Maybe she will do it when the money starts to stop coming in, because she melts it like crazy... all day "vacation at sea". And a porn career is over soon and you have to live the rest of your life on the rents and deal with family reality, like everyone else. I don't know how long the business will last.

Or maybe she'll hold out until her husband gets sick of spending day after day watching other guys fuck her hard and dirty in front of his face just for a bunch of bucks. Imho It's got to be a bitch to be the shadow husband of a porn actress year after year. :monkaX: but it's just my opinion. banner