Simp Chat Mikayla Demaiter - Discussion thread


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 26, 2022
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Why is this not nice? Please explain. Do you know what sliding into DMs means?

It's not nice to assume/suggest that he sent her a message in private?

Do you know how IG works? Famous people only check ones they get from those they follow 99% of the time. You're the one that has been obsessing over the fact they follow one another. This mutual follow allows them to private message one another without them going directly into the "Requests" section.

So yes, since you are correct they follow one another... I assume he messaged her so the rest of us can't see. Probably something like "Hello, how are you? Would you like to grab a bite sometime?"

I get it though, since you're the king of assumptions, you're mind immediately went to: He slid into her DMs by asking/doing something sexual. To which I can only say: don't put words in others mouths or assume others think as you do. And finally, one last time: Assumptions only make an ass out of you.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 26, 2022
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As I stated yesterday, Jessica's are almost always live/current. I've followed her far more closely for years now. She put out a video from the same party/club, in real time, before she re-grammed Mikayla's story that night. They were celebrating a mutual friends birthday (I don't remember which model), but said model's birthday was this past weekend.

In addition, she did one of those "airplane emoji" to Miami things while on the airplane. Sorry, but the aren't coordinating things like that... way too much wasted time/effort. And no way Mikayla coordinates all of this with Jessica in order to hide a relationship lol.


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 14, 2022
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Bro I'm sorry but she takes heaps of airplane and scenic travel pics all the time to post. Sometimes its not even chronological her team probably has many ready to post on there so she could've easily used it for that.
And its literally just getting her to post a video and then a second one tagging/reposting her, its not a lot of work to ask a friend for lol.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 26, 2022
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I get all of that but if you follow enough of these women you see trends. They post as they are flying into a city or going to a city, especially big ones... because it still makes them hard to find. They don't post specific locations in real time to avoid potentially problematic encounters with people.

Why do they do this? in case, while in town, photographers or companies want to book them for a shoot while in town and so they can potentially be shot in a set up/planned "paparazzi style" situation.

How do I know this? I am friends with several paps in L.A. and am acquaintances with a number of models who have explained this to me.

I am not saying 100% Mikayla does or did this. But I am saying the odds are much more likely she did than did not and just randomly decided to post that stuff this weekend. 3 different IG stories all suggesting she was in Miami (the one flying there, the club/party video, the photo of the spot in Miami last night)

believing this was planned/coordinated, in an effort to throw people off from her being in North Carolina for the U.S. Open, is quite the conspiracy theory
Nov 15, 2022
I see this discussion has led to a person deactivating his account. Wow!

I'll stick to my stance saying "celebs have their right to privacy", just like all of us. Mikayla being single, in a relationship or anything else is not my concern, nor any of us. It's HER own life and let HER live it the way she wants it ❤️.

Honestly, I'd be happy for her, whatever the truth is. And that is what matters 🥰.

If anyone else wants to continue this, do so freely.

Amen! 🙏
Nov 15, 2022
Yesterday's IG stories made me happy 😊

Seeing her back in her natural habitat (ice hockey) definitely warmed my heart ❤️

No matter what she did in her life, ice hockey is part of her and she'll always have that need to put on her gear, get on that ice and do what she loved. If only just for fun 😊🏒.
Nov 15, 2022
So, Bryson posted three new IG posts since his victory at US Open and none were given a like from her official IG account.
He was also tagged on a post at a golf course in Nashville ~24-48 hours ago.

So, if you want to theorize, be my guest 🤭


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 26, 2022
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He also has went to nyc and made a cameo on Jimmy fallon’s late night talk show on Monday I believe. (May have been Tuesday I forget). Usually paparazzi are outside the studio building to shoot the nightly guests entering or exiting. Did not see her with him. If I’m wrong and simply missed it so be it.
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