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Tier 3 Sub
Sep 6, 2022
She is posting a lot on Instagram tho, she is traveling, going out and doing stuff.... It's not like she is sitting home depressed and doing nothing.

Im not a 100% but for the time im following her, 2023 was on one hand the best (she showed more, older sets we're completely dressed and basicly no teasing) and the worst (the amount of sets we got and the time in between them).

I hate hating on people because im usually a leech but i guess she makes enough money and is just coasting and enjoying her time


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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I think she lives in California now, but yeah, moral of the story still stands.
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I had a friend who had to deal with a stalker once, so while I'm certainly not an authority on the subject, I do have some experience. Even if she outwardly acts fine on her social media, It would not surprise me if she's still somewhat shaken over the incident. This all probably happened back in August/September, so her taking a trip to the east coast for Halloween, and to get out of the area it happened in for a bit makes sense to me atleast.

My take on things is that she'll start posting again at her regular pace once she finishes her trip. The stuff she was putting out the last two months was content she had already finished editing/already shot when this all happened, which meant October was going to have less stuff. Kinda sucks since it means we're missing out on her birthday/Halloween stuff, but I can live with it given the situation.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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She probably doesn't feel very safe in her own place right now, so it's understandable that she wants to stay away for a while. But yeah, she made a lot of money from OF and is able to take an extended break, not many people can afford that especially in such a competitive place like OF.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 29, 2022
Thats actually really fucked up and creepy. I think she should get a weapon or something. She may need to leave California though but that state is kinda fucked anyway. or at-least put her own cameras in her house.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
She mentioned getting improved home security, but it's definitely a bad situation all around. California sucks for a boatload of reasons, so this is just one more to add to the list.


Mar 19, 2022
Have the latest sets been the same as all the others? And is that why they havent been getting leaked? (Just to be clear I'm not demanding the sets to be leaked, I'm just curious)


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Also until the end of the month I'm thinking about getting some, Idk if I'll get that 40$ one or wait for the Christmas set to drop, I might get 2 or so older ones to complete the collection here


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
>Shoots a number of sets for OF
>Has a backlog stretching back well over a year
>Claims to have enough sets to go this whole year without shooting something new
>Shoots new sets anyway
>Gets scared they'll come off as spam if she posts any of them
>doesn't post anything for three weeks

The last time she did this she did her whole "relaunch", granted that was mainly do to the events happening in her life at the time with the break-in. I'm happy that she doesn't use one of those god awful agencies, but at the same time she's on the opposite side of the spectrum where she has absolutely no kind of schedule for posting. Really feels like being her fan is just being a masochist the long way around. At this point, one of us needs to volunteer to be her manager if it means getting some kind of consistency.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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She just posted:

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Why is she even giving the option to make people wait for another set that still need to be edited if she has so many unreleased sets ready to go. Honestly, i feel like she is full of shit, either the "backlog of sets" is BS or they are sets that she didn't like and will never release anyway.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
*Note: Apparently, the limit for messages is 15000 characters (who knew?) so I had to break it into two sections
*Note 2: make that 3 lol.

Ok here we go, my genuine analysis of Meggii and where I think her content is heading in the long run. As a disclaimer to everyone reading this, all the information I will be using is stuff she has publicly shared I either from previous social media posts from sites like insta, twitter/X, OF, as well as stuff that might be harder to come by, like information shared back when she streamed. None of this was gathered from any kind of weird way. I have never spoken to her in any meaningful way so a lot of what I will be talking about is speculation. In addition, I've elected to omit some information about her, which while being publicly available, doesn't really matter for this post. For no reason should anything I write here be used to stalk or harass her in any way, that's cringe and as we've seen she's already had to deal with that. In short, don't be a parasocial andy ya freaks :pepoLove:.

Also, later on I will designate certain time periods as BS and AS (meaning before stopping her twitch streams and after stopping twitch streams, respectively), where the split corresponds to roughly January of 2021.

We should begin with what we know about her in order to get a lay of the land. Meggii is from Saskatchewan, Canada, as indicated by her old ig bio. Although I don't think she's outright stated her age, according to some instagram posts from a while back she should be 26 years old. According to her streams, and maybe a q&a story from a while ago, she's the oldest of 5 siblings, indicated by her zodiac arm tattoo. During her streams, she mentioned her mother occasionally, but not her father, leading me to guess there may have been some kind of separation. She used to be a freelance artist, doing commissions for some people, as well as designing stuff like stickers. I don't think she's done any of that in a meaningful way as of late, given she went all in on cosplay as her full time career. In terms of personal relationships, I am 99% sure she was dating another cosplayer, which I'll call guy 1 later on. He was the guy dressed as cloud in her Tifa shoot from a while back. They lived together, and sometimes appeared together in streams, including one where he helped build her a better PC. He was a pretty chill guy, and most of the chat during the streams with him in it liked him. I'm 99% on this because they never really said it outright, but there was a q&a story with her holding someone's hand when asked if she was dating, and the PC building stream was filled with "oh no step-bro" jokes. She also had a number of friends from her area which she would cosplay with, but which she hasn't as of moving to California. Aside from her friends back home, I think we all know about her current friend group including people like Darshelle, Rolyat, Seviria, Nigri and others. She's done collabs with them both during and outside of conventions, like at Katsucon, Anime Expo and their trips to that ski resort in Colorado.

This is a good transition to her professional life. As of now, she mainly works off of Onlyfans, switching to it from her Patreon, which she closed down. She used to also stream, but its been about 3 years since she's done it last. Twitch says her last stream was in June of '21, but if memory serves that was just her opening some pokemon cards, and her real last stream was the one before that back in January-ish, and was her designing that pink nurse cosplay which became one of her first OF sets. She was definitely at the smaller end, having ~100ish viewers, but seemed to enjoy doing it. At the time, she mentioned having to stop streaming for a bit because she was moving, and that she'd start back up once she finished setting everything up. That didn't happen, because shortly after that she moved again. In fact, within like the last three-odd years she's moved something like four or five times, which is kinda hectic if you ask me. I have some speculation on this, but I'll save it for later in the post. Her social media has performed very well, in these last three years, especially her twitter and OF. The last time she mentioned it, I think she said she hit ~50K on OF. And according to, her twitter has jumped up over 900K since early 2021, which seems to check out with a tweet she posted back in April of '21.

She definitely isn't hurting right now in terms of popularity and growth, even if that growth looks like its tapering. With her background covered, we reach the main course, my schizophrenic ramblings about her, her life, and what direction her content is heading in.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
This first section will cover her possible current relationship and why the HELL SHE KEEPS MOVING.

Remember when I mentioned the guy she was dating? I gotta feeling they broke up a while ago, and that might be one of the reasons for her constant moving (as a note, I'm calling him guy 1 just to keep him slightly anonymous, he never really had a big following and assuming they've been separated for a while now, I don't really want to infringe on their privacy) (also, this next section might get confusing, but stay with me). Looking back, and assuming memory serves, the first move was a few weeks AS, her next was within the same year as the first move maybe a few months later, her third was in 2022, maybe around 1 year AS-ish which she called "cross country" (at the time I thought she meant within Canada, but now I think she mean "Across country," moving from Canada to the U.S.) and her fourth is the most recent, which is probably to a different place within California. there might have been another one sandwiched somewhere in there but it doesn't really change where I'm going with this. Anyway, BS she was living with guy 1, and her first move AS was with him. But then suddenly she moves again within the same year (2021) for no apparent reason. Then, only to move a third time to the U.S.? I have two theories on this. Theory one is that shortly after her first move AS, she broke up with guy 1, meaning she needed to move out of the same place as him and to a new place. After this, her social media began taking off, and she would move a third time to LA. Theory two is that her and guy 1 were together during the first move AS, as well as the second move AS, only to break up and her move to LA for the third move. Either way it all ends with her moving to California by herself. Another probable piece of evidence to their separation are, funnily enough, cats. Meggii has two cats and guy 1 has one. If they were still together, I think we'd all agree we would see three cats more often in her posts. Here's where I really get off my meds. I think she's currently dating some right now, and I might have a bit of proof on who it is. I assume we're all familiar with Darshelle Stevens? She's currently with this guy named Mike, and the two of them are currently operating an online candle store. Mike, used to work with a guy named Sterling (of Epic Meal Time fame), and together they ran "Wick and Skull," a different candle making business that recently closed down. My guess is Meggii and Sterling are currently dating, but I can only back that up with a few reasons. Reason 1 is that Wick and Skull had a few collabs with cosplayers in the past, namely with Darshelle, Rolyat, and guess who? that's right, Meggii. Now Darshelle makes sense, since she's been with Mike for a while. Rolyat also makes sense since she has one of the bigger followings within their group of friends. Meggii is kinda the outlier between the three of them, but either way she got her own run of candles and did some modeling for them (their instagram is still open and can be looked at). Sure, her following was growing pretty rapidly, but she was still probably the newest girl to the area. Reason two is that I feel like I keep seeing them within the same proximity on social media. Maybe this is the schizophrenia taking over for a bit, but they've appear together in places like the Colorado ski resort trips that group does and were both a part of the Korok cosplay that friend group did together during anime expo (only four guys were in that group, each of them being the partners of Seviria, Bukkit and Darshelle, leaving Sterling as the outlier). So what does this all mean? Absolutely nothing if you are a sane person like me. If it bothers you that she might be in a relationship then, ok? I'm not going to play white knight for her, but at the same time you might need to reevaluate things if a popular cosplayer/sex worker dating someone is an issue to you. This is just something I found to be interesting, especially since she keeps most of her personal life private. Something that I don't know is the identity of the guy who was spying on her and tried to break in. According to her post, it was someone she thought was her friend, which initially made me think it was someone within her current friend group, but no one seemed to pop up, so maybe it was someone more behind the scenes? Either way, idk, and hopefully Meggii chose a safer place for this most recent move.

Next, I want to cover her biggest issues, which I'm labeling "The Three C's." These C's include Consistency, Commitment and Content. The first, Consistency, should be pretty clear. The girl has none of it. She has no schedule as to when content comes out, which is just plain annoying for the consumer. Let's take, for example, Darshelle. I've never followed her on paid OF, except for her occasional free trial, but according to it you get a free XXX video every month. Even if she isn't actually sending out here hardcore stuff every month, we at least see some kind of implied consistency. I feel like at Meggii's peak, she was releasing roughly 3 sets a month, but recently that's dropped off somewhat, whether it be because of the stalking incident or because of her recent move + trip. Regardless, her consistency with posting is kinda dogshit. Luckily, I think there is an easy solution to this that she's continuously overlooked. I'm pretty sure OF lets people upload sets in advance, then set them to be sent out at certain times. If she was telling the truth about having enough sets to last her this whole year, she could just upload a bunch and have them come out on the 1st and 15th of every month. That way, even if she needs to take a break to move for the gorillinth time or smite another stalker, we'd get content every two weeks or so. Her next issue is one that's a bit more tricky to solve. Her Commitment to doing the things she says she's going to do is, once again, dogshit. Take for example her paid page. Well over a year ago, she ran a poll on twitter asking if people wanted a VIP OF page, and the majority of people said no. She deleted that post, and went dark on the matter. A little bit later, she mentioned starting one again, only to, again, retract that statement. That time, however, she actually went through made the page, which one of us found. I checked in on it a few times here and there, and from what I remember, she's only recently signed into it a few times back in January. Before that, she had signed into is back in September of '23. It's been close to a year, and she still hasn't officially launched it yet. Another thing is her Fansly (anyone remember that?), which was DOA. She posted few pics, most of which were locked behind having a subscription to the account, which she didn't even fully set up. She did a soft reset of it, roughly the same time she updated stuff on her VIP page for OF in September, but has once again left it to rot. Additionally, and of lesser importance, she's made multiple alternate social media accounts, but barely does anything with them. one being an alt insta where she was going to post lewds from her sets at promotion, one being a twitter made for the same reason as the insta, and maybe a couple more. She's also mentioned wanting to start streaming again for who knows how long, but had never gotten close to it. This is the issue I have no clue on how to fix. It's one that's completely on her to strap in and full send on all the things she says she wants to. I'm not saying she should be spending every waking hour of the rest of her career on her computer updating all her socials, but maybe focusing on what she actually wants to work on and trimming the fat of what she knows is a dead end could be useful. Finally, the last C is Content, and this one might be kinda controversial. I am of the belief that she is stuck in a kind of "Patreon-mindset." What I mean by this is that she might be of the belief that every set she posts on OF should have something like 25-35 photos and a few videos, with a number in reserve if people tip. Back during her patreon days, her sets consisted of a bunch of photos (Maybe 50+) with a couple of videos. Sure, this works fine, but it also limits her to the same routine. My guess is that she still does the same routine of editing 60+ photos and a few videos each time she shoots a new set, except now she cuts it down further because of OF's file limit of 40. Personally, I don't think this is sustainable in the long run. It takes too long for her to edit the photos herself (which she's mentioned she does). and it kills any chance of more variety in what she does end up posting. Remember the two try-on vids she did a while back? Why can't we get more of that? She could do a part two for the thigh high socks, or one for her lingerie, or one for possible costumes she might use in the future. Remember how she mentioned wanting to stream again? if she ever ends up actually doing that, maybe have an OF stream once a month. It could be anything from a truth or dare, to a workout stream. Fuck man, I'd even settle for her playing minecraft with a butt cam at this point. The sets she puts out are fine, don't get me wrong, but I don't think any of us would be mad at a little variety. Additionally, I think having more candid/casual sets could be a good thing. They don't require her to look for a cosplay on aliexpress, or make one herself. Just throw on a baggy shirt and some panties every now and then. In addition to the types of content she posts, am I the only one kinda disappointed in the quality of it? Every video that she posts seems like its in 720p, even when they are at source quality, and the photos seem pretty grainy, even at higher resolutions. I'm pretty sure for all of the content she shoots, she uses her phone. If, for what ever reason she ever comes across this post, please Meggii, BUY A DAMN QUALITY CAMERA. I've seen posts from girls who use a good quality camera on OF, and they still look better quality after whatever compression they go through on OF. I'm not saying every set she puts out needs to be 4k, ultra HD, but I'd be nice to have some kind of improvement. I'll buy the damn thing myself if I have to. Finally, the pricing of her content is kinda bullshit. assuming she settles back into three or so sets a month, we're looking at something like 100+ dollars a month for her content. That's kind atrocious, especially if her biggest concern is spamming content. Sure, some girls are a lot worse (looking at you, Byndo), but is it ever a bad thing to look for improvement? So what's the solution for this? Actually launch the VIP account. Right now, it looks like she settled on $15 a month for it, which is definitely better than the $24 she had previously. This put her inline with some of her friend who run VIP pages for similar amounts. Having an account that offers a base discount for all future sets would go a long way in not only making more money, but also offering better options for her fans. This way, people that want all of her content get it at a discount, and those that want to pick and chose which sets they want can just follow her free account. This section was kinda just me beating on her decisions, so I'll end it on something of a positive note. Despite everything she does that frustrates me, al the very least, she hasn't started using one of those OF agencies. This was confirmed on some of her recent OF posts, and honestly thank god for that. Having stuff get spammed out the ass at us by them is the most annoying thing when it comes to following these kinds of girls, and all it does is cut away at her profits in the long run. So good on you, Meggii, for doing the bare minimum and opting not to use them.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
I think talking about her content is probably a good point to transition to what I think the future holds for us with her. To start, I think it should be said that I think she will never, at any point in time, and for any possible reason, do fully nude content. I will be more than happy to be wrong about this, but I don't think nude content is in the cards for us. In fact, I think she's probably hit a plateau with her work in general. Unlike some models who've left the possibility of doing nudes in the future, Meggii has never indicated something like that. She's always had a "lewds not nudes" policy, and I think there's a reason for this. Remember back when I mentioned where she's from and her family? I have a feeling that plays into this. Saskatchewan has a population 3 times smaller than LA, where I think she currently lives in or near. She's definitely more of a small town girl, at least in relation to LA, and with a larger family back north, she might not want to do anything too "sex workery," especially if it might affect her family/reputation. Additionally, there is the possibility that if her and Sterling are dating, that one or both of them aren't comfortable with nude content, which should be expected. Regardless, intentional nip doesn't seem like its in our future. That being said, she never mentioned not doing any kind of more "charged" acts. She could change it up every now and again, doing something different for her videos. I think I mentioned it before, but she could do a video/stream of her taking the BDSM test and talking about her kinks, or stuff like dirty talk/joi, or maybe implied actions like handjobs using something like a carrot (I'd add in blowjobs, but apparently she had TMJ, so anything like ball gags or blowjobs is out of the picture). Every video she puts out as of late is always her just dancing and stripping out of her costume to her lingerie with music blasting in the background. That isn't a bad thing, but again, variety is good, and is more to "lewd not nude" than just stripping out of her given cosplay. There is precedent for this. Bukkit, who is has appeared together with that group on occasion, has put out content like audio of her masturbating, implied sex acts like riding, blowjobs and cum play. Darshelle straight up does porn, which could be an inspiration for some kind of new content. Then again, Darshelle is kinda unique in her progression, going from a photographer to cosplayer to full on amateur porn. Other girls in her friend group do a variety of things, so it's kinda surprising she hasn't branched out a bit more within the confines of non-nude.

Another thing to look out for, which might break our simpy little hearts, is her eventual retirement. This isn't something I think is imminent, but it could definitely be in the future. Darshelle recently mentioned that she would start moving away from SW in general, and that her candle making business is performing well enough. Outside of Meggii's friend group and to the industry at large, I think we're starting to see the beginning of the "first wave" OF girls start to settle down. Stpeach stopped all together, and I have a feeling most of these girls have made enough for an early retirement. Meggii might not be at this stage yet, but if we see her start to expand her portfolio to include other streams of revenue, like what Darshelle is doing, that could be some kind of indicator. My guess would be if she actually starts up her twitch again, or goes back to selling merch on her gumroad. She's 26 right now, and unless she's deadset on becoming the first cosplaying-onlyfans-GILF, I can honestly see her settling down and stopping within the next few years. Here's hoping I'm wrong on this one tho.

That wraps up everything I have to say at the moment. I've covered a lot of stuff about her, and there's probably more to discuss. I hope all you fine gentlemen here have enjoyed this bit of reading, and absolutely feel free to reply with any and all questions and comments. Enjoy the rest of your day ya crazy gooners :pepoLove:. banner