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Simp Chat MaimyNyan Parasocial Activity Thread


Mar 12, 2022
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Maybe I'm not being clear, I'm not saying her "hiatus" was caused by people on here. I'm just saying if she decides to not come back then people harassing and being annoying could have helped her make that decision. I mean you don't catch flies with vinegar, getting like 100 harsh messages in 48 hours demanding that you come back certainly wouldn't convince me to come back.

My copium is that after she recovers from her surgery and takes a vacation for Christmas, then she'll back in January.
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Mar 11, 2022
Wait you actually think she takes even more than 20 seconds to look at her discord? The last message shes sent was at the end of february. She is not looking at her discord at all. And the only shit shes ever posted were Stream/Video announcement with an at everyone attached to it. So even if the discord raid was MASSIVE, and im talking like, hundreds of people going ape shit crazy, she wouldnt give a shit because she has mods that can clear that shit.

If a few "harsh" messages from random ass nobodys hurts you so bad as a creator that you then proceed to just go MIA for over a month without any notice you have problems and shouldnt be an online creator anyways.


Mar 11, 2022
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I think she said she is getting the surgery in november and takes december off. So IF its a butchered surgery it could explain if she shows NOTHING in december/end of november but this silence has already been going on for well over a month soooo...idk. Its just the same as every time just that she can, this time, take off another month without judgement from her simps because of the surgery


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 15, 2022
Another week and still no explanation. When I was in the military I would always take the max possible amount of leave all at once, and my phone was turned off the entire time, that was how I took breaks. Maybe she has the same mentality. I just don't understand not posting a simple text update, it seems lazy and a bad financial decision to forsake your simp subs.
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Nov 29, 2022
Just tossing this out there...
Her last YT vid was Oct 27 and her last IG story was Oct 28. This happened to be exactly 1 year since the "robbery". If you believe that she was actually robbed by a stalker, as some people suggested, is it possible that something happened again this year to spook her on the anniversary? If so, I could see how this could really affect someone, especially if they already have some mental issues.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 24, 2022
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Firstly, it's not a compulsive need, it just humanizes them, in my view.

Say for ex, you could walk up to any film event and if you're lucky, say "hey Emma, big fan, can we take a picture?" even though you barely know anything about them and purely consume their professional art like twice a year. On the other hand, the new wave of "digital celebrities" basically sell a parasocial relationship requiring almost daily engagement (streams, gfe, chats, etc.) but somehow need to have a brand name and an actual name.

I think it was Poki who said that she doesn't like it if anybody walks up to her and says "hey Imane" instead of "hey Poki," quite literally demarcating between the people in one-directional relationship (fans) and people who know her IRL. I think it's disingenuous especially when they expect my time, engagement and "love" to not even be given the basic respect of a first name in return, y'know?

Alas, like most things capitalism, it's great for business (isolates their online persona from their irl one) and bad for consumers. But needless to say, they will gaslight you into believing it's great for you too under the guise of security, privacy and whatnot, as I suppose is what led you to believe that it's "creepy."

Lol I swear, she moves a finger and somebody writes an article about it:
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Sep 22, 2023
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I mean this is her modus operandi nowadays. How many delays and excuses has she said so far up to this point? You people can go ahead and download this guy all you want, but he's telling the truth. She hasn't been creating content on a regular basis and she's been making excuse after excuse, especially with this stupid ass Studio.


Sep 22, 2023
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As someone who actually went to go look on that server, I can tell you right now that the only thing most everyone was doing was asking to see where she's been and why there's been no communication. Literally no one has been saying hateful things! We all want to see her still, we'd love to see her go all out and show it off at some point. We just don't understand why she's dropping off just like Aftyn did and not communicating or doing anything to reach out to people anymore. That's it! And she had the server up for everyone to go join so obviously it wasn't like we weren't invited to come and communicate to begin with. Her subscription bases getting more angry with her than us. And they have a right to me. That's where I see the hateful comments come from, and it's not really hateful it's more that they are pissed off that she's making more excuses not producing content.


Diamond Tier
Nov 27, 2022
I agree people shouldn't be sending angry or negative stuff directly to her (though she also doesn't check her disc server or this place), and I can empathize with whatever issues she's dealing with, but also at some point adults are accountable for their own actions/inaction. It would take less than 1 minute for her or her bf to post on any of her platforms, "hey guys, dealing with some personal stuff, I'll be away for awhile" and there'd be way less speculation and frustration for sure. Meanwhile, she's made like $25k in the past month for absolutely nothing but silence to her supporters. I guess it's a good gig if you can get it...


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 30, 2023
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You might not feel like it's much, but she already had her home broken into and felt scared enough that she moved, and then you find that a lot of guys are coordinating activities to flood her discord with messages that might not be threatening but kinda scare her because of what's happened to her.

Aftyn did eventually communicate what happened and ended up suspending her patreon. That's one point for her, though. But I'm kinda puzzled by the inability of some guys to not realize how some attitudes might be scaring her off for real. All of these pauses started when she had her home broken into. After that, everything that happens will have her on an extra alert mode. It's a normal reaction after such events.


Mar 11, 2022
The only thing Aftyn ever said was that the construction of her house or renovating of the house will take much longer due to covid complications that occured when it came down to delivering material to their house. Since then she has yet to come back. That is not communicating a "break" or a quit. She has since then not posted a single tweet, story, discord message, patreon post or anything alike.

Besides we all understand that something like a break in from a stalker can be crazy for your mental. Nobody says "Dont be a little pussy, thats nothing". But we dont know for a fact if the story was true or not. I personally think its true and that it did have an impact on her but I also understand people doubting that it happened.

And even if she got weird messages again or perhaps has problems with her stalker again or whatever it is. The least thing she can do is litteraly make a post "Yo guys, I have some problems mentally, I will go on hiatus for an undefined amount of time, I will post again once im back at full mental strength to make content again, see you until then". If a discord raid of a few people that dont even go ape shit scares you to the point of going radio silent you should, again, post that you arent okey and then see a specialist that helps with therapy.

There is no excuse that she is doing what shes doing right now :peepoShrug:


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 14, 2022
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That is not at all what I remember happening. Are you from a parallel universe or could perhaps share some form of source? All I (and many others, I assure you) remember is that she completely vanished after announcing the delay on her "studio", paused her Patreon a few weeks/months later, and since then we haven't heard a single thing from her from any of her known accounts. Some creep managed to dig up her facebook profile and found pictures of her getting married, which is weird as hell, but that wasn't her doing so I wouldn't count that as her "eventually communicating".

But yeah, Tristesor pretty much nailed the whole Maimy situation on the head. It would take her virtually no time to post more or less a single sentence claiming she'll be gone for an undisclosed amount of time. I'm not a sub to her Onlyfans, so I don't personally have any stakes in this, but her actual paying customers deserve that at the very least, if you ask me.
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Jun 29, 2022
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there was zero coordinated "flooding"

there were like 5 people that were 1year or even longer members of that server talking about it, and then you had some random imitating ceasar and broke boy. for referance, the imitator and brokii, had a combined 14 messages TOTAL. if we want to extrapolate for potential deleted messages, maybe 20.

like i said before, people are acting like this was some huge raid, when in reality its literally just people asking "hey wtf is going on, maimy been AWOL" and complete radio silence otherwise