Support Last few days, trouble with redirects and popups

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Tier 3 Sub
May 17, 2022
Did not have this issue until this week. Half of the time, when I click on Watched(to refresh it) or on a thread title, it tries to redirect me to a popup or an external site. You know like most shady porn sites are known to do. I have both Malwarebytes and AdBlock Origin which keeps it from opening those but it is annoying having to wait, then click again to get what I want opened. Also, it is only here, that I have this issue. I am on about 5 other forums that use the same forum software, this is the only site with that issue and it only started this week. I can only imagine that some forum add-on is causing the issue. Anyone else experiencing this? I am sure they are, since I only have issues here and only recently. If I were getting it other places, then I would suspect my browser or malware on my PC.