Simp Chat jelly_bree


Deleted member 317369

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The tiers are pretty interesting, upper tiers will include a bunch of bikini photos. She says there won't be an nude or lewd photos, but the bikini pictures alone indicate her moving in that direction. Guess she really was hurting for cash. Wonder how though? Recently she's been having streams where she outright ask for donations to help out with bills, and she must have netted $1k to $2k from those alone.


Bianca Sotelo Simp
Mar 21, 2022
Is it me or are her boobs getting bigger? Or is it just the magic of a good push-up bra? I never really thought of her as busty but they look like a DD here. When you throw in her skinny frame they must look massive.

I feel Patreon is a good move from her. Onlyfans would be too big a leap when you consider her good girl image. But at least she is acknowledging that guys want hot content from her and she is now opening the door for more.

Deleted member 317369

Her boobs were always pretty big. Maybe not double D, but her beach streams did show that she had a very large chest. Wonder her having Patreon will change anything? It seemed pretty out of left field, considering on her streams she still did try to deflect her being a total sex bomb.

Wonder if she will actually stick to it though, she's pretty bad for coming with an idea and then just dropping it out of nowhere.


Level 99
Jul 6, 2022
And so it begins...

I am shocked she took this long. She will start with "tasteful" bikini pics on Patreon but the temptation to make the big money will lead her to Onlyfans for 2023 where she can badly overcharge for those tasteful bikini and lingerie pics that she could have easily gotten away with posting on Instagram. With her most explicit content being handbras.

The reason the real money is on Onlyfans is you are relying on its reputation as a porn site to drive up sales from you basically posting Instagram content. You can't do that with Patreon, Fanhouse, etc, where everyone already knows it will be Instagram stuff.

Deleted member 317369

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I get the feeling that a lot of it was driven by her still wanting to try to keep things PG. I mean there's not that much actual difference between a bikini and lingerie, aside from the suggestive nature, but she says there will be no lewd photos....for now anyways. She still acts PG on stream, not reading even remotely engaging with any explicit comments.


Bianca Sotelo Simp
Mar 21, 2022
As mainstream as Onlyfans has gotten, there are still tons of people that will forever see it as nothing more than a porn site and everyone on there as sex workers. Her family and friends might have had a negative reaction to her going on Onlyfans and she might have felt it would ruin her image. Patreon doesn't have that stigma even though she is selling bikinis pics so guys can jerk off to her body and boobs.

It's a weird dichotomy between wanting to keep your wholesome image while also wanting to make money off your looks and body.

Eddie Kingston Fan

Tier 3 Sub
Jul 22, 2022
I am not surprised at all she is going to start making money off her body/looks and basically do Onlyfans without saying she is doing Onlyfans cause somehow calling it Patreon makes it more classy or something. This path was inevitable.

I remember her saying she was friends with Novaruu and she saw her as a mentor. They have raided each other a few times. Novaruu is a 23 year old typical egirl streamer who started out in porn and nude modeling. After doing porn she hooked up with Ice Posiden's crew and started streaming on Twitch. She was always in drama, hooked up with a number of big male streamers, and was always on dating shows for clout. She tried really hard to pretend she never did porn and would freak out if anyone brought it up cause she was now a respectable steamer in her mind. But once her streaming numbers really started to drop in late 2021, she made an Onlyfans and went back to doing porn and nude modeling again while also streaming on Twitch. Once a thot, always a thot.
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Deleted member 317369

Makes sense she would go with Patreon instead of OnlyFans, especially if she's not actually doing anything nude or sexual. OnlyFans is pretty much just mostly porn, while Patreon does have legit creators far beyond porn. Most YouTubers of all stripes will have a Patreon for example.

Her cousin does OnlyFans, and her cousin's is actual porn I believe, so its not like she is unaware or unfamiliar with that whole world and stigma. Plus, since she's already a streamer, I guess everyone around her was used to the idea of her being an e-girl. But going to OnlyFans would take her from e-girl to porn, which probably was a bridge too far for her.

Wonder how her dad feels about it?
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Eddie Kingston Fan

Tier 3 Sub
Jul 22, 2022
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The money will make him feel a lot better. This girl has been streaming since she was 16 or 17. He had to know why she was getting views and he clearly sees the dudes in chat asking to see her feet and her to bend over. And there is way worse sexual stuff. And yet he never stopped her. I am not talking about when she turned 18 and is an adult, but she was on Twitch way before then. He is not stupid.

Didn't know about her cousin doing Onlyfans porn. Like I said with the Novaruu example, she is well aware of that world and I think she knows why she has any fanbase. I don't think she is naive enough to believe guys are watching for her um, "singing" and weird dancing. Dudes watch her cause she is hot and they want to see a hot girl.

Deleted member 317369

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Honestly feel bad for her on that front. I think she did genuinely want to be viewed as a content creator, but sort of came to the realization she's going to be viewed as a hot girl first and mostly.

Her dad seems like he's the closest person to her, even beyond having a solid father-daughter relationship. So maybe he's fine with it because he knows she doesn't really get up to much anyhow.


Bianca Sotelo Simp
Mar 21, 2022
She clearly wants a singing career and to be viewed as a content creator. There are girls who make a living going on Twitch just singing or DJing. But even they just have fanbases because they are hot. She just isn't a good enough singer to make it just on that. She also wants to be a model but it is very hard to be discovered. We are in an age where Onlyfans and other sites like it changed everything and cut out the middle man. Want to be a pornstar? You don't have to move to California and work with a studio. You can do it at home. Want to be a model? You don't need an agency. Just publish your own stuff. Want to make money just from being hot? Make an Onlyfans/Patreon/Fanhouse, etc.

It certainly benefits us who want to see bikini and maybe lingerie pics. Now the question will her Patreon stuff be leaked? Probably not since she doesn't have much of a fanbase and the guys who are going to pay $25 and even $50 a month aren't going to leak her stuff since she would probably have a good idea of who is doing it. If she gets more buyers the odds go up. Or if some guy just gets frustrated with her content.

Deleted member 317369

Damn, looking at her sub tiers and her where she is at with her overall goals on her Patreon, she must be making ballpark of $2k a month on her first month alone on Patreon.


Bianca Sotelo Simp
Mar 21, 2022
Yeah she is making decent money and probably wished she did something like this before. She is likely already making more from Patreon than Twitch and that will be her main focus.

Very interesting if she can keep up with the 20 bikini pics a month for the $50 tier. Also bikini pics will satisfy people for a little while. Part of her appeal is that she didn't show much and guys wanted to see that body and those boobs more. So now they are getting more. But you know what happens. Guys will want more and won't be satisfied with the same bikini pics. A few months from now, she will lose subs. They will want her to show more and move to platforms like Onlyfans.

It's no different than when any girl starts out on Onlyfans. Almost all social media girls start out with very tame content but after a while their subs start demanding more risque stuff. They have to progress with their content and become more sexual over time or guys lose interest.
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Deleted member 317369

Hard to say, she was able to make loads of money off Twitch for the better part of 3 years. Her support only started declining because she stopped putting any effort into her streams, and stopped caring about it. Had she kept up the quality from the previous years, she probably could have kept living off the twitch cash, since she lost interest before the guys watching her did.


Bianca Sotelo Simp
Mar 21, 2022
Yeah she was starting to pull like 300 viewers consistently. But after her break she is back to around 120 viewers.


Prominent Citizen
Mar 13, 2022
Did she post any of the bikini pictures/sets in her patreon already? since there's nothing in the content thread since someone posted the patreon tiers.

Deleted member 317369

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Damn, she's really giving up an easy $3-6K a month. Guess she really was much more uncomfortable with showing off herself like that than we thought.

Nvm, turns out she's a con artist. She's made a new Patreon within the hour and her old Patreons can go fuck themselves apparently.

Oh and now she's saying her page got removed without warning. But that's a total lie because she quickly scrubbed all of her socials of any mentions of her Patreon, even the ones that didn't include a direct link.
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Prominent Citizen
Mar 13, 2022
Did she really deleted it? Or just changed the name?

The patreon list currently listed in her page is working, but now the $10 tier is missing, just the $25 and $50 tiers are listed.

She also deleted the videos from the daily selfies and videos, now is just selfies.

And she increased the bikini pictures for the $25 tier, now you get 10 photos instead of 5.

Seems like she got plenty of people subscribing lol and now she was lazy to fulfill those numbers hahaha, so she redo the whole thing.
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