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Feedback Issues with Mods and how to reach them

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Lucifer's Evil Twin

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 10, 2022
Issue #1: I normally pics in batches of 10-15 due to my internet and I am constantly getting the posts merged or deleted due to "like farming." I have a shit ton of likes, I have no use for them and am not farming. Why are my posts being messed with when there are literally hundreds of high profile models that get a single pic uploaded everyday by the same person and their posts never get touched?

Issue #2: Anyone else notice their posts get deleted for some BS reason if a council member or mod has "claimed" that model? I had posts deleted for being duplicate on a model I signed up for and posted the new stuff because the council member or whatever hadn't posted in weeks. I know that shit isn't duplicate unless the mod time traveled to get the new shit and posted it weeks ago.

I never had these problems on the previous sites and never did that shit when I was a mod on *Blacklisted site*. There needs to be a way to contest what some of these mods are doing.


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
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You are uploading them all within minutes of each other so you could edit the post to add those extra pics, or not press post until all are uploaded.
Those posting one pic a day are how the model is posting them to her OF, thats been discussed many times on here and its clear with the admins, mods and owner this is fine.
'No farming' has always been a rule on all iterations of this forum, its not something new.

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You did repost a load of content that was already in the thread, on that page.
Here are quotes to show you, I have edited your post to simplify it to show just some examples of the reposting, you can still see they are your uploads on and you can see Ellcids were uploaded and posted before:
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She does repost herself quite often so there may have been no other new content in the 2 weeks since Ellcid posted, I don't know.

TBH I don't know what we could have done better.
There were no warnings
Some of your posts were merged and two posts deleted in keeping with our rules, that 'no farming' rule having been in place on SE, TB and now SC, most likely also on TH but I wasn't a mod back then to know for sure.
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Lucifer's Evil Twin

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 10, 2022
Hi Poki, thanks for the response, but I still disagree.

#1 I explained why I do this. Posting 1 a day is farming way more than collecting a week or month and then posting them in groups. Your logic on this makes zero sense. I make 3 posts back to back with 10-15 pics instead of 30 separate posts with 1 pic. Explain to me like I am 5 on how that is farming and the other way isn't.

#2 All my posts were deleted, not just ones with duplicates. There are still a lot of the pictures I posted that still haven't been posted by Eclid and those were deleted also. Almost every thread, especially established threads that have some dupes to a ton of duplicates and they are never cleaned up even though they are reported. I see old sets posted almost daily that you can go back and find on the first couple pages still active.

You can do better by giving active people that actually post paid content more leeway and not delete their shit, so they stop wanting to contribute. How about focus on the people that post a social media post everyday to the paid forums to farm likes. I don't even need likes, I have way more than is needed for the council. I'm just not a trash poster that makes worthless posts everyday, so my posts are not as high.

I appreciate that you actually took the time to look into this and respond. I know this site takes a lot of work. As I said I use to mod under a different username, but a new job forced me to give up extra time I had to spend on here.
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Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
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I explained recently here:
To add to the above, we aren't subbed to all those girls, so we don't know if they're posting one pic a day or people are spreading out pics one per day. We just assume the models are posting one or a few pics a day because so many do that, kinda like they do on Instagram.

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Posts can take up to 55 pics, put them all in one or we'll merge them, or maybe spread them out over a few days like those others you're complaining about...
I have run this through with other mods and its been discussed in our discord server before, this is how we do things here and have done since I started as a mod back on SE. You are welcome to disagree but your posts will be merged.

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You have three deleted posts, one was no longer required and two were in the Faith Lianne thread, the majority were reposts so I deleted them, its not my job (or any of the mods jobs) to figure out which few are not reposts, like you said "this site takes a lot of work" so we don't have time for such things.
You are welcome to figure out which new pics haven't been posted and post them again, there's no limits on your account.

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Probably a bad thread for you to make this argument with, you can get a 12 month free trial for her Onlyfans pretty easily last I looked.

I'm going to be honest, I don't understand why you are kicking up such a fuss. You had some posts correctly merged and some posts correctly deleted.

Lucifer's Evil Twin

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 10, 2022
I am not kicking up a fuss, I was trying to make a point about how the policy doesn't make sense. I don't care about being on the council. I was earlier on this site and dropped off because I got too busy with work to keep up.
Let me just put my point with math to show what I mean. I understand you are not going to change it, but I feel you are missing the point I am trying to make.
Say a model makes 30 posts a month, there are 5 members on the site that like posts for this model. I post 30 pictures in 3 posts of 10 pics each. I get credit for 3 posts and 15 likes. This is considered farming.
I make 30 posts with 1 pic each, I get credit for 30 posts and 150 likes. This is not considered farming.
I have no problem with either of these, but find it really weird that you come down on the first one and not the second one. Makes zero sense.
On to the next, I think most people here don't care if there were some duplicates as long as there was new unposted content. It is better to have all the content with backups than have content missing imo. I understand if that is not the stance this site takes, especially since the dupes need to be hosted and take up space. Idk, its a balance of costs vs keeping everything, so I respect that decision.

Why does the fact that I chose to support a model that offers free trial make any difference? I still paid for the content and took the time to upload and post it. She is also not the only model that I support and post here.

voidream I totally understand you can't catch everything. I don't report that stuff because it doesn't harm anything. Some people can't afford to pay for content and are doing what they can. I was just using it as an example of priorities seeming to be in the wrong place.

This is a great site. I have made friends here that I talk to on other platforms. I am just trying to help by pointing out a couple things that don't make sense to me. I am cool if you don't want to accept it or don't agree. I hope you all failed NNN miserably and have a great end of year!
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Our system is very simple:
If you post new content, you are allowed to post it as the model is posting it on Onlyfans.
It means if she is posting one picture at the morning and one at the night, you can do the same.

Forcing people to wait till 55 images come together and only post it then is not a valid option.

Yeah you can ask why we don't merge those posts later on by month or smth. Answer is simple, because it would cause more problems and drama, and wouldn't add that much from the positive side.
People would argue, would require more time from the mods, it would be harder to find if something is already in the thread or not etc.

I have no idea, what did "we" merge in this case and I honestly don't want to check the logs so I will just talk in general.

Why we merge your 15 image batches?
Because you already have those 55 images, you could post it together. You don't need to wait for the model to post more.

If it is a problem with your internet, you can just wait with sending the post till you fill it with those multiple 15 images per uploads.
Or you can edit your post, or you can put them into an album.

If you are posting old content. Do it 55 images per post or one post per one monthly content with an album link or at least one post per set.
Not just random 15 pictures per posts.
And leave a little time between your posts, if you don't want us to merge it.

There is a difference when someone "bumping" the thread with one new image per day. Or when someone bumping it in every 5 minutes with 10-15 pictures.

We delete duplicates, because if we would let people post them. Every popular thread would look like "here is my collection" "here some images I found" posts with all just duplicates for pages and pages and occasionally something new.

That is why I'm saying if you are posting old content grouping it by months or sets helps to see the duplicates.
And if you are just posting random images with some duplicates, there is a chance the mod will just delete it after seeing 5 dups because he doesn't want to waste more time on it.

If you want us to change something about this, feel free to bring it up, we are open to discuss about it.
But tell us exactly what would you change in general and why.
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