Support How do you get "eligible" to post comments on other sections of the forum?

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Tier 2 Sub
Mar 14, 2022
Hey everyone. Whenever i try to post a comment on most of the sections of the forum, it says "You have insufficient privileges to reply here." What should i do to be eligible to post comments on them?
You have to have 20 reaction score to post in the OnlyFans section of the forum. Once you reach 20 reaction score you get the 'simp' badge which lets you post in that section. Just as a reminder though that section among others such as the Patreon section are for content only and not for commenting in them.

Raiden Shogun

Electro Archon
Mar 11, 2022
You have to have 20 reaction score to post in the OnlyFans section of the forum. Once you reach 20 reaction score you get the 'simp' badge which lets you post in that section. Just as a reminder though that section among others such as the Patreon section are for content only and not for commenting in them.