Support how do i check the replies to a post?

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

Do you want fries with that?
Mar 10, 2022
If you're talking about the "Who is this?"-thread, you'll get a notification when someone quotes you/replies to your post:

If you want to see replies to posts of another user you can use the search, choose "This thread" and search for "quote username" and the search results will be posts with replies to that user:

Example with replies to posts of user Blocco20000:

EDIT: If you need the replies to a specific post you have to use the post ID, click the # at the top right of the post, copy the ID from the URL and search for "quote 1523635" for example.
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Bathwater Drinker
Nov 22, 2022
Hi, I had the same question, and I tried your suggestions and can verify that searching for the name works, but there is no reliable way to search for replies to a specific post. "quote #nn" nor "quote nn" nor anything else I tried retrieved the replies to posts that I tried; I did a simple test by searching for posts which I knew had replies or had replies on the same page (e.g. posts that I had replied to). Can you please help?


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 22, 2022
Thanks, I didn't realize there was that distinction.

As a side note, I wonder if it would be difficult to implement a hyperlink feature in the forum that took you to any replies for a given post. I've seen this in other forums, I think, and this would be really helpful for checking if a post in the "Requests" thread has been replied to, especially since the current method is a tad cumbersome, and even more so if you're using a mobile. For example, half the time that I enter into the "search" form at the top of the page a popup occurs that takes me to stripchat, which is a pain. Also, at least on iPhone, its not straightforward to click a hyperlink and copy its destination address to retrieve the post ID. However, this is just an idea, not sure if its even feasible.

Thank you nonethless for your help and reply!