Simp Chat Hotchicksonly (HCO)


Diamond Tier
May 8, 2022
Is there a gallery with headshots or thumbnails of all the girls? theres one girl who did just BJ scene but she had another HC scene with another website. and I cant figure out or find either of the scenes again
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Tier 1 Sub
Feb 5, 2023
I have seen a few of HCO's videos and was curious about what happened to the company. After searching for a bit I could only find a little info here and there.
I did end up watching the youtube video with Marine Michaels, but her story is pretty vague and doesn't give much.
I did end up finding this article on Traci Bingham

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and then found a post in the freeones forum where the HotChicksOnly creator commented on and gave the two states the case was being tried in

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Giving her $30k before she's even shot the scene seems like quite a bit, so they had to be spending some good money on their talent. Not sure how many of the other models were pre paid, but it seems to follow the same storyline as the others i've read about the company. Wave money and big oppertunities at the model while rushing to sign a big contract, then use it as leverage.
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Tier 1 Sub
Sep 21, 2022
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I found a lot of articles agreeing with this, but nothing that I'd heard of before or could find any history on reliability. Then I found one from TMZ, which seems to be pretty factual:
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EDIT: DOH! I looked at the embedded screenshot, but completely missed that you posted the same link.
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Tier 3 Sub
Mar 20, 2022
The people who worked for this guy knows the real deal. They're likely scared to say anything to this day for obvious reasons. As far as Akira, I'm surprised the guy didn't finger her while she gave him a bj. Imagine if she had intercourse with him. I don't think her acting career would've taken off. She is getting roles now and living a happy life from what i can see.
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Tier 1 Sub
Sep 21, 2022
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Do you not think her acting career would have taken off because she had intercourse on camera, or because of her potential emotional trauma?
Where is she getting roles? What name does she work under? Is she doing mainstream work, b-movies, or more porn? Any idea if Miko (the blonde she performed with at least once) has done other work, whether mainstream or porn?


Dec 26, 2023
I partly agree with lifesanedge and mthomp. It strains credulity to think anything illegal on non-consensual happened in these videos. I noticed in many there are female photographers (maybe also female production assistants?). I mean talk about Mean Girls! The annoying guy (STFU!) was polite and concerned about Akira's (she seems to be primary topic) comfort. Compare that to gonzo rough/gagging. This is tame porn.

Someone said they'd feel better jerking off to Akira elsewhere, where the girls "knew they were doing porn"??? Watch the Akira zoom video. It is clearly revealed to her and she's in agreement in advance, Akira asked, "Is the blowjob real?" The guy answered quite clearly, "YES. IT'S REAL." Case closed. Did she think it was a Disney movie? lol As if. So I believe you can jerk off to the wannabe star in good conscious. Hopefully she acts better than her blowjobs!

It was suggested that the girls regret it, embarrassed, etc, and all things being equal, that is the most logical conclusion. So who better to blame than the producers in these cases? Can you imagine being accused of such heinous behavior (crimes actually) and not having the video to prove you're innocent!? A lot of men in jail over lies like this. The guy is a victim and a hero imo (except for the excessive talking. Seriously STFU!). I wish the series would return but be rougher with new models.

Also straining credulity is the idea that this was a mafia production. 😂:ROFLMAO: I know this is SimpCity but you can be a member without being one. Sheesh.

Shout out to whomever posted the videos! Been on a quest to find them as they are becoming rare. I really like Yen.. Plus Blaze is highly underrated!


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 14, 2022
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The point is that they were lied to, no? Then there would be grounds for a lawsuit since the guy created a false narrative for the women.

Also, statistically, small percentage of men get falsely accused of SA. It seems like you are inflating the numbers just judging from your 3rd paragraph.


Tier 1 Sub
Sep 21, 2022
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I had responded previously but not sure why it wasn't approved. Maybe a word or two in my post. So, let's try with some more generic words or a "you fill in the word" for the brackets part.

Were the women lied to? We don't know that. If they were, but the guy had a bunch of paperwork, do we think that it would be accepted as a suit if so much stuff was in writing, yet the women claim a verbal lie?

I agree that there is a small percentage of false accusations. Stats show that there are much more UNreported occurrences of SA than any kind of false claims. I think, and have read, that many people (predominantly women) don't report because of public perception, shame, and feeling they were or contributed to blame. I have a feeling that the same reasons would be used for not admitting to doing porn, even if they got fooled.

The above noted, let's think about some other things. Let's imagine these were exactly as played out on camera. Does anyone think that these people were going to have unprotected sex with a stranger without both being tested first? Even if some of the women went for it - it was only the one guy, right? - do you think the guy would have had sex with so many women (women who'd sleep with a stranger as well) without them providing tests? If it was a one or two time thing, maybe. Dozens?

Now let's imagine that these women were completely informed, saw the money being offered, and thought that their father or brother or uncle or any other guy in their lives would never find it because "they don't watch that stuff." And suddenly she's confronted with it. Is she going to be up front, or, being the only way to deny being deemed a < what's the more common name for someone who trades sex for money > , are they going to say they were scammed and lied to?


Tier 3 Sub
Apr 15, 2022
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I work in the fashion industry and will give you my point of view. You are correct on some points.

First of all : The most desired job by kids today isn't doctor or astronauts but "influencer" or model. The respected fashion industries are VERY selective with the models they hire so a lot of girls will never make it but they do not accept that. they think that all it takes is good photos or videos and fame will follow.
A lot of these girls are really dumb and if a photographer has 20k followers, they will think that he is worth working with. Girls don't spend time researching what makes a good photo so often they base their judgment on follower counts... trust me, i've seen a lot of girls who say 'i only shoot portrait and clothed' but when a 20k photographers asks them for a nude shoot, they do not hesitate a minute to get naked. i've seen it so many times...

Secondly : Women are as sexual as men... Society tries to paint women as innocent creatures being taken advantage of... a solid 85% of the women i talk to tell me that they would be ok to do a lingerie/boudoir photoshoot to feel more confident and to get out of their confort zone. Women find lingerie more sexy than nude so in their mind, shooting lingerie is hotter. They would definitely do it if nobody finds out or if the pictures don't get published. That is what's stopping them all... So if you are a photographer and you tell them a good story about the pictures only being published on a private website in eastern Europe, they feel like nobody will find it.
Now i've seen many girls willingly do nude shoot, being confortable during the shoots and enjoying it but when they start posting the pictures on instagram, the comments from the BF, family, friends,... make them delete everything. The friends and family are the ones shaming the women.

So a girl that is like "i'd have sex with a frat guy for free, so why not doig it once for money if nobody finds out..." falling for a fake profile that looks legit.

If you search on instagram, you'll see some average girls being "signed" to modeling agencies... if you look deeper the "agency" is based in Turkey, Cyprus, India for girls located in like western europe... like if an agency in india would be able to find you a job in France, wtf ? But those average girls DREAAAAMMM of being discoverted and feel like those agencies offer them the chance that they "deserve" but that nobody is able to really see. Remember that those average girls go on tinder and get 50 matches per day, why wouldn't they think that they are hot as fuck and model material ?

So were they willing participant ? yes probably... were they lied to ? most definitely... Could they have avoided it by being smarter and having smaller egos ? 100%...
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Tier 1 Sub
Sep 21, 2022
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I agree with a lot of what you note for happenings today, but HCO started in 2012, with some videos being shot prior to the website creation. Influencers really were not a thing. Facebook was a little past it's public infancy, having opened membership beyond students in about 2008. Instagram was new (started Oct or Nov of 2010), and Twitter, being around since Mid 2006, wasn't the powerhouse it became before Elmo bought it.

I also agree with the "as sexual as men." I'm not sure if you were suggesting they were or I implied they were fooled into sex, but I don't think that. I believe they knew exactly what they were doing, were STD-STI tested, signed paperwork, had sex on camera, got paid, etc. Maybe they were lied to about where it would end up. Maybe some of them didn't fully read and or understand the release. As you noted at the end, I also think that they were embarrassed and or shamed when their work was found, and they had to say either they were lied to / scammed / coerced / <fill in what ever term to deny blame> or they admitted that they were w<hore>s. I don't see sex work as shameful, but the people who shamed these women likely did. Few people are going to admit to their parents, cousin, or ex, current, or potential future significant other that they had sex for money.


Dec 26, 2023
The only lie I see is by the women or the so-called classmates white-knighting for them. Why do I say this? There is a zoom video online of the Akira model which is clearly filmed before the blowjob scenes. In it she asks, point blank: "Is the blowjob real?" The producers tell her "Yes. It is real." She went on to say how she "never did that before" "wanted to be comfortable" and something about "her mom seeing it". She literally is on camera weighing the pros and cons and chose to do it! So before she ever came in to do the video(s) (2 that I saw), she KNEW that it included a real blowjob (NOT SIMULATED). So where did she think it would be released? Disney channel?

In my opinion if an Oscar award winning movie had real felatio or sex (not simulated) then that is porn. She knew. So likely they all did. Do you think producers told the truth to one model and not the rest? Do you really think it was the models showed up and they said, "Surprise! You have a real blowjob! OR ELSE!". That is absurd. The zoom video of her asking and being told it is real, is literally the only factual piece of evidence in this nothing burger of hearsay and it wholly refutes these claims of illegality. One would presume the contracts also point it out in advance. I'd have to see the contract to be sure, but of course they do.

Respectfully, on a European East website? I guess Americans can't access those? The Mafia and gun story are fantastical. Watch the videos and there's no way any of that happened. Didn't a single model exchange info with all the female assistants I heard or saw in the background? Not too difficult to introduce them to lawyers, but because it isn't illegal, they probably didn't. And were those assistants masochists and in on it if it? Did we walk on the moon? This is absurd conspiracy area. Perhaps it is my legal background that defaults to common sense and evidence.

People can reply with their various theories, and continue to white knight etc. But they mean nothing against evidence, which is available for all to see online in the zoom videos. Now if they'd just come back with more aggressive content and less talking by the guys!


Tier 1 Sub
Sep 21, 2022
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She thought she was doing it for a movie, but was worried about her mother seeing it ? So she would have been ok with her mother seeing her give a blowjob in a mainstream movie ?

She knew exactly what she was doing, and when her family, friends, boyfriend, <fill in any male person in her life> finds it, she claims she was scammed so she doesn't look like a whore to them.


Tier 1 Sub
Sep 21, 2022
Another white knight to her rescue!

I'm not saying she wasn't told it wouldn't be seen in the US, or that it might be some lame non-porn movie, but SHE KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO GIVE AN UNSIMULATED BLOWJOB FOR MONEY AND IT WAS GOING TO BE FILMED. Did she read the contract or make sure it stated specific conditions about the locales of release? None of us know. I have no problems with adult, consenting sex workers, but call it what it was. SEX WORK. SHE WAS PAID TO PERFORM A SEX ACT, whether it was on film or not. SHE ASKED IF IT WAS REAL, because she was afraid her mother would see it, and was informed that it was NOT SIMULATED. After it comes out, she makes it sound like she was coerced or otherwise forced. Whether she thought it was legit or knew it was porn, SHE HAD SEX FOR MONEY. INFORMED. SIGNED RELEASE. PROVIDED ID. IF ANY OF THIS WAS NOT THE CASE, she'd have had the maker(s) arrested. No ID = 2265 violations, federal crime. No release = privacy or, depending on year and location, revenge porn charges. Did she make sure the release contract included no US release or any other specifics and then those were violated? Civil liability and she could have sued him/them.

Dude - she's not gonna bang you for coming to her rescue.


PaRappa the Fapper
Mar 11, 2022
Exactly. It was all perfectly above board and legal and not in any way fraud and/or coercion.

The guy who made these videos most likely scrubbed his website and entire online presence completely off the internet out of the goodness of his heart and not for fear of litigation, and in doing so did not in any way prove or suggest his culpability in any imagined misdeeds.


Mar 20, 2024
"Exactly" and your sarcastic claims are made with zero evidence parapa. Perhaps the producers did do these things you claim (if they even happened) because they tired of white knights like you? Or maybe they got married? Or maybe they died? You obviously don't know. How could any of us? You'd be laughed out of court with all your conjecture.

mthomp's stance is backed by video and written evidence. Of course the contract had to authorize release to a porn site. How can I determine this? Akira herself clearly knew her video was for an adult release/site because she emailed them the following email. It was posted at the site and she wrote "thanking" the producers for a "wonderful and enjoyable first time experience" and that the producers were "kind" and she "liked it so much that she didn't mind and was excited to have her face cummed on twice" She said she "changed her mind" and wasn't going to do other scenes and specifically said it wasn't anything the producers did, but a "personal decision." I'm paraphrasing (it's been almost 10 years since I saw that. Anyone have that!?). On what planet is she not wholly involved and part of this con? Grow up. Man up. You don't have to be a simp to be a member at Simp City.

I wonder if Akira appreciates all the attention that you draw onto her adult foray that is nearly 10 years ago! Time for her comeback, maybe!?