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Simp Chat FrivolousFox ASMR - Discussion Thread


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
The fact that she recorded multiple nude videos touching herself & being a slut for her ex to jerk off to is undeniable proof she's full of shit! You don't change that kind of sexual energy in a person magically. Lauren has always had a strong sexual seductive aura, its embedded in her and she knows it. Probably why so many of us are attracted to her like a moth to light.

She just plays stupid and acts clueless! the whole lighthearted good girl bullshit is cap just to appease her crazed religious family and look classy in the eyes of her casual audience and sponsors. But trust if she had a chill family or never got popular with ASMR, she'd probably be selling farts in a jar and pussy beer right along with Amouranth. :KEKWlaugh:

Maybe one day she'll get sick of keeping up this fake act and let her true nature out. :HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA:


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 24, 2023
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In her defense, that was also nearly 10 years ago. Goes without saying, people can change. Their morals can change. I'm sure that there are thousands of people who were slutty in their early adult life who are no longer slutty. Likewise, people who were good girls and never let a soul see their boba until they were an older adult, now they live on onlyfans.

But she sounds like she doesn't want anything to do with the NSFW side of things anymore. It is obvious that she can make bank if she shows some skin. But her morals are higher than that. And there isn't anything wrong with that


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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I see your point but doubt it in her case. I think she's putting on a front to make her family, the minority casual fans mostly (Woman Audience) and her sponsors happy.

This is the same chick that was openly Bi at one point, Lauren is defiantly open sexually and I don't think that will ever change but she is doing a good job of hiding it even tho time to time you see glimpses of her naughty side with the Lollipop, Face and Mic licking ASMR.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 24, 2023
Oh for sure she is putting on a front. She showed her parents her videos a few years ago...

Be honest, any girl who is doing her hair, purring on makeup, sitting in front of a camera and looking cute and attractive while they make kiss sounds and lick a microphone is making softcore porn. Now, if she realized this when she was first starting or not, that's not known.. But once it really started to stick in that she was doing softcore porn, she started to put in the 'this is not sexual!' and whatnot.

She's just one natural disaster away from going rogue and making explicit stuff. Though she appears to be a smart girl, I doubt she'll ever fall into dire straits financially to the point that she decides to show anything.

She had the choice to embrace the tiddy or reject the tiddy. She has always rejected it, even if she walks a fine line, she doesn't cross it. More power to her


Oct 26, 2023
In my experience most people that claim they're asexual, demisexual or any of that nonsense are mostly full of shit anyway.

Most of her videos ARE sexual, thats not even an opinion its a fact and she knows full well what shes doing.

We can only hope she cuts the bullshit soon and really leans into it. Its not like her relationship is going to work out anyway :peepoGiggles:

El Diabllo

Bathwater Drinker
Aug 6, 2022
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Demisexual literally means you need an emotional attachment to be sexual with someone. Most people could be considered demisexual. That is why the LGBTQ+ crowd has never really embraced it since that would mean like 90% of people could call themselves LGBTQ+. And that would ruin their small club. The same thing with asexual since that is more a phase than a sexuality.

Frivvy had a strong attachment to her female friend when she was young and decided she was bisexual. When she really wasn't. Now she is demisexual cause she has to label something that everyone else feels. She is no different than any 16 year old straight girl on TikTok who wants to be special. Tyler had his chance to run.
Mar 4, 2024
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To be honest, I don’t see Tyler leaving anytime soon. We don’t see everything, but they’re probably perfect for each other. Going off of Sage’s claim that their families are close-knit, which explains how distressed Lauren got during the alleged “marriage” fiasco because maybe some of their family members got involved in the discourse, there’s really no reason to expect Tyler or Lauren to call out on each other’s bullshit. They’re both too placid and emotionally weak. They’re also both in that settling age and they cosigned the house a few years ago.

If I have to see another commenter say “Who’s Tyler?” or “Tyler is her boyfriend.” one more time….these people really don’t get it, do they?


Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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Is there, though?

A lot of the posts on here just read like “I used to like her, but now I don’t…so I need to write tons of speculation to convince myself she’s the worst and was never worthy of my affection in the first place” projection.

Basically, a more elaborate, paragraph-laden version of when a girl rejects a dude and their bruised ego hits back with, “Oh yeah? You’re just a ugly, fat slut anyway”.

I just want these models to look/sound good, no use getting worked up about anything else outside of those aspects.


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
Geez for being a site that's sole purpose is to sexualize your favorite internet chick. Some of y'all are the biggest kiss asses I've ever seen! Some of you people are worse then her white knights on Twitter and Twitch.

I'm sure some of you "mostly" Lurkers that dislike my post are those same people just playing double agent and salty what I say is the truth. Oh well get used to it your good girl that could never be sexual is very much a slut playing cap.

Its funny how some would rather gossip like high school bitches about others post here vs universally being upset the chick were all here in the first place, "supposedly" to jerk off to, is not making anything to jerk off to!

So excuse me for being upset and talking shit about her because she is not producing the content were all here to see. Didn't realize this was a thread to praise and talk about how great she is :ddHuh:

(edit) The Lurkers that like this with some dumb shit emote, just know your proving me right and thanks for the point btw.
Last edited:
Mar 4, 2024
Reference my post from yesterday where I talked about Frivvi being so boring that people are creating overblown accusations just to keep the conversation going, lmao.

I can’t recall anyone swiftly defending Lauren about her content being well-intentioned. It was more about whether she still thought about sex every time she sucks on a lollipop or kisses on a mic. Creative intent can only be assumed by the direct claims of the creator. Nobody can dig into Lauren’s subconscious and figure out what she really thinks about all of this, or what she might decide to do next.

It really feels like people are splitting hairs for no goddamn good reason, and it says more about the respective people choosing to argue, than actually Lauren herself.

In truth, she probably doesn’t think twice about everything she says or does, she follows a boring system, and to hell with a deeper inner philosophy about whether it’s “sexual” or not. Just better for her to keep plausible deniability and let the money come in.

What else is to be said about Frivvi? Does someone need to make a documentary? Actually, I think someone made one about her and Tori a few years ago, but Lauren DMCA’d the video because it represented her poorly, lmao.