Femboy F1NN5TER - Discussion Thread

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 27, 2022
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to be fair there is some irony in him „coming out“ after having been with a trans person for ~1 year.
Im still convinced f1nn got a lot of other issues but he channels everything into being genderfluid/Trans or whatever he is now.

But maybe I simply need to wrap my head around the fact that without twitch he wouldn’t have had the courage in the first place to start (publicly) crossdressing and exploring his gender/identity?
(because In The past I’ve often criticized how he basically did go down this path only due to financial incentives from twitch).

I just don’t understand why males that feel genderfluid „have to“ take HRT? It’s not a small thing to do to mess with your body’s hormones and it comes with consequences (heart issues more likely etc). Why can’t he just be a guy that dresses or looks feminine? (E.g. jeffree Star at times)

If I’d do something like hrt etc I‘d probably consult numerous doctors, therapists, psychiatrists beforehand. Cause imagine your a fragile 20yo with the usual identity crisis people have in their early 20s (a time where often burried childhood trauma/memories arise) and your first therapist tells you or confirms your believe that you’re trans for example.

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Tier 1 Sub
Jul 22, 2022
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Yeah, it seems like he is using gender expression as an outlet for his depression. It's as if gender identity is being used as an excuse for his poor mental health so that all the other factors can be ignored. I have seen this before where changing one's gender is marketed as a magic cure-all fix for unhappiness, which inevitably fails as all other trauma is left unaddressed.


Tier 3 Sub
Apr 8, 2022
Like dinnerisready mentioned, it has a lot to do with a fragile identity, being at such a young age, and not only that, there's a shit ton of societal pressure, atleast on the internet where f1nn is most popular, to be like everyone else, and the loudest voices tend to be those that say "no, you're not a tomboy, you're a man" or "no you're not a transvestite, you're a woman". It also doesn't help that mental illness is now seen as a badge of honor rather than a disease that needs to be cured. After all, if you say any of this sort of thing, you'll get people screeching at you saying you're "bigoted" and other such nonsense.


Bathwater Drinker
Jan 5, 2023
Can the transvestigators, transphobes, and armchair psychologists just shut the fuck up? Finn's going to have softer skin, softer hair, and might grow boobs if he goes all out.

He's still using he/him pronouns so you don't even have to be mildly considerate about how you refer to him. Just shut up and enjoy the posts or don't.

You're not gonna somehow convince him to not do this by posting your dumbass theories about him being "groomed" or links about the (very rare) detransitioners.


Tier 1 Sub
Jul 22, 2022
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Nobody here is trying to convince F1nn of anything. He can and will do whatever he wants.

What people are doing here on this discussion thread is discussing. You can disagree with a post, but you can't tell anyone else to shut up.

If you can't handle reading opinions different than your own, then don't.


Bathwater Drinker
Jan 5, 2023
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The differing opinions are WILDLY misinformed, and I deal with dipshits who don't understand the complexities of gender identity enough at my day job. I came to this thread to speculate about content, talk about the content that's released, and have a community where I can actually share my excitement over his posts with people who are also interested in it.

Detransitioners are EXTREMELY rare, Finn is literally doing this the BEST possible way, he's already stated multiple times he's in therapy, he's engaged with the trans community who ALSO don't think people should change their gender without a LOT of due dilligence, he isn't announcing that he's getting his dick chopped off, just that he has come to realize over the YEARS of messing with his gender expression that his gender isn't as resolute as he had originally thought.

The implications of grooming are disgusting, it's that kind of shit that is leading to the murder of trans and nonbinary people around the world RIGHT NOW. It's bigotry whether or not you frame it as "just asking questions."

If you're not trans, not a doctor, not a therapist, and not a medical researcher you have no business telling people that you know the "reason" they are trans.


Bathwater Drinker
Dec 2, 2022
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Also when polled like 90% of detransitions were due to feeling unsafe being trans lolol and out of all trans ppl detrans were <10%
Also on top of this f1nn is like the most moderate form of trans ever. Genderfluid is literally just enjoying larping as different genders on different days.


Bathwater Drinker
Jan 5, 2023
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There are fewer detransitioners than there are people that regret getting their cancer surgically removed because of the difficult recovery.

And the rate of regret for any cosmetic surgery is more than 25x the detransition rate.

I will correct you on one thing, genderfluid is liking aspects of different gender identities and wanting to fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Genderfluid people fall under the umbrella of transgender but very rarely go as far as bottom surgery.
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