Simp Chat Emiru Schizoposting/Simp Chat

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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
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Exactly. She's always like, "guys, I'm really not THAT rich" because wealth is relative and in her mind "wealthy" means Saudi oiler money. For the average American she's wealthy. For the average American woman her age she's an extreme outlier. But keep in mind that being a social influencer is a balancing act. One day you're hot. The next day your world falls apart. She isn't going to be sexy and cute forever so she has to grow and diversify her business and investments and save like crazy because it might all go up in smoke the next day. Case in point: OTK, her own org, has gone from being the most successful and entertaining content creation group on Twitch to losing three of its fastest rising talents all in a matter of a few months. Emi, while not a genius, does not strike me as a stupid person. She's aware that this ride might end at a moment, so she's careful. Plus it's a lot easier to get subs and donos if you stay humble.
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Tier 2 Sub
Mar 14, 2022
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Not to stereotype, but she is asian. If one race group out there knows the value of a dollar, it's them. They get frugality hammered into their heads when they are kids by their parents. Remember that she complained on stream that she had to pay 8 bucks for a delivery fee for McDonalds; something her fanbase gave her shit about it later on. I can't imagine anyone who is loose with their money would complain about a value of money that they had already made multiple times over that day.


Enlightened Porn Enjoyer
Jun 8, 2022
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She's an Asian from Kansas, dude. That's like -100 points on the "rich Asian" scale. I think it has more to do with the company she keeps. She's been actively streaming for years and lives with other multi-millionaires. Her social circle is almost exclusively other millionaire streamers. She's in the same streamer bubble that her friends are in, so she's going to act the same way no matter how humble she thinks she's being.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
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Platforms and clout are trampolines: you only get as high as your strength and gravity allow you to bounce. There are lots of dickriders who don't get anywhere. Miz road Ice Poseidon's dick. Nmplol rode Soda. Will Neff road Hasan. Hasan road Destiny. Whether they literally fucked these bigger streamers or just figuratively sucked them off for clout, the net result is: unearned notability that is leveraged through hard work and merit for audience numbers. To be fair, I barely watch her stream - I mostly watch male streamers - but it's clear from what I've seen that she's charming and good at managing her audience. If she was shitty I would echo your sentiment, but she's not.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
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Exactly. She's got a great look. Depending on the day, she has that girl next door vibe of attainably hot/slightly awkward when casual but can switch gears into cosplay pinup any time she wants. There is a vibe to her stream that is not terribly challenging or dynamic, but it's comfy - I can't do long stretches of it, but once in a while it's nice. All of this is to say that it's not an accident that she's averaging 12K viewers. If she didn't get exposure from Dyrus or Miz/OTK she still would have been successful, it just would have taken a couple years longer to get to where she's at.
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