Feedback Easier ways to get reaction score

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Tier 3 Sub
Nov 30, 2022
There's a lot I would love to contribute to this forum, but it seems like it's quite hard to get reaction score :Sadge:
There are just really little forums where you can post in, and even in those forums it's hard to find something viable to say.

Maybe there should be a easier way to get reaction score - like giving out reactions gains you 0.5 reaction score? Or something like that. Just thinking out loud :)
You can post in existing threads in every category except Onlyfans, thats most the forum. You can only post new threads in Requests and some Brazilian sections

An easy way to level up is in categories like Instagram, reddit, twitch etc. i.e. free content found on social media.

That or just go post memes in the meme thread :peepoShrug:


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
You can post in existing threads in every category except Onlyfans, thats most the forum. You can only post new threads in Requests and some Brazilian sections

An easy way to level up is in categories like Instagram, reddit, twitch etc. i.e. free content found on social media.

That or just go post memes in the meme thread :peepoShrug:
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