Support Deleted Repost

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( . Y . )
Mar 12, 2022
In Yuggie_TV thread I had posted 3 posts of 30+ photos, these where labeled Remastering as I was editing and AI enlarging old Instagram photos, all the posts where deleted as Reposts.

I have reviewed the thread and 4/30 of the photos where in the thread in their original quality.

Is the rule that no edited photos allowed or just no old unposted photos??

Upscales/edits are considered reposting, original source quality will always be higher priority, so if someone posts the source pics after your edits your posts would be deleted. Please don't "waste your time" (I know it sounds rude, but it only needs 1 post with the pics to destroy your work) and post the source files instead. And "Remastering" made it sound like they're all old pics from the thread, if you have missing pics, please repost them.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Do you want fries with that?
Mar 10, 2022

Upscales/edits are considered reposting, original source quality will always be higher priority, so if someone posts the source pics after your edits your posts would be deleted. Please don't "waste your time" (I know it sounds rude, but it only needs 1 post with the pics to destroy your work) and post the source files instead. And "Remastering" made it sound like they're all old pics from the thread, if you have missing pics, please repost them.