Simp Chat Claudsnation / asmrclaudy - Simp Chat

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Tier 3 Sub
Sep 20, 2022
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there's a variability in easter eggs tho

*no cat scratching on door anymore, because it is open and so it can go in to take a dump. You can hear it burying the shit in the shit container and you know there is a horrible shit smell creeping around you while Claudy is painting you wet
*good boyfriend doing the dishes, while Claudy slips to hump on a camera
*boyfriend sneezing
*boyfriend sneezing
*boyfriend sneezing

ASMR fan1999

Tier 2 Sub
Oct 18, 2022
The most common easter egg is the camera not focusing. Think I would have liked one of this weeks videos a lot if the camera would just focus, lol.
I know the month/tongue/spit stuff is probably pretty niche and not what most people probably want from her, but she could just get it in focus...but that would take a bit of effort.

Another pretty middling/meh week. Mixed result continues.

Some random simp

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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Still have like 500 subs, so don't expect any changes soon. Last time I was a patreon, she had some mad simps defending her content, with the typical "stop complaining, if you don't like it leave". Can't understand the logic. If I go to McDonalds and ask for a Big Mac and get a McChicken, should I not complain and just leave? I can't understand simp army behavior

ASMR fan1999

Tier 2 Sub
Oct 18, 2022
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I saw that, but it turns out that Patreon added some type of new follow option this month. So it's just new people who are following her Patreon, not subbed to it. So we've lost an accurate way to track subs on Patreon now I guess.

Well unless I'm wrong and she's just somehow had something go somewhat viral that lead people to her Patreon? Seems weird to see her jump up 700-800 subs suddenly, doesn't fit her usual growth and loss.
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Bathwater Drinker
Jun 15, 2023
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She had that because she used to take proper care of herself and worked out often. Now she always looks unshowered, tired and she has lost a lot of her gains. Combine that with the lame vids and you got yourself a lame thot. I still enjoy some of her stuff her or there, but she's the prime example of a lazy e-thot. But yeah, her ass used to be amazing. It's still nice, but it ain't as juicy as when she started out. It also doesn't help that she's AWFUL at showing it off in her vids and all you get are extreme closeups or weird angles of it like it's the Cloverfield monster. :LUL


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 15, 2022
Is anyone here actually subscribed? How well does she take input? Seems like the people paying for her Patreon are stuck in boring vanilla roleplay videos :PepeWhy:
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ASMR fan1999

Tier 2 Sub
Oct 18, 2022
About 3-4 months ago she did seem to set up some polls or something asking for suggestions. But that only lasted maybe a month, and back to laziness.

Lazy videos I still like sometimes, but still laziness.
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