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Tier 3 Sub
Oct 15, 2022
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I can't imagine she would make that much money that quickly to be set for life in a year. No doubt she would do very well for herself. But she will soon have a decision to make because the type of content she's putting out on Patreon isn't going to last forever. Does Claudy go back to OF and start doing what she originally did? Does she say F'it and start doing nude? Or does she end her online career and get a typical 9 to 5? The first option would give her a comfortable living. Pay all your bills with some left over. The second option would most likely make her bank. Giving her a fairly lavish lifestyle. As for the third, hard to say. But she more than likely won't be living in the apartment she has now. Regardless, it's going to be a hard decision. Does she go on to live a life most of us dream about? Or does she please her parents/friends/boyfriend and work a normal job and have a normal middle-class life?


Dec 23, 2022
Idk how long the Patreon cycle will last, cause I see her climb up to sub 600 Patreons, just for the new month to reset back to the 300s. Usually there is like, one week of awesome videos, then it just mid content afterwards. Heck, one video, you can see the outline of her asshole through her white bottoms. Stuff like that makes you look forward to the rest of the week.

Still, with the low effort asmr and the fact that her Twitch work ethic is terrible again, its just gonna be minimum wage content for awhile.

Obviously, she could make a lot of money doing full on OF or show off what she used to but there's a boundary to break there-Once you do that kind of content, things will never be the same. It'll be one month of 5-6 figure money, then you pretty much have to keep on doing that stuff from there. Even if her BF seems "okay" with it, there are always boundaries to cross and once it gets too much, it'll be too much for him possibly (probably is right now, assuming he just isn't "out of sight, out of mind" about it.

The whole parent thing is weird. I mean, she damn near was naked making OF in her parent's home. I highly doubt they know or they probably do know. I hope nobody is that salty to the point of doing something stupid just because they are mad that she isn't putting out, but a scorned simp is a dangerous one.

All this rambling to say...get over it.

Move on to some other girl. If your mad that she is getting good money doing the bare minimum, then don't. Its not all that glamorous, especially if you don't prepare yourself well in the future, or get insurance, or use that good OF money to set up long term goals.

Some random simp

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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Yup. I have two views. 1. It's OK to be annoyed by the low effort content because we know she has potential to be really good, and is just so close. The weeks were the vids are good, if just kept that consistency, I dont think most people would complain.

2. She is never going to pass her boundaries, the closest is thinner shirts and thinner pants/shorts. Being mad about this is a waste of energy because she has mad it clear she won't pass the boundaries she has set.

3. These months vids have been the best so far. Hoping it continues.

4. Her recent twitch streams seems to have been a quick cash grab before her vacation. She got some subs/donos to fund the trip and poofed lol

El Comandante

🇨🇺 ¡Hasta la victoria siempre! 🇨🇺
Mar 12, 2022
refering to the babysitter video shared in this post:

first of all she says she can always suck her pinky at 6:40 only to proceed sucking her thumb.

I can't put into words how much this annoys me already, only for her at a later point in the video to suddenly stop with the implied riding without any former warning. What am I supposed to do know with the thing between my legs? write a comment about the video to vent a bit, I guess, which I am doing right now.

overall still: 7.5/10


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 15, 2023
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She's selling products, and products are open to criticism. Just because you don't pay for her content doesn't mean you can't have an opinion on said product, as leak sites make it so people or potential customers get to see what these girls are selling. If you think Claudy is making top tier content, fine... but people can say whatever they want about her content, and most agree it's pretty trash, her content has gotten worse over time, she doesn't take care of herself, always wears the same outfits; and even though she has a 3Dio and yeti mic, never uses them and refuses to upgrade her shit like her cam that has had a dead pixel in it for years.


Nov 7, 2022
Crazy to me how every video she does is the same shit over and over again. fully clothed... omg nipple pokes so hot wow amazing... :peepoLeave:

and the way she takes the camera so close to her face in all these videos is so weird and unnecessary


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 15, 2023
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Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact… same fucking thing… over and over again, expecting… shit to change. - Vaas

But as demonstrated in this thread, there are plenty of simps eating this shit up and as long as she's getting financially supported by these clowns, she's never gonna change. Although it's ironic that she's by far one of the most dedicated and active lewd ASMRtists out there atm. :LUL
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ASMR fan1999

Tier 2 Sub
Oct 18, 2022
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I don't think she's making top tier content at all, she's very lazy. It's all very mixed most of the time. But I think some people get massively angry, and that anger is just not justified. I'm not talking about common criticisms that honestly I agree with, I'm talking about some very specific types of anger. I could say that about so many topics on the Internet though I suppose.
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Bathwater Drinker
Jun 15, 2023
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I see. Thanks for clearing that up man. I've not been in this thread for long, so I've must have missed those kinda comments, but I think she deserves all the negative feedback she's getting as her content is insanely lazy. But her simps keep throwing their money at her, so it's their loss. But as a fan of NSFW ASMR content, it's sad to see how so many of these girls make such horrible content and only do it for easy money. It's such a dead genre, man, it's sad.
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ASMR fan1999

Tier 2 Sub
Oct 18, 2022
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It's not most criticism, most I would say is fair, but every once in a while there's someone who acts like she shot their dog or something, lol. At the end of the day it's just porn, it's not that huge of a deal. I admit I don't agree with all the criticism though, there seem to be some people who don't feel like tease or softcore should exist, and every woman who does that style is a scammer. I definitely don't agree with that, I feel tease has its place, as long as the women are upfront about it, and I think Claudy is.

Claudy definitely has something about her I really like, but sadly she's so lazy and doesn't seem to do much work on her videos. Her videos the last couple weeks were decent though I thought. Real mixed bag.

Some random simp

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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Agreed. I for one like non-nude, sometimes I get bored when they go full gwengwiz. However, with Claudy, i think for me it's the potential..when her vids are good they are really good but then it can be followed up with 2 weeks of shit vids. Her barriers she won't cross or her scripts also don't always make alot of sense or are consistent. In one vid she can be wearing no panties under her clothes and you can get a nice cameltoe shot and then the next vid she's in thick track pants asking if they are see through? Like wtf that has to be trolling lol.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 15, 2023
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Sure, but it's not like she's uploading her content for free on the hub. Sure, we over here are getting these leaks for free, but originally this was all paid content and is 100% open to criticism in whatever way. I do think the anger is justified, the same way people get upset over films, games, music, or other entertainment. You could say, ''Cyberpunk was just a game, bruh, it's not important'' back in 2020, but people also got upset over that, and rightfully so.

Girls doing ''tease or softcore'' isn't the problem. In fact, I like it and prefer it over hardcore porn any day. It is the fact she is lazy and that she fails at even doing ''tease or softcore'' content. She's hot (or at least, used to be), but how can she tease when, 90% of the time, her camera is so close you can't even see her body, or anything? Her content is the definition of ''low effort, high reward'' and I think it should be called out and I think no one should support it. Sites like OnlyFans, Fansley and Patreon have a massive problem with regulating content, no price/quality ratios to speak of, and scammers. Leak sites are the best places to spread awareness and to warn potential customers.

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She makes her vids like an AI would, honestly. But as long as the simps pay and support her, she'll keep making trash.