
Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
TGIF, after this week especially. I know you all come here for some stress relief and a break from your normal hustle and bustle and the last thing you probably want to see is me complaining. Had an incredibly rough week, if you hadn't noticed I have not posted much and I have a pile of DMs sitting there. Sorry if you felt/feel ignored 😭

Started off the week with a massive migraine earlier Monday morning. Work absolutely kicked my big butt this week, more than it has in a long, long time. Had some issues at home with the house that needed immediate attention (AC went out 🙄🙄), my son's car broke down so he was borrowing mine (yes my BRAND new car). And I burned my boob!!

So Ive by running ragged and have just had zero mental energy to do anything else but lay on the couch or in bed once I finally got a chance to slow down. My deepest apologies.

And, I'm going out of town tonight for a work event and tomorrow to an event a few hours away. Give me break... Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar!

Let me see what I have to show you all so to can get back to your "stress relief." 😉

I know we have some sneaker lovers here and 1 in particular that loves Keds. 😘

KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
Hey, everyone. It's KK, your (sometimes) friendly church wife 😁. Last week was something else I tell you but today I have to say I feel SOOOO much better, refreshed, happy, and the dread of last week is gone. We went away this weekend for a quick overnight. I had so much fun and that helped wash away those blues I had. (Plus I tried to wash a lot of those away with rum and Cokes)

I apologize and have apologized profusely for being less than responsive on the DMs lately. I have spent the better part of 3hrs today going through all unanswered DMs and replying. If you sent a DM over the last few days and I did not reply go ahead and bump that it you want. It happens at times where I'll read a message, I can't reply right then, and then it just drops down my list out of sight 😞

Can't believe we are already into June. Remember when you were a kid and a year seemed like 10yrs? Well now I blink and a month has passed by. Summer feels like it's here (I always feel like Memorial Day is the unofficial start of Summer) and along with summer comes sun dress season! I wore this dress to a concert a number of weeks ago but I left my butt plug at home then 😂

Btw, the healing titty looks worse than the burnt titty did 😞

See you soon! KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
I was asked a few days ago why I don't have more feet pictures: "You only have 1 picture of your feet here." I said "there are tons of pictures with my feet very prominently on display, but yes, I have only ever posted 1 picture of just my feet."

I just got a pedicure done the other day in sherbet orange and thought I'd post it for those that like toes. Why anyone is attracted to my feet is beyond me 🤷🏼‍♂️

Also, took this 2nd one a few weeks ago when I got a pedicure. So if you like feet and toes this is for you.

KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
Well phooey. I uploaded these yesterday and made a lengthy post, hit the post button but apparently they never uploaded all the way. 😞 That's a fine how-do-you-do.

Just sitting here drinking some coffee in the quiet house trying to get myself going right now. Ugh, I wish today was over already. I stayed up way too late watching TV and I'm sleepy still 😴😴

What's everyone's plans for the weekend? We are going to a winery this evening to see this little local country artist we have seen before. Never been to this place, never even heard of this place. Im not much of a wine girl but their website said "a vast selection of cocktails..." 😆

Tomorrow we are going out of town for the night to a beautiful distillery we went to for Valentine's Day. It's a few hours away so we are planning to stay the night. Looks like my weekend is full of 🍷🍻 🍸🍹🤪

Hoping to upload a few items today. I have something unusual to post later. I did a custom a few days ago and this gentleman, like one before, graciously offered that I could post it on the wall for all to see. It's 🙈🙈 for me but it's content thats already done so what the heck I guess. You've all seen me in every possible position for the most part 😂

Stay tuned.

KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
Time flies..... Holy cow it's Tuesday. Seems just like yesterday it was Monday 🤷🏼‍♂️

So I get a SURPRISING amount of comments and DMs about my feet and requests for feet content/customs. I have said this and will continue to say this I have no earthly idea why anyone likes my feet but thank you 😂 I just have always thought my feet were not attractive but it appears I'm wrong, about alot of things.

This set wasn't made solely (see what I did there) for foot the content but as it turns out it's got alot of 'em. 😊

Yes, this is a short update after not posting for a few days but I WILL have more content up later today!

KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
Back for more! I don't tend to buy myself that much, particularly when it comes to new clothes. But last week I did go out and buy a couple of new outfits since we had a couple of events this past weekend. I just wanted something new and fresh for once.

The first two pictures were a couple of quick selfies before we went out for our date night Fri night. Later my husband said "why didn't you show what was underneath?" Partly it was because I didn't have time 😂 So yesterday I did a second set in that outfit to give it the "Onlyfans treatment."

Is I cute? 🤗

KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
TGIF! Hope everyone is ready to have some fun this weekendn (I am). I know this isn't exciting, no titties or ass or whatever other parts of me you like, but I just got my hair done and wanted to show everyone. Feeling good about myself !😊

See you all real soon!

KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
TGI...S? Yes it's Saturday night and I'm out and about with the hubs. Last week I went shopping and bought 2 outfits for myself, this being the 2nd one (you all saw the 1st, black dress with gold accents and black wedges) Felt super sexy in this and wearing out tonight!

All my love....

KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
I'm sorry I'm late with this, got busy at the house with some things we needed to get done outside today after church.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and daddies!! 😉

KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
Just popping in for a quick sec. I was off work today for the Juneteenth holiday, as was my husband. We've been very busy doing some projects and things around house but wanted to quickly show off this one outfit he bought me (he bought me a few things). This isn't the full Onlyfans treatment but just tried it on and snapped 2 pictures to show you. Will get a full set up soon.

We also put up a pool, just a cheap above ground pool just to take a dip and cool off from time to time. Nothing fancy (we ain't rich) but he snapped this other picture of me last night.

Stay cool out there. We are in the middle of a heat wave, high temps and humidity 🥵 🥵 🥵 🥵 Hence came the pool idea. 😂 The temp picture is right now just after 6pm in the evening, feels like 99 still with the humidity (yes I realize some of you have triple digits often)

KK 💋

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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 11, 2022
Happy Wednesday! Well here we go, a proper update and post! A 15 photo banger!

Hubby did a lil' Amazon shopping for me and picked up a few outfits for me to wear to church 😆 I definitely looked like I'm down to a "ho" down in this.

These shorts... How ridiculous are these? 😆 But I actually do love them and think they are sexy 😉Just can't exactly wear them out in public. He said this top sadly isn't an sheer as he hoped. On Amazon it looked basically tissue paper thin. I probably would wear the shirt out in public though, whatcha think? And the shirt will go with another outfit he bought me!

Also, he bought me a new toy that I'm hoping to attach to my "love machine" tonight and have a little fun 🤤


KK 💋

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