Simp Chat Bonnierabbit - Discussion Thread


Mar 13, 2022
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Yea she is from california. Everyone knew this and she has said herself she was born in california. The refugee story always seemed kinda weird but everything else she has been saying about her past is probably true. Her father is from libanon and she grew up sheltered with her father being very religious. Even her last name sounds foreign so she is definitey not lying about her etnicity and that part of her background.

And yea she definitely knew what she was doing when getting into camgirl career. She was probably just rebellious as a teen and started hanging out with some bad people and that way she somehow managed to get into the camgirl buisness very early on. Then she saw the money rolling in and she kept going until 2020 where she just got tired of that life and wanted something new. She clearly wasn't happy during the last couple of years of her camgirl career and she has said she is in a much better place now.


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 9, 2022
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He showed that she grew up and lived in California in a middle-class home. He was best friends with one of her brothers and knew the family and showed pictures of them. He said they never moved to Lebanon and they were certainly not refugees in a camp in Turkey escaping a war. They never left California. He said the family was active in church so she was certainly not some poor sheltered girl growing up in a strict Muslim family. He also said Bonnie had a 22 year old boyfriend when she was 14.

The post was quickly deleted although some did take screeenshots. The screenshots were then included in a post on Livestreamfails. But then that was taken down likely due to Bonnie complaining since it had personal information about her family.

Why would she make all this up? Cause she wanted to make up a sob story so the simps would love her more and to explain why she ended up in hardcore porn. Why she ended up on drugs. It sounds so much better and gets you sympathy if you said you had a hard life and were a refugee and were forced and coerced into porn/drugs. The truth that you loved the money, loved the drugs, and loved the camgirl life which is why you did it for 5 years, doesn't quite sound as nice.

Many streamers lie about their past. She wanted to take the focus away from the fact she was a camgirl doing hardcore porn for 5 years. She has been trying to establish herself with Esfand and his connections through OTK. She has been trying to become a mainstream social media personality and get brand deals and sponsors. She can't hide her porn past so why not try and get sympathy for why she did it?
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Mar 13, 2022
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Honestly there is probably a lot more to her story still that we don't know. More stuff about her personal life and troubles with her family growing up. That friend probably didn't knew about every single detail that went on in their family and her life. Just a big fraction of it. She has also said her family was half christian and half muslim so she hasn't totally been lying just twisting a lot of the truth. Her father is from libanon and she is of that etnicity that much is true. So her father being muslim is probably true and some of the things she has talked about has also probably been true.

She also doesn't really go around talking about her past often so her lying about it is definitely not the biggest deal in the world. It would be different if she actually talked about it every day and truly used it as a sob story. But she hasn't really spoken about it that much atleast not in the last 6 months of watching every esfand and bonnie streams.

In the end though who cares. She is a lot different as a person now and has grown a lot since her camgirl days. She clearly wasn't happy during the later stages of that career which she has said and it has been pretty obvious. If you watch the streams as well you can easily tell she has some big psychological issues.
I think most people knows that bonnie is a very fake person and they mostly watch her because she is simply entertaining to watch. Whatever has happen in her past really doesn't matter. She clearly just wants to move on from it and start a new life which I don't think is totally unfair. She has also shown that she is just genuinely a nice person who constantly does nice things for other people so she isn't all that horrible.


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 14, 2022
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I mean saying you were in a U.S. military refugee camp as a kid having your life suddenly uprooted is beyond twisting the truth a lot, it's pretty much completely lying lmfao. I mean I don't judge women who do porn at all, especially as a guy who has consumed alot of it in my life, but that's kinda crazy and a sign of a disingenuous person in the least of it.

But as you said it's true you can only know a little bit about a person's life hearing stuff online. Dating a 22 year old at 14 is concerning and I have sympathy for her and don't know how her home life was or her personal issues. I've never watched her cam girl streams and barely watched her on twitch in general so I'll take you at face value saying she didn't enjoy it at the end of her career. I just view women who do it and want to move on more positively when they don't lie about being a refugee in a war torn country and just say they weren't enjoying it anymore/regretted their actions and move on. That's just a random coomer's 2 cents tho.
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Mar 13, 2022
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Thanks for being relatively understanding and not going full incel mode like I expected people would since I've seen so many bad comments regarding bonnie. I agree that it's a very big lie to tell but as I mentioned before she never really talks about it and only brings about stuff about her past very rarely. As long as she doesn't push it and makes it her entire brand then it's not the end of the world. I also don't know how long she has been telling this lie. If she did it before twitch.

Also you can't take anything she does at face value. Her entire content is pretty much farming/trolling and lying. I would say she is probably one of the better liars on twitch and she is great at coming up with stuff on the spot. For example everytime there is a sus clip of her and esfand the next day or very shortly after she always comes up with an elaborated story and sounds super genuine about them just being friends. Sure it could be true but you can't even take stuff like that serious because how good she is at lying. She is also very good at manipulating her audience and making them feel sympathy for her and believing what she says. I've fallen for it myself. Now I just don't really care much anymore and purely watch her because she is just entertaining. I don't really care for the parasocial part anymore especially when it comes to someone like bonnie who you can't trust a word she say.


Bathwater Drinker
Jan 30, 2022
Can't speak for others, but for me, after I'm done fapping I get bored as fuck. So why not jump on a discussion thread and wax philosophical about some internet thot like Bonnie. I mean, what the fuck else am I gonna do? And most of these walls of text aren't parasocial at all - we don't know these chicks, nor do we care to be involved with any of them romantically. It's just gossip/chitchat/scuttlebutt/dust in the wind.

Having said that, I wonder if I stand a chance with Bonnie. Does anyone know if she has a boyfriend?


Tier 1 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
love? now thats ambitious i respect it pop off king
if she was willing to fuck that old fat ugly bald man. then i would say anyone has a chance to shoot there shot.
people need to realize that once a thot always a thot, cant turn a hoe into a house wife and like stuff.


Toe Peeper
Jun 23, 2022
yazzi What site you downloading upstore stuff from since camgirlvideos went down? Also if you look back on page 1 thotsimp posted most of her camshows that are worthy of downloading on bunkr


Toe Peeper
Jun 23, 2022
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Yeah camshowdownload doesn't cap as much as camgirlvideos used to so a lot of shows are missing. I have upstore but her shows outside of what thotsimp posted are not interesting. Just lots of boob and you get plenty of that already posted in her content thread.


Mar 13, 2022
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I mean work as in you actually getting the file you are downloading. and it also not containing any malware. So have you downloaded her lesbian shows before and watched them? because those are mainly the ones im interested in since there aren't full versions of them anywhere. I also dont know which payment method to use since I dont really trust a site like that.