Support no notifications

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Mar 12, 2022
hey y'all,

I noticed that ever since the big maintenance you guys did and the referral to the watched thread because the notification section was bugged for a few days, I'm not receiving any notifications till this day.

just wanted to ask if its a known all aboard issue or this issue only occur to me.

Thanks in advanced!
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Mar 12, 2022
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my apologies but I didn't quite understood your post reference.
I do aware that notifications were wiped during the maintenance, my question is if im the only one who doesn't receive notifications now days or is it for everyone. basically if there's a way to get new notification back on instead of going brute forcing each thread on the watched threads.

I don't mind about the old notifications, talking about from now on.

many thanks for replying, sorry if I wasn't clear enough in my first post.
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Tier 2 Sub
Oct 25, 2022
Looking for clarification regarding the Alerts bell icon (next to 'Conversations' icon). I would appreciate an answer from a site Administrator. I visit Simpcity using PC.
Before the site updated 2-3 weeks ago, the Alerts icon worked fine. Meaning, that all threads that I watch would get added to the Alerts list when new content was posted on the respective thread. And the number of alerts would be shown with a red number over the Alerts bell icon. When I would click on the Alerts icon, I could see all the new posts from all watched threads. Note: This is not to be confused with the 'Watched' page.

Roughly 2 weeks ago, Notifications stopped appearing in the Alerts list even though new content had been posted on the threads I 'watch'. I have repeatedly checked my account settings (and redone to be safe) to ensure that under 'preferences', I receive a notification when someone posts in a watched thread. I have unwatched and 're'watched all threads over the past 3-4 days. I have gone to the last page of every thread that I watch 2-3 times over the past 4-5 days to ensure that any new content is seen and each watched thread is ready/open to alert me of new posts. I have also clicked on the 'mark read' (A choice in the Alerts icon).

Is the Alerts bell function no longer being utilized by site? Is it still under maintenance?
Is there something else I need to do to return this feature to working order?
Thank you very much for your time and effort in this matter.
Look forward to your response.


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
Alerts completely broke yesterday and there were no alerts for a day. They have been fixed and are now working again but the following is true:
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With the difference being the notifications were never sent but the forum still thinks you dont want more notificaions.

To fix, open up your watched threads list, open up any that have a small notification dot alongside them and make sure you go to the last post. Then notifications should work again.


Tier 2 Sub
Oct 25, 2022
Unfortunately, Alert notifications are still not working for me since this message:
"Emails and alerts are now back, you will need to visit unread threads in your Watched Threads list before new alerts are sent."
was added to each site page.
Each of the last 2 days since the 'Emails and alerts are now back,...", I checked all the threads on my 'Watched threads' pages. There were no little green dots next to the thread name indicating a new post is unread. Each of the following 2 days, the Alert icon indicated one new post. I immediately checked the 'Watched threads' page each time and it indicated (with the little green dot) 5-6 threads with new posts. I visited all the indicated unread posts immediately to 'clear' the watched list.

The Alert icon worked fine for me before the updates. I just checked my settings on the preference page - notifications, and the little boxes are checked for posts in a watched forum & replies to a watched thread
Is there something else I need to do to return this feature to working order?
Thank you very much for your time and effort in this matter.


Aug 6, 2022
I get a mix of it not working. Roughly half of my watched threads with new posts are shown in alerts. Half are not shown in alerts but show up as having a new post in the watched threads. I didn't notice it for quite a while, since I still got alerts.


Tier 2 Sub
Oct 25, 2022
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Unfortunately, doing this changed nothing. I went to first and then last page of every watched thread after I replied yesterday at 7:22 am. Today, only 'Alert' bell notification was dudewhoiscool posting on this thread. On my 'Watched' thread there are 5 threads with new postings.
Any other ideas or thoughts on what we can do to fix this?
Thank you for your time and effort.


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
Unwatch and rewatch them
Just use your watched threads page like you are.

Alerts are working just fine here :peepoShrug: