Simp Chat - Amouranth - Discussion Thread/Nick's Fan Club | Page 502 | SimpCity Forums

Simp Chat Amouranth - Discussion Thread/Nick's Fan Club


Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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She’s popular because of what she looks like.

I’ve never stayed around long enough on her streams to get a sense of her personality, so I didn’t know she was “mean” to her supporters and/or unhappy and narcissistic. I didn’t know (prior to reading some takes here) she “scams” her customers because I’ve never been a customer.

I would suspect that most people who like looking at her are in a similar boat…only passively consuming her stuff, and not invested enough in streamer drama to pick up on, even know about, or care about things like her marital status and the things others complain about.

Same as looking at someone like Megan Fox in a movies or Kate Upton in magazines 10-15 years ago…not speculating about personal life or motivations, not micro-analyzing their every statement and movement, not thinking about their mental state and/or character. Just a very basic, simple “hot girls are fun to look at” popularity.

The simplest explanation is often the right one. For example, I have no data, but I would imagine Dextero and whomever else posts about Amo does so for the same reason any online outlet posts anything: driving clicks to sell ads against. Yet here it seems like the only accepted explanation is: her husband pays them off. Point being, I think if one tries to look at her popularity/visibility objectively—it’s easy to explain if you allow that most only are familiar with her on a surface level.
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Bathwater Drinker
Jun 5, 2023
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I have so many questions. So how did you know of her and this site? Aren't we all a customer at some point, whether visiting her Twitch/Kick streams or perusing her adult content? You actively seeked out Amouranth and her nudes in order to get here, yet suggest that the realization of her scams came from actually "reading some takes here" not from watching her content :ddHuh: Does that make sense to you?

Your implication that you didn't watch her (very obvious) videos until after someone had to point out the fake cocks and female actors dressed as guys is questionable at best. Were you only consuming the lewd pictures? And what's with the quotations on "scams"? Do you have a different or preferred definition of the bait and switch tactics? :monkaHmm:


Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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I think I first saw someone post about her on Twitter
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Your definition of “customer” is different than the the generally accepted one.

“a customer (sometimes known as a client, buyer or purchaser) is the recipient of a good, service, product or an idea, obtained from a seller, vendor or supplier via a financial transaction”

Since I’ve never paid Amo a cent, I don’t consider myself a customer of hers.
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I didn’t come to this site for or through Amouranth specifically. I saw her threads in the trending, because they’re so active.
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It does make sense if you’re not an Amo completionist. I didn’t and don’t watch everything she puts out, and since I don’t follow her OF—not being a customer and all—I wasn’t comparing her sales pitches/marketing copy to the videos themselves.
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Before reading all these comments and finding this site? Essentially, yes. Or popping in on her streams for a minute or two here and there to see what she was wearing during “Just Dance” or whatever thing where she wasn’t talking much, getting my fill, and clicking out. Amo specifically aside, model videos with headless/faceless disembodied partners isn’t my thing.

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Much like you stretching the definition of the word “customer”…scam is a word painted by others with a similarly broad brush, so the quotes allow for that divergence of opinion. As I’ve never paid for anything of Amouranth’s, wouldn’t call myself a “fan” other than “I like to look at her when the opportunity presents itself”, and view her dispassionately, I think she’s a salesperson/marketer who selectively straddles grey areas in copy like they all do. That’s not a defense or an endorsement, just an acknowledgment of the reality. Add to that the fact that I have no presumption of ethics or authenticity when it comes to sales tactics especially on a titty pics site, and I land on caveat emptor more than “unquestionable scamming in every regard”.

On a site like this, it seems hard for people (not necessarily you specifically) to grasp that one can like looking at a model without an autistic-level deep dive into their entire being and an archivist’s fervor for looking at their entire output. That it’s not only possible but most common to not give one iota of a shit with regard to a model’s “lore”.

Admittedly, I know Amouranth’s lore now for the purposes of keeping up with this entertaining thread and everyone’s fanfics about the husband for “sure” reading this site, et al…but none of that changes what she looks like—which is my primary reason (and I’d guess most people’s) for knowing about her at all.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 5, 2023
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That's fair, there are a lot here that share that similar mindset. I just consider anyone who contributes to her business directly or indirectly (ie: via financial means and/or viewership/engagement) as her customer.
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But doesn't the Trending section here direct people to her OF content leak thread, not the discussion thread? That is what indicates what is active, not the discussion thread. That would mean one would have been directed to her pics and videos, opt to bypass that AND her linked socials that contains additional pics and videos, and then choose instead to partake in the discussion thread. That would certainly explain why you wouldn't be aware of her "scams" firsthand.
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A picture only consumer, interesting! I've only seen the sales pitch on videos that people screenshot/link etc. so now I'm curious if she actually employed a different advertising tactic for her pictures. Any long time coomers that can confirm? Was her promotion/description of lewd pics more honest than her videos?
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You decide to embrace the generally accepted definition of the word Customer, even pointing out my stretching of it- yet shy away from doing the same thing to the word Scam. I guess we're both stretching things today.

"a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation"

Is it even possible to apply caveat emptor in this situation? Her buyer/customer can't really check the REAL quality of the goods without purchasing it first. The preview (both image/clip and description) that her consumers are able to check is by default purposely misleading, and when they do decide to purchase her content based off of those, only to realize the content wasn't as advertised in the "generally accepted definition" of whatever words used, the money has already exchanged hands.

Caveat emptor would certainly apply to those who have previous knowledge of the content she puts out and yet still decide to buy it based on hope that things will be different this time, but that is clearly not where the bulk of her OF profits come from. It is from the first time buyers, the new customers, the newly minted fresh simps. I'm sure Nick and/or Amouranth tried to justify their actions by the very same reasons you just used, except unlike you- you have no skin in the game as you say.
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She and Nick are some people's lolcow while people here are your lolcow :peepoClap: Entertainment for all! Yes, "surely" Nick and his team don't read this thread. Everything that was discussed here that just happened to manifest in her stream and irl are all just happy coincidences. Maybe someone here is psychic and deliberately moving chess pieces around making things happen :monkaW: :PepeLaugh:


Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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It’s not as though every piece of content included in her content thread includes whatever “scam” description it’s associated with, where some contrast between description and content would be ever present and instantly recognizable. That’s not the case.

Also, nothing was “bypassed”…there’s literally a link to the discussion thread within the content thread. As far as her “socials”, why would I go to 4-5 different places to see her various pieces of content, when they are just aggregated here? The answer is I didn’t. I followed her on Twitch for the ease of popping in and out and previously described, but I don’t really use social media. I again fail to see how this is somehow difficult to believe. When I find a model I think looks hot, that doesn’t mean I exhaustively go to check out all their links and shit. Even that is too much of an investment for me (and, I’m guessing, most people, which is my entire point about explaining her popularity).
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I saw very little of the advertising because I was never really in a place to see them—for example, not following her on OF, not seeing whatever DM PPV solicitations and the like.
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I also think your definition of scam is a stretch in a marketing/sales-specific context. All marketing copy is a loose and favorable framing of the explicit truth.
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Right. To me, “buyer beware” is inclusive of “if you’re not sure what you’re buying…don’t buy it.”

If some people let their horniness override that good sense enough to roll the dice, that’s on them.
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They don’t have to buy anything, so I take issue with people absolving themselves of all responsibility of buying blind based on hope or projection and displacing that completely onto the creators.

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How do you know that it’s “clearly” not where her profits come from? You or I have no *real* insight into her books, so you can’t say that (or the opposite) definitively. I wouldn’t take the general sentiment of this forum, which is a niche of a niche of a niche, and say it “clearly” represents anything. With a negative view of a creator and a healthy dose of confirmation bias, yeah…it’s easy for one to come to a conclusion to support whatever they already believe, sure.
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Where did I say the tactics were or are “justified”? I’m not “supporting” Nick or Amouranth, unless you count popping in on her Twitch streams for a couple of minutes, and otherwise not engaging with her socials directly as previously described.
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Maybe he does! Maybe he doesn’t! I don’t know, you don’t either, and frankly…I don’t care! My entertainment comes from people asserting it as though it were fact.

Whatever factors go into what he does or doesn’t do (and why) doesn't change the fact that I think Amo is hot to look at.
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Not saying they are…we don’t know one way or the other, and can’t know. That’s why I think it’s funny to see the energy expended discussing it, and him. Never in my life—with any hot “celebrity” or well-known hot person—have I seen so much focus on discussing that person’s spouse or partner. It’s atypical, and curious.

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Nah, but people love the mob-mentality pile-on (in general, not just Amo) and Machiavellian conspiratorial thinking, so in that context it’s extra easy for people to see what they want to see, and for that to turn into a self-sustaining feedback loop.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 5, 2023
I wasn't disputing that Amouranth is hot. I agree and believe that is why people are drawn to her. Sure there are some here that would disagree with that but I'm not one of them.

When I say bypass I was pointing out the first link on the Content thread is not the Discussion thread. So the other 2 links on top were "bypassed" or ignored or whatever word you prefer to use, and you instead opted to view the Discussion thread. I'm just basing it on the generally accepted method of how people read, which is starting from the top to bottom. Obviously I'm speculating because you could be one of many who prefer to read from the bottom of the page, or maybe even the middle. Maybe you decided to open each link in individual tabs, and decided to start browsing the Discussion section first and then switch over to the Content tab once you've had your lolcow fill, who knows. There were multiple options to choose from on the front page of the Content section, and one or 2 of the choices were "bypassed" in order to get to your preferred choice. Unless of course your eyes have the capability to watch videos and read comments at the same time, which in that case highly impressive! :MLADY: Like you, I fail to see how this is somehow difficult to comprehend.
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I don't believe I indicated YOU said or thought Nick and Amouranth's tactics were justified, I merely said they're using the same reasons you mentioned to justify THEIR tactics.....unless you're saying you're actually Nick :ddHuh: Although you do tend to have the same condescending connotation as Nick does in that October 22 abuse leak, I'd have to look at your posts in other creator threads to make a proper comparison. Maybe Dauragon C Mikado will have a better eye for that, since he is better suited at that investigative CSI stuff. I'm not motivated enough to do that right now, and just as you pointed out, "why would I go to 4-5 different places to see various pieces of content, when they are just aggregated here?"

Regardless, I considered your reasons as a personal opinion, detached from support or opposition.
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Right. You go with the "generally accepted" definition of Customer, yet refuse the same logic and instead opt with the marketing/sales-specific context with the word Scam. We just did a reversi! I was going with the marketing/sales-specific context with the word Customer while you chose the generally accepted context :POGGIES:

Buyer Beware can be applied to anything. Unless you're creating something with materials sourced from your own creation, that term applies to everything doesn't it? It doesn't mean there isn't a reasonable expectation that purchased product shouldn't be legit what was advertised? Her customers weren't absolving themselves the responsibility of buying blind though. They were literally presented with a product preview and description. It's not like it was just an image/clip or just words of the product. It was a combination of both was it not?

Let's say Nick purchased an 8 inch strap on dildo, and it was advertised as 8 inches with a pixelized small hole in the back where he could insert and his tiny dick in. The images and clips showed a guy's dick going into the hole and the video/picture has a caption with a girl marveling at the 8 inch size. Then Nick gets it delivered and opens the box only to show that it's actually half of the 8 inches, and the hole circumference is the size of a dime! I would think Nick would be pissed, because now he can't even insert his dick in (or maybe he can we don't know how thin it is) Either way, it's not 8 inches. If he wanted to walk around with a micro dick he would've just gone pantsless. Would I blame Nick because he let his inadequacies and insecurities of having a small tiny uncircumsized cock override that good sense enough to roll the dice? No I would not. Poor Nick is what I would say :PepeWhy: He didn't have to buy anything, but he had a valid and reasonable expectation of that purchase.
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Well you said you don't consume social media much, so of course never in your life would you have seen so much focus on discussing that person's spouse or partner. It's not like you browse social media content, right? You wouldn't know if people are putting so much focus on discussing whoever and whatever in virtual communities and networks/platforms. You wouldn't have seen them interacting, unless you actually do consume it often.

At the end of the day, aren't we all just speculating, including me AND you? People here speculate on Amouranth and her nepo baby husband Nick based on observation and people's comments the same way you are speculating on the people on this thread. Just like Amouranth speculates that her chat believes she really is single, just like Nick speculating he really is a capable manager and CEO material. There are those like Nick that believe what they want to see, and there are others that believe what they actually see and hear :peepoShrug: Hell, he was even speculating a ton on that abuse leak. If you try to single out the whiny man-child tantrums, you will hear what he was saying :KEKWlaugh: It is truly a sight to behold how someone approaching 40 can behave the way he does. I would bet Nick is the type of "man" who would call his wife fat, ignoring the fact that he looks like a middle aged frumpy lesbian trucker with bad acne :pauseChamp: See? Another speculation :leokek:


Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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So you’re positing that someone—in this case, me—looking through the content thread would instantly know about her “scams”? That they couldn’t possibly land on the discussion thread without knowing that already? Is that your point?
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You’re overthinking this way too much, which is par for the course in this thread. Again, are you saying I HAD to have known that Amo is considered to be a scammer on here based on the sequencing of how I encountered and consumed the threads?
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Okay, fair.
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How do you mean “connotation” here? I’m implying or suggesting something other than the literal meaning of condescension?
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I would hope both/any of you have better uses for your time than researching my posts.
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Alright, my bad.
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I know you think you’re on to something with this “generally accepted“ bit, but it isn’t the “same logic”.

You think “customer”, in a sales and marketing-specific-context, no less—means *someone who has NOT established a business relationship with a person or company through a financial transaction*?!?

If I’m shopping for a car, and I start to consume all kinds of Ford Mustang content—reviews, pics, whatever—in your mind that already makes me a Ford customer, even though I have bought nothing and have no financial tie to the company? Seriously?
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It applies to everything.
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If Amo posts an image/description that says “watch me get titty fucked” and I buy it…and it turns out behind that titty fucking is a pixelated dildo, then I fucked up, she worked the copy to her advantage, and lesson learned. She still got titty fucked, which is all the sales pitch was. You call that a “scam”, I don’t. It’s okay that we don’t agree.
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The difference is in the deliberate, specific, and quantifiable “8 inch” claim. “8 inches” is a specific measurement without interpretation. Descriptions of sex acts in videos are qualitative and subject to interpretation.

What I wouldn’t do is see a description for a “large” dildo with no actual dimensions, independently determine that “large” must mean “8 inches or more”, buy the thing, and then say I got “scammed” because my interpretation or hope didn’t match the reality.
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I said that I’ve never seen so much focus on discussing a partner, and I haven’t—in other places where such things are discussed: bars, hanging out with friends, school, work, news and magazine articles, tv shows, radio, and any of the other 10,000 places topics of conversation come up and are experienced.

Is your attempt at a “point” or gotcha here based on the false idea that such discussions only happen on social media or “virtual communities”, and that only someone who is extremely online has any sort of frame of reference for what regular people talk about? That the only way is through Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter? Huh?
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Yep, speculation…was there a point amongst all the husband talk buried in there somewhere that I missed?


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 5, 2023
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You might be the one overthinking this. All I did was question the validity of your comment below, because it is an unbelievable feat for someone- in this case you, to be capable of watching her videos while reading the posts in the discussion thread at the same time because that is the only way I imagine someone would not "bypass" multiple options, as you so clearly pointed out. There were 3 link options, you chose the 3rd one, therefore you bypassed the other 2 links on top. I don't know if you have something against the word or what, and like I said you can choose another synonym, but it doesn't change the fact that that is what transpired :peepoShrug:

"Also, nothing was “bypassed”…there’s literally a link to the discussion thread within the content thread. As far as her “socials”, why would I go to 4-5 different places to see her various pieces of content, when they are just aggregated here? The answer is I didn’t."

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No. I said you bypassing the other links in favor of clicking on the Discussion thread certainly explains why you wouldn't be aware of her "scams" firsthand. By skipping over the Content thread, the first thing you ended up being exposed to was word of mouth vs personal visual experience. But you insisted you didn't bypass so agree to disagree I guess?
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My bad, that's supposed to tone, not connotation
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Amouranth's business depends on exposure and relevancy, correct? I think a more comparable example would be if a favorite figure/celebrity is seen looking at, talking about and purchasing said Ford Mustang at a dealership. Their sheep sees that, and want to buy the same car that their "idol" has. Now me as an outsider, would be curious as to why all these sheep are buying and raving about Ford Mustang. I'd want to see what the commotion is about, with the rest of the crowd. Sheep causes Ford profits to go up, and other figures and sponsors are more inclined to jump into the bandwagon- domino effect. Now even though I haven't spent a dime on Ford, I inadvertently helped drive traffic towards Ford by being part of the crowd that drives traffic to their product. You, me, subs, simps, stalkers, hate-watchers etc, don't we all contribute to her financially directly and indirectly whether we like to admit it or not?
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That one is another bad example, and yes agree to disagree but there are plenty of other more blatant examples, moreso in the earlier days of her OF from what I recall. Some here might have a copy of those, but I do remember seeing several within this 500 page thread.
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I mean, it's a running meme at this point, but how else is "Watch me get railed by him and I suck his cock after" subject to interpretation when there is no "him" involved :KEKWlaugh: How should one interpret "My wet pussy gets penetrated by him" when again there is no him involved, but also no actual penetration :leokek: I actually enjoy the play on words if I'm being honest. One of the reasons I tune in is because I'm curious what other ways she and Nick would work the copy. It's entertaining.
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I was under the impression we were only talking about the livestreaming space, but sure we can expand that. Case in point, the Brad/Angelina and Jennifer Aniston thing. Johnny Depp/Amber Heard. Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce. Kim Kardashian/Kanye. Lots of wagging tongues about these people and their partner/marriage/relationship all over the world.

My attempt at a point, is that if someone such as yourself is not consuming media where these people are being discussed in depth and at length, then you'd have no idea about it, them or its existence. It doesn't matter if that media is online, newspapers, school, work, bar talk, pillow talk, whatever. You said you don't really follow her OF, watch her streams, etc so of course you wouldn't know about the discussions, scams, drama, whatever the fuck. But just because you've never seen it, doesn't mean it's uncommon.
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Diamond Tier
May 5, 2022
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story of our times not reading that GIF by Trevor Moore


Bathwater Drinker
Feb 21, 2023
One of Amouranth's former employees said on discord that originally she wasn't showing her face with her breasts in the same shot because she was planning to do a big press release when she left sex work that "it was all fake. I had a body double the whole time". lol I assume that plan has changed but I found that funny


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 24, 2022
We're having an actual debut today of BehindTheScenes of a photoshoot (did that white-pink wool<>skirt look like cosplay?)
and now having dresses professionaly adjusted for the 17th which is also the date of the StreamerAwards?

Dauragon C Mikado

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Btw She'll be on Ice's very tacky poorly done fear factor. This just she's you just how dumb Nick is because this won't help her OF conversions. Just like that dating show NOBODY will care and NOBODY will go to her OF page. My god Nick is dumb as fuck :KEKWlaugh: . I can't stop loling at just how bad all of his choices are :KEKWlaugh: :KEKWlaugh: :KEKWlaugh: