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Trans Simp Chat indigowhite - Identity Crisis Helpline

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Shisui of the Body Flicker
Mar 12, 2022
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She's acting like dylan
No surgery
still looks like the gender born with
Comments on the supposed to be haters that they are toxic and need to shut up and need to just accept it if you criticize the gender person pretends to be
  • 100
Reactions: kinjutsu


Mar 18, 2022
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Non-medical cosmetic alterations like:

- double-mastectomy (not related to back pain or breast cancer) leaving visible chest scars
- removing huge pieces of skin from your arm and leg to make a fake dick-tube (that needs an inserted device and hand-pump to harden to simulate an erection)
- removing your genitals and replacing with a hole that needs to be dilated for the rest of your life

Sure sound like mutilation to me. I've seen photos of the scarring. It's horrific. It's one thing if done to cure an illness, or skin grafts for 3rd degree burns. But this... It comes across as very extrem body dismorphia.

I don't hate trans people who go that far. I pity them. I find them wholly tragic figures. It saddens me when people hate themselves so much that they have to do this.

Anyway, Indigo can do whatever they like to become yet another pop-culture-condoned gender blob. Good for them, I guess. It seems messed up to me.


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 20, 2022
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Yes, it is mutilation by definition.

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1. an act or instance of destroying, removing, or severely damaging a limb or other body part of a person or animal

So if you have your booba hacked off because of a mental illness, you are being mutilated. A body part is being removed, and as a biological woman, having her breasts removed is pretty major. Just because transgenderism is politically incorrect to criticize doesn't mean that the word doesn't apply here.

Also, you don't know anything about Gender Dysphoria, how it works, or how impairing it is. It is tied into depression and anxiety, and the mental issues that it causes can get so bad that if you don't treat the root cause that it'll likely lead to suicide. Right now, the mutilating "treatments" that are encouraged flat out do not work. The transgender suicide rate is still sky high (ranging from 32% to 50% depending on where you are in the world), and does not change post surgery.

You're also lying that it's not a mental illness either. Gender Dysphoria is in the DSM 5. You couldn't even spell psychiatry right. Transgenderism is an umbrella term. Gender dysphoria is the illness. You could figure this out with a few Google searches and using your frontal lobe.


Dec 15, 2021
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Well, first thing, sorry for not being a native speaker. I thank you for just assuming I was dumb.

It is a fact that it does work in most cases, as stated here
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First thing, thank you for assuming I got a word wrong because I'm dumb and not because English isn't my first language.

Second, here are the links to various medical sites that confirm the direct correlation between sex-swap surgery and mental health:
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And here the links are about the suicide-transition correlation:
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DSM 5 is about *disorders*, and mental disorders and illnesses are not the same (
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Lastly, even if the post- surgery scars are not pretty to look at, it should only matter to does involved. If they think it's worth it then I'm happy for them. I don't enjoy plastic surgery either but I'm not against it.

I don't see the point in being so agreesive towards one another if what we are talking about is the health and what is better for people who are suffering. I'm no Political Correctness Mcgee and what I'm arguing for is something I care about. I have no reason to call you transphobic because I know (or, better, hope) you are trying to state your opinion out for genuinr concern, and that's never something to shame someone for.


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 20, 2022
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So, when it comes to English as a language, it's not like people wear a badge saying "not a native English speaker." I'll keep it in mind though.

Having a suicide rate of up to 50% post surgery would be considered a failure for any other procedure. Saying it "works for most" is pretty cynical. It's also cynical to dismiss that pre-op and post-op suicide rates are nearly identical. That's another suggestion that mutilating yourself to try and pass as a gender you weren't born as is a really, really, really bad idea. I can't think of many other medical procedures that have such a pathetic effect post surgery.

Also, you're splitting hairs on the terms mental illness and mental disorder. Some places will use the exact same definition for both, some will classify mental illness as having some sort of pathological condition, which is the same thing but more specific. Ultimately we're talking about someone who is not mentally well, so I'm not gonna waste more time on a semantics game. Gender dysphoria's in the DSM-5 and people who suffer from it need proper treatment.

Point is that hacking off body parts is not effective. You can't spin it any other way.

As for Indy, what she's suggesting she do to herself is nonsensical. First off is the obvious part that it's not going to solve her mental health issues. The root cause of any problems is still going to be there because she's likely not seeing a shrink and the only medication she takes for any issues is weed. Weed can help with anxiety but she might be better off with a mild antidepressant alongside therapy, assuming she's got the mental cognizance to actually go to a doctor and talk about these problems. And not a doctor who is paid to polish off a hacksaw any time he smells money from "gender affirming care." And that term is bullshit.

Second, she makes money from getting naked and fucking. To be frank, she has quite a nice body. She's in good shape, she's got good curves that aren't in proportions that are kind of absurd, and she's 100% natural. She won the genetic lottery in that regard. Plus she knows how to move her hips. She starts trying to be a dude, and say goodbye to your customer base which basically here to see her squirt and ride cocks that are in her vagina.

Nothing about what she's doing makes sense, both in regards to her health and her wallet, and defending what she's doing is only going to make things worse.


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 28, 2022
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The preview for this paper literally begins with the words "Very low quality evidence". Translating that to "it is a fact that it does work in most cases", is such a monumental stretch that I'm assuming you just haven't read it.

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This doesn't make that claim that you're implying it does. - "An important finding was that the incidence for observed suicide deaths was almost equally distributed over the different stages of treatment."

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This is a self-reported survey. It would be hard enough to get people to openly admit to making a life-altering mistake even if it wasn't a massively politically charged issue.

There are studies that claim improved mental health after transition. I've yet to see one that wasn't highly flawed, but there's a huge amount of pressure on researchers to give the answer that they're ideologically compelled to find. The changes made to gender dysphoria in the DSM in recent years were driven by politics, not evidence.

Ultimately, I don't see any meaningful difference between a healthy woman who wants her breasts removed because she thinks she's a man, and one with body integrity disorder who wants a doctor to cut off her arm. They're clearly mentally unwell, and I sympathise with them, but to give them what they think they want would be to do them harm, and self-reported improved mental health afterwards wouldn't convince me otherwise.

I agree there's no point in being agressive; we're all just here because we don't want to pay for porn. But this thread is inevitably going to be focused on the trans issue now, and it riles people up like little else. IIRC her discussion thread was actually completely dead before this all happened; there's only so many times you can post "she's hot, but a bit of a bitch and her videos are pretty boring".


May 19, 2022
Despite what’s going on, I do like the butt stuff Indi is doing and that Indi is not doing the fake anime/e-girl voice anymore. It’s seems more “natural”. I just treat it as tomboy stuff until Indi fully commits, hopefully not for selfish coomer reasons, but I’ll keep watching and jerkin for now.


Dec 15, 2021
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I know that that specific source is not made by stone cold facts, but that is just one of the several articles I have linked, and the self reported sourvey, while not the best, is still being made by people who are capable of descernment.

In the other surveys, one of the questions was about suicidal thoughts and was made with the same method used to get that famed suicide rate statystic. It was taken based on a selected number of people.

You keep using the term "ill" but, as I said before, it's a disorder. Adhd is a disorder too, as well as dislexia and others. It's an extremely broad term that includes all neurodivergent conditions excluding mental illnesses, most of which actually make you incapable of descernment.

Questions like "Are you having suicidal thoughts" are extremely commonly used even with patients who are actually incapable of discerning for decades simply because it has been seen throught the years that the the data they provide more often than not reflects reality, so why should these people's opinions be discarded?

It's true that research often reflects the commont current of thougt, but let me make you an example. If right now, a research was made and it claimed slavery was actually good, everyone would go nuts over it, so the researchers would tend to claim otherwise, as it is the more tame option. Even now, there are still researches being made about slavery being bad, but do we automatically discard them for tending towards one solution mote than the other?
The thing you say should stimulate critical thinking, but it alone does not impact their validity, otherwise there could not be researches that validate the most accredited options. These people are still professors or doctors who are part of organizations devoted to learning, and this is just one of the many researches they've made. They're not
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The last thing I wanted to say is that through modern technology a trans person after transition can work just as well as a normal person, because the procedures are the same as other transplant surgeries. We can have heart transplants that make people live with serenity but we can't have bottom surgeries that let you pee correctly? Not mentiong the nature of genitalia. A penis, biologically speaking, is just an extended clitoris.
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