Support Watermark advertisement for a third-party/blacklisted site list?

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Bathwater Drinker
May 6, 2022
Hi. One of my posts got deleted because "watermarked with advertisement for a third-party/blacklisted site", thats fine! I removed the file. But what i would like to know, is there a list what we can see which sites are blacklisted? I searched and didnt find a list. With a list we can go through our files and make sure that its ok to be uploaded.
The list of blacklisted sites isn't publicly available. Just avoid anything watermarked promoting other forums/sites similar to this one, discord, or telegram.


Jan 31, 2022
The list of blacklisted sites isn't publicly available. Just avoid anything watermarked promoting other forums/sites similar to this one, discord, or telegram.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 15, 2022
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Yes we need a list or something publicly posted here on simpcity to ensure we aren't running into trouble. Wanda raven73 and I arent exactly low level tiered individuals (raven more than i) and a post of mine was removed and a WARNING ISSUED to my account because a vid was watermarked?? I didn't know that thub wasn't allowed on here? Seen it many times in other vid watermarks from others.

So why punish people who don't lurk and contribute to well intended content?? Seems as though "sites like this one" could be stretched to include anything or any site one a mod deems worthy of their interpretation.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 15, 2022
"nothing more will happen to your account unless warnings accumulate..." - dorado
"We add multiple sites a day to the list, gonna be a pain to keep 2 places up to date" - POKI

Hopefully you can see where those two quotes can conflict with one another right? So since we don't know which sites are blacklisted, it is possible to accumulate additional warnings without intending to. Someone may have their account unjustly punished/banned simply because some mod added another warning to their account.

In my case, the content I added was in a gofile from a month ago. I did not post a link to a site that was similar to simpcity. I can almost see a justly warning if I posted a link directly to said site or, if it was a few days or a week, but A MONTH LATER? Some may see this as a rant, but I am just pointing out a flaw in your warning system. How far back can a mod go to bestow a warning? If someone was to be targeted by a rouge mod, it wouldn't be that hard to go through someone's posts and hit them with 3 or 4 warnings, and bam account banned.

Their should at the MINIMUM be an appeals process, for active members that are contributing in good faith. If not, then this will have a chilling effect on people who enjoy their time here but will be afraid to add content for fear of mod warnings. I know at the moment I feel that way. The "Learn your lesson and move on" - dorado doesn't really inspire me to keep adding content to a community I first thought was friendly and inclusive.

So I guess without an appeals process or a way to dispute a claim (even my youtube account has an appeals process) I'll just slink back into the shadows and look but not add. Sad really because this is my preferred site to be active upon.

Thanks for listening,
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Jan 31, 2022
Episode 2 Whatever GIF


Mar 16, 2022
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No worries.
i'm not a mod so you shouldn't give my reply the same weight as :pokiJAM:

Not all content can be monitored as it gets posted, some gets reported 'A MONTH' later.
if you want to share content that has a watermark on it you're gonna have to get rid of the watermark manually.
Yes. On every video.

see more here:

You can't give people an 'appeal' button with every warning, every salty mf is gonna appeal every warning. :hahaa:

If there is an issue like you got 3 warnings for old content without a chance to edit your posts you can create a ticket via the 'contact us' button on the bottom of the page
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Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
If you try and post a link to a blacklisted site you won't be able to. It will be caught by our spam filter, censored and then deleted by a mod or yourself.
We don't warn for this or for when things are later blacklisted with two exceptions:
Attempting to bypass the censor to post a site you know to be blacklisted and hosts that earn the uploader money.

Watermarks are quite simple, we only allow watermarks the model added themselves and camwhores. Anything else will get you a warning.

Edit to add: you might notice this forum has a relatively small amount of watermarked, ruined content, this is part of how we achieve it. You might think it harsh, but the alternative is a spam riddled forum full of crap watermarked content like other places online.
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The Omni Liberal
Nov 23, 2022
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Wait really, I always thought it just counted as low quality content and was frowned upon. That's why I only clown on them in the venting thread. There's a relatively popular poster here that adds their initials to many of the videos they post. Should I go through their posts and report them all?

Hans Landa

German Pervert
Jun 10, 2022
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How hard is it really to not post content with watermarks in it? If you just only grab your stuff from these shitty telegrams and NSFW websites who plaster their dumb links all over the video you should search for a better source.

I uploaded alot of content already and never ran into a problem so it's a YOU issue rather than the admins fault.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 15, 2022
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POKI I was not trying to circumvent the system by adding a video to an approved host (gofile). I was truly unaware said site was blacklisted precisely because their was not a list posted here. Had I known the site was not welcomed here I would not have even attempted it. Also if their is not an approved list posted or appeal process moving forward, AT LEAST give the poster of content a 24-48 hour warning to remove or modify post to conform with TOS. That way the person has a chance to remedy the situation without permanent reprimand to his account.

Hans Landa The only content I have shared has been what I thought fell into the TOS of this forum site. I've never linked to anyplace that resembles or operates in a way that simpcity does. My only crime is that I found a video that had never been posted on here, put it in a gofile (which is approved by simpcity) and shared it with the community. It had a different nsfw watermark on it, but have seen that watermark on other videos within the forums.

Example: *Blacklisted site* is an approved site to link to here, but I have seen watermarks from different sites on those videos as well. While I appreciate your input, saying that you've posted lots of content and it hasn't happened to you is a straw man argument. Say in the near future it does happen to you? Should someone tell you about their personal exp. on here and state boldly that YOU are the problem? Would it not be a better outcome to try and find a better path, so the potential of undue harm to a person's account may be reversed if reviewed?
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Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
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What I mean by bypassing spam filter is people splitting with a space in the middle or changing letters out i.e simp or
i.e. they know its blacklisted and are trying to post it anyway

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As stated, assume all watermarks are bad. Skip the issue completely.

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We'd have to contact the poster and then remember to come back later to check, that's not happening. We're all unpaid volunteers, we're not tracking previous issues and increasing workload unnecessarily.
As already said, one or two warnings don't result in any limits to your account, it should just result in you going to read the rules which we link to in the warning, we make you read before making your first post here and we have links to in various places such as sub-header, footer etc.

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You've seen it in limited places, its against our rules, now you know not to post it again. Please report the posts you see with it. We remove them when we see them / they're reported.

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Its not in our approved / recommended hosts list, its just not blacklisted. The host itself is not the problem, its the links posted within which again we warn for when we see them.

Anyway, this is becoming a waste of time, accept your warning, read the rules (actually read them) and move on. There's no changes required to what we do here, just changes to how you react and what you post.
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