Simp Chat ASMR Darling - Discussion thread


Shamanic Cachanilla
Mar 12, 2022
So one of the main reasons I started this thread was because of this:

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I figured the livestream VOD wasn't appropriate for the content thread even if it meets the generic definition of content without being NSFW since there's the usual soft-spoken-ness and ASMR fare. For those who want a general idea of what's in it, you'll easily get your ASMR rocks off with 2-ish hours of her speaking softly and messing around with a rainbow-colored worm ornament by tapping on it and whatever else (I didn't watch the whole thing and don't plan on it). As a bonus, she sings and plays ukulele for a little bit towards the end. The parts of interest for non-ASMR consumption and the fodder for this discussion thread occurs at 1:06:00 and 1:12:00 or thereabouts. She mentions not having a good day for her mental health at the former and sheds a tear at the latter timestamp.

Evidently, Taylor's got some drama spilling out into her livestreams the way certain other recent streamers/creators have managed to make their drama public - whether by accident or planned, real or manufactured.

I don't simp or stan for Taylor, but I do have some general awareness of that creeper boyfriend that hijacked her Youtube ASMR channel to upload his obsessive video stating that he missed her even though they broke up (and have since gotten back together - this was several years ago). The guy, from what I recall, is a slacker and a loser with some kind of Souncloud rap career that he was trying to get off the ground. Suppose the drama is about him - Matthew is his name, I think?
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Shamanic Cachanilla
Mar 12, 2022
For those interested in the videos I mention, her simps (or enemies?) downloaded it and re-uploaded it to Youtube:

And her response - kind of why I said above that the drama could be real or manufactured, coincidentally or intentionally featured in the livestream:

The lady had some Hollywood-type aspirations at some point, so I am a skeptic that her emotions are 100% authentic then and now.


Shamanic Cachanilla
Mar 12, 2022
Where does everyone think her career will go from here? She's been making ASMR content for eight years (per her Youtube channel's "Join" date) - no college education or real skill sets that we know about. She tried going to Hollywood but it didn't work out for whatever reason. She's barely a millionaire if you search for her net worth estimates, so she'll eventually need to find something to do once interest in her dries out. You can't blow into or brush a mic for the rest of your life since your looks are probably your biggest overall asset in streaming anything and if you're a woman at that.

I might actually shit myself if she ever started up an Onlyfans even if I couldn't see it happening.

I like her because she's got a wholesome quality to her content that really stands out - even if there are plenty of others doing what she's doing, there's an oddly refreshing cleanness/innocence to her approach that makes her appealing to many. I say this because I don't actually harbor an intense dislike of her even if I think she's milking and has milked her boyfriend drama previously (which is pretty lite in the way it's being done instead of certain other creators that make it a saga).
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Tier 1 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
Taylor is a cold blooded bitch 🐍. She has for a long time been known to be so.
I use to watch her a bit and you are correct about her faking a lot of drama. I remeber around the time I stopped watching her on twitch, she supposidly turned Bi-Sexual. This was around the time when coming out as bi or having a diff gender was at its peak. She told her audience she was scoping out some girl at starbucks, and she could not sound anymore made up; she had blue hair. She made her sound sooo unique. yet ever since I havent heard anything about that at all. Now it turns out she had a boyfriend this whole time. So that girl-crush sounds even more like bullshit.
Like other social sluts she tends to keep AIM her drama to certain social media sites. I didnt know about the starbucks girl until I was redirected to her twitter. She was mentioned once or twice on twitch but she always changed the topic to something else quick af "yea I Havent seen her. maybe they changed her from the morning shift when I usually go."
after a while she avoided all the questions about her sexuality and would get mad, "Can we stop talking about peoples sexuality. I dont want to share my personal life."
From what I understand thats not the first (maybe not even the first dozen lol) she's pulled off this fake drama shit for views.
What seemed suspicious on that 2nd old vid you posted that she lives fully was that seh does NOT share anything about her personal life, except when she cucks her audience.
When she gets emotional she only gets more closed off and angry, not sad and sentimental, bitch is stone cold. Her tell is the same as when she gets hungry. Whenever she mentions she hasnt eaten and is hungry; watch her get upset and gives close/quick replies. Watch her after she eats on stream it's like someone got her drunk and becomes more open and talkative.

Idk what happened w the acting thing or if she even went for that, but it always seemed suspicious. Not to mention she's not a good actress from what I remember people saying but I dont know if she ever released something like a tryout tape, I forget what they're called.
I do remember people asking her about her acting career and again, when it's personal like that she gets PISSED and changes the topic very quickly.
Try telling her something she does is bad for her dog and watch her get pissed lol guaranteed. "Dont tell me how to raise my dog!"
While I dont think she plans things in the long run (in terms of manipulation) she definitely plays people emotionally for view$.

About her recent VOD you posted, the super fishy thing about that, before she cried, was that she said ~"I dont want to take a break/end the stream early".
I'll tell you from all the time I've followed her (not recently), she has ALWAYS taken liberal breaks, even ending streams because someone upset her slightly in chat or on that day and it having nothing to do with streaming. She has always taken breaks and cancelled scheduled streams whenever she felt like it.
So the fact that she started crying immediately after she said "I dont want to end stream to take a break," that made my spidey-bullshit-sense go off hard. She usually makes like 2 days of my full time work in ~4 hours, so I dont think she usually cares about taking breaks knowing a lot of the perma-creeps are hanging around there all the time, like that old guy that treats her like she is his daughter 🤢 (even says she is basically a replacement for her because he doesnt have much contact with his own daughter anymore). Remember she's the type to have months long breaks and not telling anyone about it, to the point where her audience speculates that something bad happened to her.

That's not to say she hasnt said any sentimental things or let slip some personal info and isnt sometimes a decent person, but I'd be just as suspicious as you are, especially with relationship info she gives out.
Sorry if its a bit long, Im watching a movie while I type so I'm not keeping a word count lol. (rurouni kenshin: the final lol. they mostly suck but "the beginning" one was awesome.)


Dec 6, 2022
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I haven't watched her in quite a long time, but I really liked her videos and personality back in the day, as you said because of that innocence vibe and on top of that she had a genuinely great ASMR content. Last time I checked what she's up to, felt like she has switched from that "I make ASMR content because I like it" to "I make ASMR content and drama to milk money". Not hating her for that, but that ain't my cup of tea. Yes, she's hot (maybe cute as fuck is a better way to describe her), but I'm not simping over ASMR videos.

About the career, considering that she has built a brand around her name, I don't think she'll land herself in financial trouble if her career as ASMR content creator dies off. Of course there are factors like if she has any idea how to handle money, if she lives a lavish lifestyle, etc, but as far as her landing a well paying job in marketing or advertising without education or existing skills or experience in that field, just because of her name, is very realistic. Also I got the impression that she has wealthy parents (don't quote me on that, just an observation), combining those thinks, I bet she'll be set.

+ she can always make her content a more spicy to keep her channel afloat for longer, don't even need to go for Onlyfans straight away. She has insane potential if she decides to go that way. Comparing to other twitch girls she's almost like a saint in terms of appearance, simps gonna drool and throw money even over small teases if she decides to go down that road, because there's basically no such content of her out there.
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Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
This is like judging a character an actor plays because the actor did or said something you don't like. It's acting. Nobody watches her asmr vids to get to know her. Dig into anyone's life and you'll find drama. I'm sure she's a catch to all kinds of weirdos on the web because of who she is or how much she might make. Who cares.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 15, 2022
Anybody think she'll ever do a bikini booty selfie? I've been waiting for years. She seems rather insecure and modest about her backside. Which is great, really, just not for us lol
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Tier 1 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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ask her for one in a chat, just be ~"it would look cool to do one of those 'looking back at you' poses, lol"
she's been struggling to ho out for so long now. I honestly believe she was OF material, but her family is overbearing. She knows too many people on her platform. She was reportedly a bit of a ho/tease at school, from when her irl friends use to post about her. Now she's more isolated, but on occasion she posts lewd pictures like without a bra or obv showing off parts of her body, and like all girls, trying to pass it off as lol/jk.
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