Discussion Worst Experience with a pornstar/model?


Tier 3 Sub
Dec 24, 2023
I have had my fair share with some big names in the industry. All of them when I still travelled a lot for work. Got a big rush when I had an appointment with a pornstar, so that was my addiction.

But one still haunts me to this day. Dont know if you guys know Barbi Brilliant/Vanityporn. Great looking chick from Germany. Appointment was made very easy. When we meet up at the hotelbar some dudes were with her and I had to pay upfront. Well, you can guess when we went up to my room, she wasnt feeling it. And yeah, 10 minutes and she was gone. She wanted to stay, but I told her to go.

Stupid to pay upfront, yeah sure. But the dick is thinking more than the brain sometimes.

After I told her she could go, they messaged me for days and days. Threatened me and all. Got really crazy. After sometime I found out that is what she does.


Dec 20, 2023
Not sure if this counts, and admittingly I kind of deserved to get blocked for this, but one time Miss B Nasty was on twitter pretty much celebrating the death of controversial talking head Kevin Samuels.

Someone who clearly knew her personally and was responding to her from a dummy account, claimed that she was projecting some unresolved bitterness and trauma derived from her mother not stopping her from being touched when she wasn't of age, as well as the physical abuse she suffered from the father of her children... I know, serious stuff. Came out of nowhere too.

I chimed in, claiming that both of them were being varying degrees of weird for their comments, which led to me being blocked.

A similar thing happened between me and Alexis Tae, she had been on this crusade for multiple days speaking out about the many injustices going on within the industry. Saying that it's racist, performers are underpaid and aren't treated right, as well as calling out specific people for being abusers and predators. The whole gambit.

Again, me being an idiot, chimed in and complemented her for her bravery and then proceeded to ask if she can speak on her experience working with Adam22 and how she felt regarding the accusations against him and his wife Lena Tha Plug.

She blocked me.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 16, 2022
Damn alot of these stories are crazy lol. I only been scammed for $50 usd it was before covid hit. Jules of Boston..she was a escort..anyone hear of her? She was suppose to make me a video. It had been a week since i payed her and asked to "hurry the fuck up and make the video" that was my exact message. She blocked me. I had pictures and video of her but my pc crashed like 6 months later. I have small clips of her still though on my old phone.

Not scammed story but just had to tell it. I also joined some escort's OF account from Canada, she also doesn't show her face, i asked for a video of her big boobs. For $20 bucks she made it. She sent me the video but the last 3 seconds you can clearly see her face in the video. I told her thanks for the video of her face. We went back and forth that she was gonna sue blah. She blocked me on OF, but still have the pic :KEKWlaugh:


Oct 20, 2023
It seems that honesty is too big a luxury for players in this industry to afford. There are thousands of them whose personalities are cheaper than their PPVs. They may feel they need hypocrisy to stay in business. They're trying to take it out on the subscribers for the screwing they've gotten from the producers, from the studio owners. From what I've observed, many of them have mental problems, father issues, childhood traumas... etc.


Tier 1 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
Y'all need to stop taking these kinds of things personal and treat them for what they are: a bad customer experience. By all means, spill the ones who do shit. But whenever I read those elaborate stories here where you guys talk about abused trust and feelings I can only think that you are already lost in a parasocial relationship.

You are buying a service or a product, so treat it that way. Name and shame, but don't talk about how Amazon has been mean to you and hurt your feelings.


Tier 1 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
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That is absolutely fine and no problem. Tho reading your posts I gotta say: never ever spend that much cash on an E-Girl. Just get a hooker or 3 at this point and get fucked into heaven by all of them at the same time. If I would spend money on women that would at least be the better investment imo :D

nut master

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 13, 2022
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It's old news by now, but apparently it really was an elaborate advertisement lmao. The guy went on some show where he talked about how they paid him to use his picture and to get a tattoo of her (!!) and then they went off the rails with it, posting the fake texts and whatever else to make him look like a crazed obsessive fan. I guess he could be lying, but knowing what we know about these agencies, it's not hard to believe his story.


Mar 11, 2022
Throwing my hat into the convo

Reading these stories always puts into light how some not all e-girls are very scammy

My experiences with certain girls online trying to scam me have been unpleasant but I can only say in my experiences I've usually gotten my money back because I always provide receipts

Does this always work, No of course not, But enough reports to these girls & they risk losing their account because people will speak up more

I'm so grateful for this community exists to alert us fans of e-girls that scam because it most definitely helps save us fans alot of money & alot of unnecessary pain

I try not to focus too much on the girls that screw fans over as i prefer the girls who treat fans right

But keep speaking up guys, Don't let those e-girls ruin your experiences

The more you speak up, Hopefully they will start treating their fans right