Simp Chat Willow.Trie Discussion


Mar 11, 2022
The weird thing is the vid doesn't show on the OF homepage/wall/feed, but does show on her page if you go to that specifically. It's also dated from yesterday so if anyone has a busy enough feed it's going to be missed because I only found the post myself after the recent chat about it here.
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Oct 17, 2023
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It’s a shame because it is a fabulous video. Well-worth the $30. As I said, I had bought the video, saw it once, then it disappeared. I DM’d Willow and she DM’d the video to me because I had already purchased it. I sent back the $20 that had not been taken from my wallet. She said something about having to re-load the video due to tagging issues.” Now, on her page, I see the video with the “unlock post for $30” message, which I haven’t done because I have it in messages. But I only see 5 likes today. Something is weird here. I can’t believe that this vid has only 5 likes and no comments when the one just 2 days earlier has 209 likes and 3 comments.


Nov 22, 2022
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I had always assumed she worked at Wendy' was a little disappointed...I have a thing for Fast Food workers after I banged one midday during her shift...she left a month later and Willow was my happy remembrance. Occasionally I still drive by the Wendy's and you couldn't slap the smile off of my face each time.


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 27, 2022
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It’s crazy (but not totally unexpected considering 90% of OnlyFans creators make a few bucks per month) that she still has to work a regular job. You’d think with the particular niche she fills (redhead, now short hair..) she could have enough simps subbing to her monthly. But she could also do much better with her marketing I guess (and consistency)


Feb 10, 2024
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Aww you misinterpret my shock, I realize my message isn't distinct. I'm not shocked in like, "wow she must be making so much money with how much shes charging why is she still working at dunkin?" I know like most girls that sign on to OF wind up only making like 20-200 bucks a month off of it. I'm saying I can't believe can she justify charging $30 for opening a message when she knows how hard it is to make that money on a regular pay check, a dunkin paycheck. (now i originally thought it was a just like a couple pics and a message, but even still that is expensive for a porn video that isn't at least 30 minutes long.


Oct 17, 2023
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“that is expensive for a porn video that isn't at least 30 minutes long.” ?? Risking the possibility that everyone here will hate me because I’m a lurker. Let me assume that you are here because there is something about Willow that you like. Maybe you like seeing her completely naked and masturbating for you. It’s relative to some extent. I paid $30 for her ppv, “masturbating in a public restroom” and it was a disappointment, true. But I bought her last ppv and I would have easily paid more for it. It’s all relative. Imagine that in high school or college and some chick you were hot for offered to strip naked and masturbate in front of you for $30. I am pretty sure that you would have taken her up on it. Perhaps you are “Willow-spoiled.” You don’t know what Willow is showing you for $30. Never mind if more people paid for her vids instead of ripping them off. She would do more and charge less if everyone paid for them. Millions of men, in particular, have watched her videos and paid nothing. And you say she makes 20-200 per month? Jeez…


Feb 10, 2024
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I don't think anybody should hate you for defending her, I just think you're a little bit simpified, but its okay brother, it happens to all men, multiple times in their lifetime. Doth whoth haven't begged for a glimpse of areola should throw the first stone.
It's their product and it's their right to charge what they want for it, but they are again selling a product in an industry, and therefore not free from criticism. A brazzers subscription costs roughly $9 a month, a burning angel sub costs $20 a month. It's like selling a poorly made constructed vacuum for 150 when theres a billion good ones for $50, or charging $60 for the cod mw3(an expansion pack that wasn't meant to be released until investors got greedy 🤔). Whether or not people pay for it doesn't mean its not bad value.
I've already done all that mental math of if a woman in my personal life did an OF, i would pay for their SUBSCRIPTION, but the number of women i'm willing to do that for DRASTICALLY goes down as they charge $5, $10, $20 etc. let alone all this PPV horse shit. While i can't say i wouldn't spend $5 or $10 on Willows whole content, really at these prices, if it weren't for the leaks I wouldn't have seen any of her content honestly.

I'm gonna need you to back up the claim of "Millions of men, in particular, have watched her videos and paid nothing." with evidence there tho buddy. On Onlyfans she has 44k likes to 190 posts, which averages out to 225 likes per post. on her most recent 30 fap vid she has 5 likes (i'd bet a maximum of 50 people have bought it then, tho i can't get guess exactly what that number would be its not gonna be much more than 10x likes. on the website that seems to have most of her videos up when you search her name and the word "fuck" a handful of vids have 10k views, a few 20k, 30, and 40k, the rest are are 2-5k vids. She's got 4k followers on instagram. Millions of men is something you can apply to mid range pornstars not, an indie girl with 2k followers, with an avg view count on free sites for her vids being 4k. what you should have said are "Several thousand of men, in particular."

To me the big problem is my job is pretty avg probably, I'm an IT guy. I make about $20 in an hour post tax(i should be making more but thats a digression.) but most men, especially the ones buying these videos make $6-15 in an hour post-tax. This girl knows how much she makes in Dunkin. yet she wants to charge men $30 for a lackluster fap vid that lets be honest the combined total work shes putting in on a fap vid is probably half an hour. These women seriously take for granted the low effort source of supplementary income and quickly find entitement.

i was saying th avg woman that makes an OF thinking she'll get rich is probably making about that range fo 20-200 posttax, lets be charitable and say 20-500. I don't know how much shes making on her content monthly, but I can infer a lot from the fact that she still works at dunkin, isn't spewing out content (something you would do if your content were making a lot of money), and constantly changing up her charging paradigm, combine that with all the other quick clues i picked up to counterpoint your"millions of men" claim, and that her PPVs aren't getting that many likes. I guarantee you shes not really making a lot of money.

Theres also a logical fallacy i think you might be falling for here that I think needs stating, that came up a lot in the big time where video game piracy was abundant, that all these developers were upset because players are now getting a product for free of which they would've paid however much for, and the game industry thought they were losing money, but the reality was that while for a small percentage that was true, most consumers playing that game didn't have the money to justify paying the price for. if they did, they wouldn't have pirated it and much like, this that process takes a work around to be able to enjoy content in an affordable realm. and this is true here, %97 of the free views woulda never paid to view the content. (Just a side point as i'm getting an idea of how you are, and i just notice a lot of these women getting upset about leakers when in reality they certainly are barely losing any money and only getting more exposure.)


Oct 17, 2023
Mr. DickardSteele: Your first paragraph is about what you think about “value vs. content.” You don’t care as much for Willow as I do. You don’t care for the PPV horse shit. This is the essence economics. People make economic decisions based on preferences, interests, perceived value. Be bore make different decisions. You watch the leaks. I pay for the content and the PPVs.

I took quite a bit more time than you did to estimate the sites that post Willow’s content, both pictures and videos. Content that they may or may not have paid for, but offer free at their site.

I found a whole bunch of them, and tallied the numbers. I found 90, but there were more. A lot of them did not show the number of views. A lot more would not allow me to view anything. These were probably disallowing me because of my VPN. In the sites that posted the number of views, the total views (given that the videos had been posted for various amounts of time) was 916, 900 for the videos. On none of the sites were the number of views per picture posted, of course. That could be the 916,000 times 100-200 pictures. Keep in mind that a majority of the pictures would have been ripped off when Willow charged a monthly fee. Hard to estimate but safe to assume that her pictures have been studied, as well. Now, if you throw in the sites that didn’t post views, the sites I wasn’t allowed to open, the many Russian sites, and Japanese sites. So, I will stay with “millions.”

The other thing in the “millions” paragraph is the business of having 5 likes in her latest PPV. That is covered some paragraphs above. The PPV has issues and it isn’t posted properly. Long story that I cover above. I state that if it were posted properly, it would have way more views. It is much better than the free, similar video that has 222 likes. And other recent likes of 160, 132, 124, 139, 187, and 230—all of which have comments, as well. You should have figured this out. All of a sudden one of her PPV posts has 5 likes and no comments? You might like it if you bought it, beings as no one leaked it here yet.

But, my point is that without these leaks to view, at least some of these viewers would have seen leaked samples of Willow, enough to go to her site and buy her content.


Mar 11, 2022
ok so im not even gonna read the hole thing you guys have been going back and fourt here its too long and you guys are over thinking a lot on things lets just chill guys

but since this is a discussion thread heres my 2 cents

willow sucks as a creator (period)....

yes theres something atractive in her the fact she is a redhead is a great thing a lot of guys myself including like and thats why i follow her threads here i would pay her but OF banned me so i literally have no choice but to be here hoping someone post her stuff, but i was one of her first subs i even posted a costume vid on the other thread that only i had.

but she is a really bad creator
(1) she ignores the fact her biggest cuality is her red hair and she cuts it so short to the point she looks like a dyke (bad for buisness) more profesional creators models take extra care of theyr own image for buisnes reasons even go to the gym dye their hair some to the extremes to have a special room for content that gives a image of the models personality
(2) she is inconsistent and unreliable. yea most girls dont earn enough out of OF but still they have to put the effort on it to even make a living out of it, and quit the shitty DD place, big mistake to just post a nude content under a $ tag and do nothing more then to wait and expect the money to fall in
(3)about her prices they are to high.... i get it she needs money but ask yourself this question... who dafuq is she?? she is a nobody ! she is not a big creator like thouse pro models and as a nobody she is doing a mistake setting high prices ... she needs to make a loyal fanbase first to get high prices but she is unreliable so thats a big no no
(4) let me tell you guys something about porn .... PORN IS FREE, any idiot with a phone or a pc can get in the internet and theres a infinity amounts of porn for us and its free to see.... when you pay for a girl on OF you think its for the nudes but its actually for the conection to the creator because it opens a channel to conect to the girl behind the paywal

yes im here still watching because im attracted to natural redheads and no i dont buy her content because i literally cant since OF kick me off the site so cant get costumes from anyone.... but even as free content for me she is lacking a lot she is doing all the mistakes posible


Mar 11, 2022
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Relevant quote from her most recent post,

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Edit; also she doesn't look very feminine in the latest pic, again :monkaHmm:

Without her tits this pic could far too easily be a selfie from a guy.

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Edit 2: PPV is $15 for a 00:12:16 shaving vid, so if nothing else a better value per minute than some stuff has been.
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Dec 30, 2023
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There is some truth behind the redhead allure. If I'm looking for that content I tend to gravitate towards them having at least something for pubic hair. It doesn't need to be a full bush to add to the "natural redhead" attraction, but something is better than nothing.

I think she's kind of a take or leave it type of girl, but she's really leaving a lot on the table overall by failing to realize that she is a bit of a rare find. She's also had a pretty drastic appearance change and it wouldn't shock me if she's on some meds that are making her gain weight (she's not fat, but you can't deny she's changed quite noticeably from the time this all started), and the boy cut really doesn't help. The reality is that porn is a visual experience and appearances do in fact matter to most.