Discussion - What are some porn gripes/pet peeves of yours? | Page 11 | SimpCity Forums

Discussion What are some porn gripes/pet peeves of yours?


Diamond Tier
Dec 21, 2022
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I'm pretty sure Wooman only released one scene with Rone, though it was shot over different time frames.

He really does push her, including getting her to talk about her time with James Deen even though she didn't want to, and then with the gangbang they seemed to want to get her to the point where she had to say stop... which in fairness they did.

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Tier 2 Sub
Jan 14, 2023
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So, I know she was never in the mainstream otherwise, but I always felt like Sara Calixto/ PetiteMarie /etc. would've been much hotter without the tats. I mean, yeah, some people like tats, and that was the whole point of the SuicideGirls line of models, but that many tattoos just detracts from how amazingly perfect her body was...


Diamond Tier
Dec 21, 2022
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It's worse when they get the tats before they've done enough decent content first.

Stoya, Remy LaCroix, and Anna Polina, were all 1st class stars that went on to ruin themselves with particularly bad tattoos, yet they all have a large collection of scenes before they ruined themselves.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 15, 2022
See, that brings me to one of my pet peeves with porn: porn fans.

Specifically the kinda person who complains about how a performer "ruined herself" for any change to her own body that could be made.

Seriously, if people aren't complaining about boob jobs, it's tattoos. If not that, it's a hair cut, or a dye job, or they got their implants removed or cause they gained weight cause hey they aren't 20-somethings anymore. I mean hell, there are people complaining about women getting boob jobs while in the same breath complaining cause another woman's boobs deflated some after having kids as real boobs can be expected to do. And more often than not, tend to act like total children about it.

Cause heaven forbid a woman not cater herself specifically to what you want and has some damn autonomy.


Bathwater Drinker
Oct 23, 2022
bimboluver22 Thanks for sharing and honestly I agree 100%.

There are literally 20+ pages of folks here complaining about belle delphine's boobs or nebraskawut's face. And the irony is in the same breath wonder why these girls choose to augment their bodies.....Just be happy that we live in a world where we got to see her take dick, moreso a load to the face.

like i dont knock you if you have a unique fetish or a particular preference, but way too many folks dig that hole and then live in it... if its not your cup of tea you are more than allowed to share it, but then move on.

also i love tattoos, but what i really love is good composition. in my opinion, A lot of tattoos are shit, or shit placing, or obscure disconnected references. they dont teach that shit at tattoo shops. very few artists will actually sit down and say "lets build a vision together". A lot of the reason Suicide girls work so well is because its cultivated to have a certain standard. As the models are technically free advertising, you wont be made pink if you dont live up to the "Ideal alt look" and shit tattoos arent it.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 15, 2022
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Honestly, the general mistreatment of sex workers in general tends to be one of my buttons.

Like, I try not to use the word "entitled" often, cause the shit gets thrown around so much it loses meaning, but porn fans and smut fans tend to be real fucking entitled when it comes to the women making the smut in question. A general lack of regard for their wants, needs or desires, a disregard for them as people, a knack for demanding more from the performers which damn near equals the demands from the industry itself. It's not enough that she started going nude, she has to fuck now! Not enough that she started doing hardcore, she has to do anal now! Not enough for that, she has to get dp'd and gangbanged now! I feel at times, the consumer can be just as responsible for the performer being fast tracked to more extreme stuff as the industry can. And that in of itself can be a contributing factor to the short shelf lives of one's career and a number of tragic endings for a number of performers.

You'd think we'd have learned to be nicer to/about sex workers by now after the last couple of years, but nope!


Bathwater Drinker
Oct 23, 2022
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I'm totally aware of folks preferences, I don't judge. However in the examples I'm talking about, it goes more than just simple criticism. Like it borders on obsession.

Some of these discussion threads have more posts on body shaming, than the actual content threads for the same creator.

Funny thing is I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment. in some girls, I did like their more natural look or the scars are a huge distraction now. But the difference is I know these girls don't owe me anything, they don't owe me a reason why they augment, and they don't need my validation or approval. And most likely I will continue to look for there content.

Some of these simps have vowed to "no longer support" creators because of their own choices. Some folks openly objectify and fetishize girls and their "parts" and then claim the reason for the augmentation is to "get attention/grab the bag/ they don't like their natural look....And thats such an ironically wild take for me.


Tier 2 Sub
Jan 14, 2023
🤷‍♂️ I think there are a lot of assumptions being thrown around here. I, personally, only stated a preference. I did not state that these girls should burn in hell.

I'll be the first to admit that I have very superficial tastes, but I'm not about to publicly shame people for their preferences (i..e call them babies), nor am I about to shame these girls for their decisions (the assumption I would usually comes from sanctimonious all-or-nothing thinkers who opportunistically want to scapegoat people like me for the real abusers in the industry - I'm just as against abuse as you are; so get off your high horse).

But we are talking about a product here (porn), I'm not bonding with these women. I'm not about to pretend that my standards for real life partners are equal to my porn standards. Should these girls be abused? Absolutely not. But, I watch what I like and when I no longer like what I watch, I move on. I represent a static perspective of a large majority (which is why there are "20+ pages" of people complaining about how a girl unnecessarily changed her look and ended up looking more machine than human). None of us is saying these girls deserve to be abused; but if a girl can no longer deliver a good product because she drastically changed her look; naturally, we will not "support" these girls because "support" means money. Trust me, they don't care about us like that either. Hell, they aren't even making these changes for us half the time.

To go on the offensive and claim that we're the abusers, because you want to scapegoat us for something that doesn't actually source from us, means you're wasting your energy on the wrong crowd. You're not going to change the world like that, bud.

Ultimately, I don't have a horse in this race. I stated it before, and I'll state it again, people are going to get mad at my porn preferences (usually becuase they're making assumptions), and I'm just going to move on. But since you keep whining here, you at least need to hear another perspective. I just find it baffling that someone would be surprised that contentious opinions are going to source from a forum called "porn pet peeves."

No perspectives were changed today.


Bathwater Drinker
Oct 23, 2022
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no perspectives were required/asked to be changed. If you took what I said as some sort of attack against you, then I am sorry, as that wasnt my intent, and even though I attempted to separate your preferences from general themes, clearly I didnt do a good enough job.

There is a dark side to porn consumption, we all are guilty of it to a degree. my comments were more directed to those I feel take it too far. Like i mentioned there are literally dozens of pages body shaming girls like belle delphine, like nebraskawut, like hannahowo, because they dont "meet" their own beauty standards....(case in point nebraskawut has had to resort to making self-deprecating tiktoks agreeing that she has a dog-face (fyi, i think she looks fine)).

That's not you, and I am not saying it is.
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Bathwater Drinker
Oct 23, 2022
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honestly, I am having a brain fart moment and cant think of any that stand out to me right now. lol. though my taste is not for everyone and a lot of folks may disagree with me.

one suicide girl who i've always followed, whose art i've appreciated is Fishball suicide. the evolution of her body art has been an interesting one, and she's covered up a lot of earlier ones. but I've always appreciated the lines and composition. Others that stand out... I really like purple bitch's sleeve, i think the colors are very vibrant and compliment her cosplay theme. I cant remember whose it was but someone has like a full arm or leg that is decked out in nintendo mascots that one may think is a bit much, but it works for them. I'll try and have a harder think on this and might comeback with some better examples.
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Tier 2 Sub
Jan 14, 2023
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Very diplomatic of you; much respect.

Again, I don't have a horse in this race, so I couldn't really care either way. My personal perspective is that there are things in life that suck, and there's nothing we can do about it. Most of us are used to judgment and dissenting opinions. Attempting to change static impressions of a massive, self-congratulating crowd is one of those things that even forceful trends cannot permanently change. The best we can do is call this stuff out when we actually see it; but preemptive attempts to silence people because they seem to have a particular set of traits actually creates more and new problems. When someone is merely noting his/her peeves on a forum intended for such a purpose (which actually wasn't me as the initial poster of the perspective), that perspective should not initially be met with some white knight who comes in guns-blazing. Which, for the record, you did not do. You're in the clear.

But I digress, these people that go on and on about specific girls need something new to talk about. It's pretty ugly when people gang up on a particular person who happened to make an unpopular decision. On the other hand, I've always felt that the unnecessary need to change one's body, especially when that look has been working for the girl, is a different kind of abuse (verging more on self-abuse). And in that sense, it's more upsetting (more of a peeve) than it is reprehensible. On the other hand, tattoos? Meh. It's self-expression, I guess. Some tattoos, or as you said, a nice placement of those tattoos, can actually be very tasteful. But... like... a Jackson Pollack placement of tattoos? ...peeved.
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