
Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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I don't even remember when I posted that lol. That was probably like September of last year I'm guessing?

I don't see the appeal of Riley, she's built like a boy to me but to each their own lol

and the Autumn scene hasn't come out yet btw


Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
Shog7 I don't think anybody saw her going to the level she's taken it to lol smh

money controls her though, so she's trying to chase millions to get her animal sanctuary

while losing herself, her family and anybody that would have taken her seriously as a spouse in the future (that she would actually want, not talking about her simps lol) but she hasn't gotten that reality check yet.


Bathwater Drinker
Apr 21, 2022
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Yeah shit is crazy I remember her mom wasn’t happy but what other family members y’all know about that basically disowned her also I don’t really give a fuck it’s nice that she doing it you saying she losing herself I don’t give a fuck about any bitch as long as they make me cum 😂 also she probably has enough enough money from this to start the sanctuary if she fucking with Riley Reid she don’t do porn anymore onlyfans is it and probably took a cut from what she making
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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 9, 2022
Going from playing CoD on Twitch to fake tits and fucking Riley Reid on camera. This is the timeline people expect when social media/streamers/YouTube thots start Onlyfans. In reality, it's just mostly handbras and overpriced Instagram pics.

Maybe it's the drugs. The more fucked up on drugs they are, the more likely they are to do porn on OF.


Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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her mom isn't speaking to her, her dad isn't speaking to her (because of her mom according to her,) her brother has a family and doesn't want her around his kids, and her other brother outed her as a "sex worker" in a group chat with all her aunts/cousins in it lol. Her immediate family that lives near her don't fuck with her which is why she's moving so she can be around her fake porn "friends" in LA and do more collabs there.

and yea you probably came across her after she started her downward trajectory with the e-girl hot tub/porn stuff lol. I was watching her towards the beginning when covid first hit getting 150-200 viewers. So it's a different mindset with how I view(ed) her vs you lol. Seeing how she was back then vs now is 2 completely different people and crazy to witness.

she has money, she acts like she doesn't but everybody that isn't an idiot knows she has money. It's not enough money for a sanctuary but she's nowhere close to poor even though she tries to act like she's barely getting by.
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Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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multiple things lol

1. she got lip injections yesterday and "went bigger than usual" because she's gonna live in L.A. for a year and doesn't want to spend the money there to do it I guess lol
2. her "lifestyle" and always drinking/smoking, not getting enough sleep is making her look older

her being in L.A. is gonna be a disaster mentally, emotionally, physically but...her thirst for attention/money controls her lol


Tier 1 Sub
Apr 17, 2023
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I knew she was always attention and money hungry, guess I didn't realize how desperate she has gotten. I think your right, LA is going to fuck her up more than she realizes. Her mods and the simps in her chat blowing sun up her ass are only doing more damage. Now saw her parents are not talking to her either and she says basically everybody who doesn't accept her new persona is wrong. In such denial. She used to be sexy but know she is just an F-tier pornstar wannabe. Such a sad plunge.
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Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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i knew she was to an extent, but nothing like what she is now, and she's so entitled and literally acts like a child when she doesn't get her way lol. I guess the years of simps/idiots throwing her money for nothing has gotten to her head sadly. She tries to act like she's the same girl from her gaming days but she's clearly not.

yea all of her "friends/mods" are nothing but pushovers/simps that will never challenge anything she says or does, or tell her to slow down. Her mom basically disowned her and said as long as she's doing what she's doing she won't be talking to her. Then of course Dan playing the victim, acts like it's her parents problem that they don't accept their daughter getting fucked on She always has this speech that she gives about how she's having sex in a safe way, she's happy, having fun what she's doing and making money. She loves "expressing her sexuality" in this way and says its art lmao. You said it exactly, you're wrong if you don't agree with the path she's taken. She tries to act like both of her parents are shitty now instead of just her mom. She used to say her dad was the best dad in the world and all this other shit, but now he's the enemy because he doesn't respond to her text messages. She literally just texts "hi" lol and he has cancer but she's making no effort to go see him other than said text and she's moving to L.A. in less than 2 weeks.

you see the mental gymnastics? lol it's like she's trying to brainwash herself to tell her she's making the right decisions. She was bragging about being "in the industry" less than a year and already having collabs with Riley Reid and Autumn Falls, and has other girls lined up. Plus other girls she's trying to "collab with."

I never thought she'd be where she is right now bro, it's crazy how money can change somebody like that and I've witnessed it with her in real time.

don't get me started on what she looks for in a man either, the most hypocritical stupid shit you'll ever hear/read lmao


Tier 1 Sub
Apr 17, 2023
She still hangs around that rapey Panda and Heel Mike guy? If she does go LA she probably will again right? Typical clout chasing I guess. Throw any morals on the ground if it means you can gain new subs.
Didn't hear about her dad, that's sad and that could really end up fucking her up no matter how tough she tries to act.
Right now she's propped up her her mods and a few sad guys who think she'll fuck them if they keep tossing money at her. She is in for a reality check in LA if she thinks she is going to soar to the top of the porn world. New girls arrive everyday.
She still fucking her roommate on cam? I remember laughing at her thinking nobody knew it was him. But now if she is expanding her pussy for any guy that has clout I wonder if Andrew will stick around. From what I remember, he seems like a big enough spineless bitch to stick around even as she fucks other guys.


Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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yep her and Panda are "best friends" and she was on mike's kick stream the last time she was in LA which was like...3 weeks ago?.She used his kick stream as a "I'm a big tit dumb blonde that does porn" act to promote her OF and letting him smack her ass (that she just got done recently) and motorboat him (when she wouldn't let him touch her with a 10 foot pole any other time lol smh.) She's definitely gonna be around that crowd a lot more when she moves there sadly. It's gonna be nothing but twitch rejects and OF/porn people smh. She thinks that's where her "friends" are. It won't be long before she sees how fake people are that are around her lol. We'll see if she cares, if they bring her more money and more "collabs" I'm sure she won't care.

yep she's still fucking Andrew on cam, and he's her personal assistant (slave really.) It's gonna be her, him, and her # 1 mod Z in the same house. They're gonna be paying rent and Dan's going to have it as a tax write smh. Amazing how she finds these losers to just do whatever she wants all the time. Z moved to Michigan to be close to her, and now he's moving to L.A. to live in the same house with her. He's gonna have a separate little outside house while stepbro (Andrew) and Dan live in the house. I guess they did that so they can make "content" together without Z interrupting

yea she says it hurts her daily and she always wakes up sad thinking about how her family doesn't accept what she does, but then reads her simp chat comments and then it turns into it's basically on them and when they're old they're gonna regret pushing her away. They would literally be ok with anything else she's doing besides what she's doing lol. Nobody wants their daughter to be doing porn, and she knows that. She's so thirsty for money that all common sense gets thrown out the window. If something happens to her dad while shes in CA it's gonna destroy her more than it does already.


Tier 1 Sub
Apr 17, 2023
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She seems to have become a text book cautionary tale for streamer girls. It's funny how they constantly shit on men but if you take the men off twitch/kick then they would have to get a real job. These girls are able to lead these guys on for money so the guys are the ones to blame. supply and demand, just take them for all they are worth until they wake up and that seems to be exactly what she is doing.
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Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
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It's sad what she's turned into. I know a lot of people are on here to look at her getting fucked or w/e, which is fine but it's still sad. Like I've said previously, I saw how she was before "e-girl" Dan lol smh. She's gonna get that wake-up call you're talking about when either her looks fade or people get bored of her, whichever comes first. She's gonna sprint through her "collabs" in LA. She's gonna over-do it and get burnt out. She's not mentally fit to be doing what she's doing, part of the reason she's always high/drunk for scenes and just to stream in general smh.

all she does is flirt with men all day, and she probably thinks that's how men act in person and we don't lol. All the men she liked are "douchebags," which is on her and they probably just want to fuck her but she saw them as potential boyfriends I guess. She doesn't get that when that all you show is a sexual side, whether it's an act or not, that's all you're going to attract. She wants a "manly man" that is a regular guy, but is somehow gonna be cool with her fucking other guys/girls on camera because it's part of "her job." lol dumbest shit ever

and I don't see a couple of her major simps waking up to what she's doing with them, they crave the attention and she craves their money
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Bathwater Drinker
May 19, 2022
she tweeted "I have such awesome communities. On my Twitch and OnlyFans. I really am so grateful for that"

no she's not lol

when the subs are low on twitch she complains until one of the simps or mods start gifting subs to get her sub goal up and then she acts fake surprised and saying they're "sweet" or "you didn't have to do that, what a sweet guy" lmao

hook line and sucker :LUL:LUL:LUL:peepoSad::peepoSad::peepoSad: