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Support The best way to make a poll


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Hey I wanted to know what was the best way to make a poll correctly ( with the rules of Simpcity)
On my case I want to make a poll on the thread of kiko Baka : https://simpcity.su/threads/kiko-baka.1540/page-5#post-2175531 where I would ask the people wich set they would like that I buy next ( all on me, I'm not asking for Pools/Funds)
Do I have to use a separate site like in this post "https://simpcity.su/threads/bunkr-file-expiration.93553/"

Also do I have to create a model discussion Even if I put content in the same post as the poll? Thanks
Request's are not allowed in main thread's. Doing discussion thread about what u should share next also isn't a good idea, since whole thread will be flooded with those kind a post's. Only way it's trough DMs. Just add something like - wich set they would like that I buy next...DM me. Selling, trading or no allowed at all and it's lead to BAN, don't forget that.
Request's are not allowed in main thread's. Doing discussion thread about what u should share next also isn't a good idea, since whole thread will be flooded with those kind a post's. Only way it's trough DMs. Just add something like - wich set they would like that I buy next...DM me. Selling, trading or no allowed at all and it's lead to BAN, don't forget that.
Thanks for the quick reply, I wanted to know "wich set they would like that I buy next...DM me" can I put it in the thread (in a post with content of course)? I don't want to misunderstand your answer.
And also, of course, like I said at the beginning, I'm really not interested in selling or trading just that I'm not a millionaire and I don't know which one to take. So might as well give what the majority wants.
Thanks for the quick reply, I wanted to know "wich set they would like that I buy next...DM me" can I put it in the thread (in a post with content of course)? I don't want to misunderstand your answer.
And also, of course, like I said at the beginning, I'm really not interested in selling or trading just that I'm not a millionaire and I don't know which one to take. So might as well give what the majority wants.
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