• Before starting a new thread for an issue, please use the search bar to see if a topic already exists.
    Please ensure you include as much detail as possible when reporting any issues. (Include error, pictures, etc. What have you tried/not tried.)

    For further information about using this section: Support Guidelines
    To submit and vote on ideas for new features: Ideas and Suggestions
    For answers to our Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ
    For a guide on how to level up: Noob Guide
  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations.
    Please be patient while the issue is resolved and dont ask for re-ups.

Support Removal of Reddit log in

If you still need help getting into your account make a support ticket here:

Please give us the email used for your reddit account because that is what the forum has stored as your email address and allows us to confirm the account belongs to you. The forum has no log of what your reddit username is.
If you still need help getting into your account make a support ticket here:

Please give us the email used for your reddit account because that is what the forum has stored as your email address and allows us to confirm the account belongs to you. The forum has no log of what your reddit username is.
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