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  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.

Support Removal of Reddit log in

If you still need help getting into your account make a support ticket here:

Please give us the email used for your reddit account because that is what the forum has stored as your email address and allows us to confirm the account belongs to you. The forum has no log of what your reddit username is.
Thirded over here. Lost my account with the reddit login being disabled. What's worse, I haven't received the password reset email.
I don't understand why this isn't being replied to or even acknowledged in the support thread despite several inquiries and lots of other questions being answered. Seems like essentially locking out a bunch of people from their accounts would be higher priority than other things.
We know this is an issue, we need to find an addon that supports it, we're on the latest version of xenforo which came out a couple weeks ago, they removed jquery so addons that used it need updating.

I don't understand why this isn't being replied to or even acknowledged in the support thread despite several inquiries and lots of other questions being answered. Seems like essentially locking out a bunch of people from their accounts would be higher priority than other things.
Its a known issue in the July news thread that's been linked in there multiple times and is in the pinned notice at the top of the page, also here:

The current issue we're dealing with is the forum being unresponsive to some mod actions, pretty high priority when you cant delete bad things...
I've tried to get the recovery email sent but I need to know which address do I need to whitelist. After decades of spam, its rare I get anything that's not on the whitelist.
guys is the issue resolved,i have been trying to send forgot password emails to my registered email for the reddit account,but it just keeps saying that there is no one with the email adress, i used to use reddit to login in my main account and now i can only search the acount so i know it still exists but not able to login using reddit.Any fix to this as i have watched quite a few threads and saved posts on the main one, My main account name is Primaryfriendship123
guys is the issue resolved,i have been trying to send forgot password emails to my registered email for the reddit account,but it just keeps saying that there is no one with the email adress, i used to use reddit to login in my main account and now i can only search the acount so i know it still exists but not able to login using reddit.Any fix to this as i have watched quite a few threads and saved posts on the main one, My main account name is Primaryfriendship123
at this point i've given up hope and use this acc now. I don't even care about the points or whatever, i'm just sad that all my watched threads are gone.
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