Feedback Regarding 3rd party site/forum watermark on contents.

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Walter H. White

Sep 24, 2022
I've been uploading some videos from a "website" where new contents are being leaked by people who have been subscribed to their OnlyFans creator.

They do this because the content they post will be available only to those who are friends with them and it's not open to the public.

Unfortunately, the videos contain watermark of the "website" it is being hosted on. And this becomes an issue for me because I can't post those new videos (that has never been uploaded anywhere else) here with that watermark.

There needs to be a better solution to this problem.

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Mother of Nine
Mar 11, 2022
The solution is to:
1) find a proper quality version elsewhere (preferred)
2) remove the watermark, shouldn't be too difficult with most video editing software

Option 2 isn't great though because if anyone posts a better version of the content afterwards, your post will be deleted with all reaction score lost.

I don't know what better solutions you had in mind.
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Walter H. White

Sep 24, 2022
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> I don't know what better solutions you had in mind.

Ok here's my solution: Don't give a punishment if it's not a direct advertisement to another site/forum. This is my opinion and I know you guys are 100% opposed to it.

Now about the "solutions" you mentioned.

1) There isn't one. As I already said, these contents are from people who bought it and uploaded it to the <website>. I can't force them to use another service. It's just how it is going to be and it's going to have that watermark. (It's not like I want the watermark to be there)

> shouldn't be too difficult with most video editing software

2) Why don't you mention this "software"? The only solution I could find is to crop the video, but that's not going to be a good thing because 1/4 of the video won't be seen. And there's also no way I'm going to spend more than enough time on sending these videos to others here by doing extra work. Especially when there's like 5-6 videos.
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