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Simp Chat QueenTofu


Bathwater Drinker
May 23, 2022
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You think lets players on youtube like her or Marz actually care still care about that audience? No shot. Marz at least pretends she does but all she ever uploads to her channel are games she streamed on twitch. She’s actually worse since she keeps promising and almost never delivers on her promises. And when she gets called out on it, she makes a huge fuss about it and cries instead of actually doing what she says. It’s easier to make money on streaming and doing sponsorships Which she almost exclusively does now


Jul 2, 2022
Hi, Caleb here (the ex and current boyfriend of Tori). This will be a one-off thing, I don't intend on responding/posting regularly but I figured I could help clear the air while I'm here. I am not attacking or judging, just providing information. I also don't feel like replying to every post individually, so I'll address everything here.

I was just recently made aware of this forum, and while I did have a good laugh reading through a lot of the speculation, there were a few alarming comments I think deserve attention.

Aside from the prescribed Adderall for her ADHD, Tori won't touch any legal or illegal substances. I'm lucky if I can get her to have a drink every now and again. I did get her to try an edible one time, but unfortunately I knew nothing about dosing and gave her 100mg brownie for her first (and probably last) experience. Needless to say she had a terrible time and is probably traumatized for life.

It seems Tori is widely seen as a manhater; although that's not entirely untrue, it is not without reason. The amount of unsolicited dick-pics I've had the misfortune of seeing, plus the endless catcalling- it's very telling of her experience of men online. You're probably right that they're just looking to get a reaction out of her, but it does feel a bit odd to judge her response to sexual harassment, and not the.. sexual harassment. I don't think it would hurt if she toned down the out-of-context manhating posts, she might have overcorrected a tad but I imagine she's trying to distance herself from the experiences she's had so far.

To address the comments on Tori's mental health, I can't get too specific as it's not my place but I'll try my best to paint you a picture: Tori's upbringing was on one of the very far extremes as far as parenting methods go. Within six months of us dating, while Tori was still in her senior year of high school, her mother got a restraining order on me by fabricating letters from my youth pastor claiming we had been inappropriate at church, among other lies and manipulation. She waited for the day that I turned 18 too. The same week, without warning she moved Tori across the country and made her finish her senior year at a new high school. Her reason behind all of it? Because she told me in our first month of dating that I was to be Tori's practice boyfriend, that I had to break up with her before college, but we were starting to look too serious so she had to put an end to it. I had to hire an attorney and take her to court to get the restraining order quashed, but can you imagine being raised by that woman? It's a miracle Tori's sanity is intact, let alone all of her achievements since.

In regards to the comments on Tori's and my relationship/breakup; we are each carrying a lot of baggage and it took us a long time to work through some of the incompatibilities. We used to be very toxic to each other because we were lacking understanding and a willingness to view the others perspective. We took turns being the good guy and the bad guy, but my point is just that we were both responsible in our ways.

Tori's channel has certainly received less attention as she's explored other creative outlets, but she is not just chasing the money. From the very beginning, she always told me two things: she was not going to make content that she did not want to make, and she was going to have fun. It might seem simple or selfish, but she isn't just playing whatever game is popular or chasing views. She is also a severe perfectionist. She easily spends 4× the amount of time editing a video as recording the damn thing (she's like 30 hours into a RDR edit, she's made me rewatch the video every time she has an update 😮‍💨). I even tried editing for her for a bit, but after seeing the level of detail she wants in each video I had to throw in the towel. I doubt most people have the same attention to detail that she has, so it's been rough finding an editor who can keep up. Her channel probably wouldn't have lost priority if the fanbase didn't constantly bombard her with complaints on upload frequency (this was back when she was on a weekly schedule). People actually got pretty nasty and she took every message, every comment to heart. It was no longer fun, she lost a lot of the excitement of content creation and was considering quitting YouTube for good.

I am obviously biased, but I have had direct experience and involvement in her life for the past 7 years. After reading everything posted here, it seems a lot of people aren't viewing Tori or any of the content creators out there as actual people, the same as you and me. They're somehow being held to these higher standards, yet they exist only to please their fans. All of this speculation I read is just that- speculation. There were a few decent points made, but without knowing the person you're talking about it seems kind of pointless imo.



Jul 2, 2022
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This will probably be my last response here; this is not the kind of site I wish to spend my time on nor do I want to hear the opinions of people who frequent these types of forums. That being said, I think most of the people being posted and talked about on this site are aware of your actions. I myself found out from Tori, she was laughing to herself in bed over the drug accusations and that's where my involvement began. The general response seems to be "If you really are Caleb, then you would be disgusted by our actions and shouldn't be here", so I'm hearing y'all are at least somewhat self aware. It doesn't seem that hard to figure out why I posted, I'm simply defending my girlfriend from thoughtless speculation. Not to give you the satisfaction, but your words do sometimes reach the subject of your conversations, and these people have feelings believe it or not. Proving my identity to you would very easy, if you weren't afraid of revealing yourselves. I could simply send you a message on Instagram (or any platform for that matter), but you'd have to give me your username. At this point I don't really care if you believe I'm me or not, my only goal was to have you all try thinking, just for a moment. I believe situations like these are allowed to exist because we are all so separated, the internet has created such impersonal communication that no one even stops to consider the other side, you just speak your minds and hope for a reaction. Imagine if you were sitting face to face with Tori, this person you seem to be experts on yet have no idea who she really is. If any one of you would have the balls to open your mouth I just cannot imagine anything negative coming out. You're invested enough in this person to gather on a porn site to share images, videos, opinions, etc. If you didn't like her you wouldn't give her your time and attention, so clearly there's some kind of disconnect due to a lack of repercussions. At the very least there's a complete lack of empathy from anyone choosing to spend their time here. If you've read this, then hopefully at least for a moment you can't hide from yourself. I'm not naĂŻve enough to believe any of you might change from this little moment of self-reflection, but one can hope.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
You hear that Irishdude85 now's your chance to get all that off your chest on IG


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 27, 2022
Whatever of her issues, or if it is Caleb posting for real or not, there is some serious incel vibes in here.

I am not going to claim I know her as in depth as you guys seem to make out. I subbed like many I imagine after being recommended her RDR2 Finale vid (shoutout that YT algorithm heh!).

Yes we all want some juicy content from her, but if she isn't into it, and it is half assed, we'll get bored pretty quickly too. That is the dilemma, at least from my end. Her politics doesn't bother me, nor do I really want to discuss it on a site like this. But the bashing of her for that is hilarious and ironic. I won't expand on that for my sanity sake.

I watched her I Am Legend vid just a few moments ago and I enjoyed it.


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 27, 2022
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Crying about woke-ism in every single post constantly.. on a porn site is enough proof you're an incel tbh. Like it's pretty evident you have a stick up your ass when it comes to her. Surely there is something beyond her being a Liberal has you triggered to this state, my guy? I am aware there is hypocrisy in women especially on both ends of the social and political spectrum. Like fucking duh. No one here said she is flawless.

As for the other guy, he isn't spamming this thread constantly like yourself lol. I have no issue with him at all.

I haven't downloaded any of her content actually. Nothing worth downloading for one. I only saw and followed this thread moments after watching her last video on YouTube because I searched her name on here. I wouldn't even have seen the vid had it not come up in my recommendation feed. Nothing more or less. I had forgotten about her, like Marz and similar.

As I said, we all want the same thing, but for her boyfriend, if he is really that. But you're anger is comically misplaced to the point of complete derangement syndrome. Have a nice day.


Jul 2, 2022
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Lmao I'm so glad I checked back here one more time. A "snifferstick" is a small hacker satellite used to spy on ships in a book series I enjoy, I'm not sure what else you're implying

The fanhouse is not a scam, otherwise people wouldn't continue paying the amounts that they are for photos. Tori knows her worth, she names a price, people choose to pay said price. Not a hard concept.

I just picked a random comment to reply to, I wasn't addressing anyone specific but I'm sorry if I wounded your ego? I don't know how after everything I said, you heard that I was trying to tell you how great my life is- you're revealing a bit too much about where your mind's at.

Your last comment really does not make sense, Tori does not try to find adult photos of you on the internet without your consent, or do/say anything illegal or ill-willed towards you. Just because she doesn't go out of her way to make your life better or do what you want, does not make her a bad person. Can you spot the difference now?


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
Guys... why doesn't someone use a throwaway instagram account, give him the username, and if he messages you he's real. if not he's a liar. Its not hard


Mar 11, 2022
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Does it really matter tho? If its true then its a fair guess that tofu knows that a buch of wankers online are hoping for more content, spicy or not, and taking about rumors about her and shes gonna keep doing what she already is. If he lied then he baited some people here real good and its time to go back to lurking