Simp Chat Pineapplebrat - Alice Klomp


Tier 2 Sub
Oct 17, 2023
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She really doesn't give you more info that the posters you'd see at the gym. Actually that's wrong. The posters at the gym would teach you more than anything she thinks she's teaching anyone.

She's got a fat puss and thong eat ass and at this point we're just invested for the nude arc and that's about it. She has zero personality and snaps the dumbest stuff all day. With a few thirst traps mixed in.


Tier 2 Sub
Oct 17, 2023
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She was about fitness maybe 3yrs ago. Longer even. There's a post in her content thread that also shows it. The recent vid posted shows just how unimpressive of a physique she has when she isn't posing for the right angles.

I used to be a trainer for hockey, her form, advice, etc is the kind of crap you learn the moment you spend a week at the gym just watching others. We're pervs and most of her followers are dudes. Most sheep will buy a workout from someone with a ton of followers thinking they might know stuff. They'd be wrong.

All of the workouts she does on snap are laughable. Leg extensions, bad form curls, hilarious chin ups. When was the last time she did a compound workout for a proper set?


Those are the cornerstones. Of which she never shows or does on snap. Just the most barbie workouts that some s.o does while waiting for their partner just to look busy.


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 24, 2023
I'm not saying she's good at lifting or fitness. I'm saying people want to follow someone they identify with. She doesn't have to be crazy knowledgeable or fit for people to want to follow her. Sure a large portion of her audience are us guys who follow to jack it to that ass, but there's also a large portion of people that follow her just because they like her vibe and she helps them get motivated to live a healthier lifestyle.

This is literally influencing 101. This is probably why you choose to follow your favorite influencers too, regardless of their skill you follow them because you like their personality, the things they do.


Apr 5, 2022
So I’ve noticed she has kinda of stopped posting the thirst traps on snap and IG and basically that’s what’s she’s selling on that trash site 🤣
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May 18, 2022
This is more of a general question but it does tie specifically to what I see her do. Do people make money off of Snapchat? She posts one good pic, 30 shit pics, then ends with one good pic. Rinse/repeat. I’m assuming there is some kind of incentive for her to keep us clicking through, right? Is she getting some ad money from Snapchat? Or does she really just want us to watch her (rather insufferable, imo) life and keeps us here with butt pics?
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Tier 2 Sub
Oct 17, 2023
This thot flew to bc, my home province, and Thinks Tim Horton's is good coffee and then is shocked we have Nandos here. Good lord she's an idiot. Yes Vancouver and the lower mainland has a lot of locations. Nandos has been in Canada since 1994, like a full 12 yrs before the US. Also, again, Tim Horton's coffee? Gross. Just broad better get nude soon. Her idiocy is driving me nuts.

Jesus Christ, Murricans.

Ps - Chilliwack, aka KKK central, isn't Vancouver. She doesn't fw Vancouver. She fw the shittiest place in BC. Chilliwack. Where it smells like cowshit and the most popular restaurant is McDonald's. And no, you wouldn't see Moose in Stinkywack. You'd have to drive towards Banff to see Moose.

Sorry, clearly annoyed at her idiocy in my home province, with her being the kind of idiot American that are cliché. Not even my American friends are this idiotic when they come up.
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