Simp Chat Nichameleon Discussion Thread


Mar 12, 2022
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Update on the above epic fail. aka When I accidentally deleted my rare Nic video collection while trying to share it on here!

Sadly despite my best efforts and retrieving over 5 gigs in lost data ... inexplicably none of it was of Nic or her videos which I had collected since she was first starting out.

Also sadly no one came forward with a new collection so Im still hoping for that over time. On past sites we all had this collection because I shared it so frustrating.

But I will start again and in time hope to find a hero who will share :-D

In the mean time...

...isnt Nic great! not a question but a statement of fact. They really broke the mold with this one haha

But if I was to gripe about something a long time fan and supporter...
I would ask - what do other people think about her... "silly photos".
You know the ones. Where she spends 30% of the sets pulling the most ugly faces she can muster.

example :

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Part of me loves them because its who she is and so very aussie girl but the other part of me...the FAPPENING MONSTER gets real pissed off that precious pic resources are wasted on stuff which only a blind crazy person could "use" lol
Also when you come across a particularly bad one in a set it just kills the 'mood' LOL
As she does Lewd sets I would prefer if she kept the mawking about to social media and insta and SFW sets and the NSFW were ugly faces and crazy pose free HAHA

What do you think .... (no wrong answers just personal preference ;)


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
personally i love it. if memory serves one of her silly photos was the first i ever saw of her and found it absolutely wonderful. matter of fact, that impression sticks to date. if she were to publish only 12 photos with 3 of them being silly, it would be an issue. the way she does it, no problem at all imo


Mar 12, 2022
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That makes sense. And anything which gets a new follower / fan is awesome.
And as i said, it is about her LOVELY personality... though...we are mostly here to fap (as this is THOTBAY) , not get to know her (that be patreon top tier) unless people like to fap to those silly pics (which be totally valid argument), then i feel we could all benefit from separate sets of silly and hot. All of us including Nic herself.

I believe I know why she does this (or i think i do).

WALLOFTEXT INCOMING - If you know early nic its about her upbringing and family and the way she views herself. She adds in silly stuff so she can claim to be a cosplayer and influencer and entertainer and a comedian and all the rest. Which was the original plan 100% buuuuut taking your clothes off = $£ :-/

She needs to point at those silly pics & and say 'that is who i am, i am more than just 1 thing! I am not like those other girls'.
This is also why she is patreon and not OF (for now). It's about who she wants to be her mind.
And that is fine but the reality is...she increasingly moves towards PORN. She is moving towards nudes. She will likely end up doing full nudes (she kind of already has) and maybe explicit vids....just like every other high profile insta thot girl.
And that is all fine ......if she wants that.

A good example of nic choosing to increasingly sexualise herself was when a few years back she started sticker her tongue out at the end of every video and in many photos. This is now her trademark but its actually an entirely new thing for her. The reason she (so many now do) is because its proven that sticking your tongue out catches a viewers attention (as its cheeky / rude) but also highlights the mouth and tongue = kissing / bj etc. and is a clever way to sexualize even tame material.

Another quirky girl - amouranth - did exactly the same. Amouranth does insane videos which are the equivalent of nics silly photos.
And in both cases its about refusing to accept what they are....what they really sell.
Lets be honest...These are girls people wank off too. But the also sell the GF / girl next door experience (and to top tier members they really do). That is what they do best. And despite nic running a very lucrative merch business ...all the stickers in the world would not pay her bills as well as taking her clothes off do.

Nic uses the silly photos to claim to herself and family that she is not another glamour girl who just gets naked as that still sadly implies she has no brains or is lacking (when it really doesnt anymore). Nic is intelligent and talented and like Amouranth a very smart business woman. But Nic is younger and so doesnt have to go to the places Amouranth is currently at (sucking dildos and full nudity).
Also I believe Amouranth is quitting soon, after making millions and reinventing herself as an influencer but if she continued (and she will come back imo)... then her content would be increasingly hard core. Nic isnt there yet ...but she is getting close imo, as money is nice. The more nude she goes the more money she makes atleast in the thotgirl industry. And its also as much about endless attention from horny fans which is cool and explains this site and this post haha

There is also an element of rebellion and youth in both cases and refusing to be labeled. Rejecting conformity etc but amouranth eventually grew up and realized she had nothing to prove anymore and nothing wrong just being T&A ...and people pay more for it haha

So if any of this is accurate...then those silly photos are not actually needed anymore, as nic isnt that cosplayer she once was and if she is going to keep getting 'nuder' then she doesnt need to pretend or prove to anyone that she isnt anything more than a hot nude girl (that is enough & what pays for her entire lifestyle).
We dont need to be shown that she is clever or funny or a clown... atleast not in the NSFW sets.
We all know she is amazing and we can see that on insta and tiktok etc.

I feel these silly photos are a residual from another time which she has moved beyond and only continue to plague us because she has yet to accept what what we all know , that she is selling SEX. Not comedy or stickers but SEX. So again unless a person likes being laughed at during sex or likes to have comedy sex (clowns!?) LOL ...then I feel silly pics could stick to the SFW sets.
Ill add to this that being an Aus girl is a factor (theyre all crazy!) but though that might explain the why i dont think it impacts on my wish to see her aussiness kept out of NSFW haha

That is my LONGA$$ HOTTAKE on this subject haha ;)
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Mar 12, 2022
Awesome, glad this is finally a thing. Am I the ONLY person that gets incredibly irritated that the more skin she shows, the more dumb faces she makes? I swear to God, I could probably run some numbers, I would put money on 75 percent of the pictures that she has where she is doing a hand bra, she is making THE most fucked up face you could possibly imagine. I do not understand why. It's not cute, it's not quirky. It's ugly. I, like what I would wager is 100 percent of the rest of you, am here to jack off. I do not understand why her fans and polls applaud and ask for more of her derp content. She's not our relative guys, we don't have to lie to make her feel better. She's a content creator. Now, maybe I'm way off and for some bizarre reason, yall are going to defend her derp ass shit as her being "unique and having character" but I've clicked thumbnails of her showing most of her tits too damn much and ended up seeing weird ass chucky doll faces for too many times... not okay.

Edit: Jesus christ, I didn't even see the post right above mine praising her stupid ass derp photos. The hell is wrong with yall? Isn't one of her patreon tiers like 150 dollars? Who pays for re⁤⁤⁤t⁤ard face?
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Mar 12, 2022
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I think that in a nut shell proves the point haha
The more adult she goes the more self conscious she becomes and the more she worries about being a OF thot girl and so naturally feels compelled to act rebel against her own product = self sabotage (like a child).
The latter is so common with fat but cute girls who grew up on a farm with brothers and then realize that they are super hot and with makeup and weight loss are able to cash in on beauty / sex appeal....which is exactly how nic started.

As a long term fan i support her choices but as a consumer of her PRODUCT I tire of the often ugly stuff she does to counter her own insecurities. You could argue that her brand is a mix of hot and not..hotty or the notty (dont ever watch that film lol) but as explained above its more likely a relict of a time past which she would do well to be rid of or atleast compartmentalize to other areas of her product (insta / tiktok etc).

I wouldnt even care about this if this hadnt been a long term burner in my mind that even when you love someones output after enough time youll develop pet hates haha but i think im being reasonable and know that im not alone even among her top tier supporters.

I repeat what she likely believes is "cute" and about asserting her identity is actually more likely about insecurity and weakness.
I hope at some point she realizes she doesnt need to act the fool to be awesome and what ever worries she has about her body really arent necessary. OR she simply accepts that NSFW content is a serious , expensive tier for porn (hence NSFW) which doesnt comedy to 'get the job done' LOL
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Mar 12, 2022
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Exactly. I just don't get it. If you want a cute quirky derp girl, go watch one on twitch. Better yet, nic can go stream on twitch and be a little goober all she wants. But her content where she insists on being the most stupid looking while also making the most provocative poses is why I WILL NEVER actually pay for her content. Which is a shame, because she's one of the hottest girls I've ever seen. Her insistence on staying with only patreon and claiming to have zero intention of moving anywhere else, to me just screams of her having some few white knights that assure her that her derp shit is amazing, while providing her with thousands of dollars every month.

You hit the insecurity nail on the head. It screams 'duck face selfie' and the non-confidence is not very appealing or attractive to me. I feel like I'm going to be in the minority, based on all the white knighting over her bullshit derp face content ive seen over the years, but I feel like I just had to get that out. Because I have felt this way for exactly that. Years.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
I think the least she could do is organizing the pics so the derpy bits are all at the end.


Diamond Tier
Jan 14, 2022

As I've been trying to sort through my collection of her stuff, some of it going back to the beginning, she's had the derpy stuff and the sexy stuff basically all along (at least, as an adult). Is there *more* sexy stuff? Sure; there's also fewer derpy pics. Unlike above, I see very little indication that she'll go down the amouranth route. more sexy things doesn't mean pushing the lines further. Again, as an adult, she's always had similar sexy stuff. I mean, yeah, they may be a *little* more risque than they used to be... but... not much. What I read above seems more like wishful thinking than real analysis... but... most analyses (including mine) could probably fall into that category in some way.

To answer your other question - in a rambling way, probably - Amouranth is hot... but she's also a nasty person. She does very little for me. Couldn't get off to her if I tried.

The emotional, personal, human behind the sexy is just as important (if not more important) for attraction and arousal for me, and I don't expect that I'm wholly alone there. The e-thots that are cool people are more attractive, all around, than those who are bitchy and mean and petty - and my dick can tell the difference, I think.

now to break down, psychologically, those of us on this website, in a similar way that you did e-thots: from what I have seen, those who can separate the physical from the personal, like yourself, have the advantage of being able to create the fantasy that they want, only having the hot girl play the part of hot girl; in contrast, those guys like me who need personality with the hot girl, are more likely to fall into being simps; of being taken advantage of and giving up their lives to commit to a "relationship" with a person who only sees them as a customer. It's pretty sad, really... but (again in contrast), those who can separate the two seem to be those who are much more likely to be vicious and dismissive and demeaning about the human behind the pics. I'm not sure which of those would be more likely to become an hard liner MGTOW; those who can objectify and dehumanise e-thots? or those who have been objectified and dehumanized by them? (that sounds judgmental, but it's really not; observational and introspective, as much as it can be; both views have major risks, I think).

ANYWAY... speaking of my collection.... I'll try to post it when I get it sorted completely. I've never bought content, so it may not include anything that isn't already in your guys's


Mar 12, 2022
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I've worked in many different facets of the SW industry and I dont think that just because I think making derpy faces when you are selling your body on the internet is dumb that I automatically am dehumanizing and objectifying them. If I got a Lap dance from a stripper and she started playing pattycake and nanny boo boo with me, I'd more than likely ask her what the fuck she's doing and leave. I love nic's personal little videos, youtube stuff, talking about her life, showing her job, etc. I think she's an interesting person. But when I go to McDonald's, if the person handing me the burger I paid for also started singing really loud in gibberish, I'd probably be confused and off put. Doesn't mean I'm dehumanizing them, but that's not what I want, or paid for.

I personally don't think that goofy ass shit belongs anywhere in a set that is being sold as "im hot as hell, please pay my rent". Now, clearly you disagree, and as I said, I will never pay for her stuff, so its neither here nor there. That's just my opinion, and I wish more people agreed with me because I feel like she would start to put out more, at least what I view as, better content.

You are spot on about the flip side though. The simp aspect is what leads to that kind of stuff to begin with. If Nichameleon walked into patreon with no makeup and zero recognition and said "who wants to pay to see me be a cross-eyed frog?!", not a single person would pay for that. If she made a post NOW that said "Just a silly little set for all my TOP goofy fans ;)" and it was all cross eyed fart faces with double chin frog mouth, it would sell. It just would. Because people will praise and buy whatever the fuck once these girls get to that level.


Diamond Tier
Jan 14, 2022
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I didn't say anything about automatic. I said "seem to be more likely to." If I'm not talking about you, then I'm not talking about you :). I don't think, for example, that I simp for any e-thot... but I recognize the risk, because of how my brain (and dick) work.

I think, however, that you're making a non-sequiter with the last paragraph. Sure, if she had developed nothing like a relationship with her fans, then a dopey set wouldn't sell. Sure, some people would buy it if she posted it now. And? If Liam Neesan did a bad comedy movie... like, campy as can be, slapstick humor, etc... many of his fans would watch it. Are they simps? Or are they people who have grown to enjoy his work enough to trust him to go outside of his usual?

AAAAAND... there are definately simps who would support her doing anything, even if it was lazy and trashy and not sexy and not funny... because they're simps. I think that both groups exist - simps who would support her doing anything, and fans who would support some branching away from the mainstream of her work.

I guess my point is that her doing dopey things is because she wants to do it, and some of her customers like it. The fact that some would buy a pure-dopey set, with no sexy, doesn't mean that they're simps, any more that someone going to see Nessan doing slapstick, are. Would she sell more if she didn't? I actually doubt it; at least if she'd have never done it from the start. There's lots of really hot e-thots who never get to the level of success that she has, so she's doing something well. What is it she's doing well, that others fail to? Dunno... at least not confidently, or I'd try to consult or something.

As a complete aside, what is the SW industry? Swimsuit? Sexy Woman? Not an acronym I'm familiar with. I'm just a dude on the internet, so my opinions are observational only.
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Mar 12, 2022
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Sex work industry. And yeah, just my opinion. But I also think that part of the reason her derpy shit might help her sell is because, as I mentioned before, its often paired with her most provocative poses. She'll be on her bed, standing on here knees normal for 4 poses and then she'll be laying on her bed with no top on, spread eagle, holding her bare tits, with the ugliest intentional face you've ever seen. I truly don't think it's out of wanting to be quirky to stand our, or legitimize her work. I really think it's a confidence issue. If she posted a set and the description was "All sexy baby. I'm a grown up now. No more derp, I just wanna turn yall on 🥵" I think you'd be hard pressed to find a legitimate, honest reaction of "aw man, wtf, please make yourself look like a constipated Llama again 🥺". I think liking something and simping for something are two very different things that muddy the market. Its why you have amouranth sucking off plastic dicks for 50 dollars a video and Naomi Kyle's fat ass being 5 months behind on digipacks while her sub count just stayed the same.

Edit: and yeah, if she wants to do it, fine. More power to her. But it makes me glad places like this exist where I don't need to pay to see the 4 pics from her expensive subscription that I like, while avoiding the ugly faces under the guise of quirkiness.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 15, 2022
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Probably an hour, as I tend to nut quickly with hot chicks, but they also tend to have a good time too. I'd play with her whole body, but as Bad Santa would say to her: "You won't shit right for a week....". She'd then complain on her Patreon/Snapchat about how she hasn't 'been able to have a proper shit...' for the past few days and blame it on a stomach flu or something. 😜

Vice City

Mar 13, 2022
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That is exactly what it is she doesn't want to go full e-girl and by doing the derp faces she believes it sets her apart from the mainstream. Also the fact she won't set up an onlyfans or fansly for that reason.

I think it's also social pressure, like if you come from a close family they will look down on their daughter/sister being a total e-thot. Some girls conform to those societal norms others don't. I'm not going to bag her out for it that's just how it is, some girls have their limits on what they deem acceptable.

She is still a hottie so I'm happy to enjoy her content while it lasts, even though it is priced up. Her inflated patreon prices which fits in well with everything else we are paying more for.