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Support Need Abbywinters request thread under premium site request section

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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 26, 2022
I want to request a thread for requesting "Abbywinters" content. There is already a Abbywinters content thread but requesting is not allowed in that thread apparently. I got temp ban because of that so I think its better to have a separate request thread for it. (fyi there are still request messages on the first few pages of that thread so I decided to ask for some content but mods did not agree with me. So its not like I broke any rules deliberately.)
I want to request a thread for requesting "Abbywinters" content. There is already a Abbywinters content thread but requesting is not allowed in that thread apparently. I got temp ban because of that so I think its better to have a separate request thread for it. (fyi there are still request messages on the first few pages of that thread so I decided to ask for some content but mods did not agree with me. So its not like I broke any rules deliberately.)
If you are looking for a specific video for example....it's allowed even if there a thread for that model.

Asking for more generally isn't allowed on main thread's and etc. If there is a non content post's on that main thread you can always use Report button.
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